Devouring The Heavens - Chapter 281: Fighting Dragon Platform

Chapter 281: Fighting Dragon Platform

Chapter 281: Fighting Dragon Platform

I didnt expect even the Master of the Fighting Dragons Sect would go out in person to seek a cure. How will we get rid of him now? In the darkness, Huawu Xian spoke up.

Its all thanks to the Nightmare Ghost. Without him, Xuanyuan is indistinguishable from all the other so-called geniuses in the world. This time, Ill send Wushang to partic.i.p.ate in the tournament. He has already reached the seventh rank of the Emperor realm. He can easily crush Xuanyuan in public. No one can tell us anything then. sneered Master Ruyi.

What if Xuanyuan uses the last promise to slaughter Wushang? Wont he be in danger? Huawu Xian frowned nervously.

It doesnt matter. Xuanyuan cant keep calling the Nightmare Ghost. I reckon he wont receive any help after the last wish. Once he uses it, killing Xuanyuan is as easy as crus.h.i.+ng an ant. Master Ruyi laughed.

Master Ruyi, please ensure that Wushang faces no danger. Please dont let him die.

Haha, dont worry. I know Wushang is your illegitimate son, I wont let any harm befall him. Furthermore, the Nightmare Ghost is an ancient being. Why would he waste his strength on someone so much weaker than him? If he wanted to, he would directly target us instead.

Youre right. Wushang is very strong as well. In just the last few years, hes reached the seventh rank of the Emperor realm. At this rate, he will far surpa.s.s us old men. Now, I really want to see what Xuanyuan is capable of. Huawu Xian relaxed and laughed, confident that Wushang would not be in any danger.

All this while, he was ignorant of the fact that his actions had incurred the wrath of the Huawu Xian, so much that he convened a meeting just to execute him. He just focused on steadily creating the disposition. Even though it was just an emperor cla.s.s disposition, its power couldnt be underestimated. The battle would be brutal, with everyone trying to kill each other. Likewise, Xuanyuan ws also prepared to kill his enemies. He knew that it was either kill or be killed.

During the entire process, the dragon bed kept infusing Xuanyuan with dragon Qi, allowing for Xuanyuan to continuously refine the disposition without needing to restore his Qi.

After finis.h.i.+ng the disposition, Xuanyuan sighed with relief. It was already the day of the tournament.

Xuanyuan put away all the energy sources back into his ring. Suddenly, a strong energy burst out from his ring. His heart quickened as he took out the source of the energy. It gleamed with a bright light, creating the image of a dragon in the sky. Rather than a man-made spectacle, this was a natural occurrence, containing the mysteries of the Dao.

Xuanyuan was enlightened by the sight. It seemed that the dragon formed by the energy source was similar to that of the ancient dragon. It resonated with his body, making Xuanyuan feel like he could break through the shackles binding him to the grandmaster realm.

He felt that he was just a step away from making a breakthrough. Knowing that he didnt have the time right now to complete the process, he immediately left.

As he exited, he was greeted by the sight of Huang Yuechan. Her black hair was flowing, her eyes were as l.u.s.trous as the moon. She was wearing a long, snow-white robe. She embraced Xuanyuans arms, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s pus.h.i.+ng against him. His breath quickened, and he thought to himself, Am I going to miss the tournament because of this woman?

Xuanyuan was nervous. While he was confident that he could beat her, she was not easy to deal with. It would take far too much time. If they were in a normal house, he could simply escape by breaking the windows and running away, but the palace was made from dragon keel. Even if he used his full strength he couldnt make a dent, even if the protection spell on the walls was disabled.

I couldnt control myself, I havent seen you for such a long time. I missed you so much. Huang Yuechan smiled coquettishly.

Xuanyuan wasnt happy at the turn of events. G.o.dd.a.m.n destiny. he murmured under his breath.

Addressing her, Xuanyuan said, Tell me what you want directly, I really dont have the time to waste now. Today is the day of the tournament. If I dont leave now, Im afraid I wont make it in time.

Oh husband dearest, why are you in such a rush? Youve already signed up, the battle arrangements are not due to start for a while. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. I controlled myself all these days, not wanting to disturb you. I really want to kiss you now.

Xuanyuan started to speak, but he was immediately cut off by her red lips suddenly covering his own. She smelt fragrant, and Xuanyuans mind was scattered.

Unconsciously, Xuanyuan stroked Huang Yuechans waist, making her s.h.i.+ver. Her body seemed to be designed to incite l.u.s.t in everyone who saw her.

Scolding himself, Huanyuan said, Im such a failure

He pushed her away, and angrily declared, If youre going to keep seducing me like this, then Im not going to return here.

Ill simply follow you to the ends of the earth. Im never going to let go of you. Huang Yuechan smiled innocently, a strand of saliva still falling from her lips. Seeing the effect she had on Xuanyuan, Huang Yuechan was ecstatic.

Xuanyuan was speechless.Clearing his head, he thought, I must leave the Fighting Dragons Sect as soon as I enter the List of Dragons. If I stay here any longer, she will devour me. I must preserve my life!

He looked at her and said, Well, you have already kissed me. Can I leave now?

Not yet. You still havent kissed me. The last one doesnt count, it was I who kissed


. I want you to kiss me. Huang Yuechan looked up, her eyes upturned, her eyelashes fluttering. Every look sent a shock through Xuanyuans heart.

Rolling his eyes, Xuanyuan was exasperated. He couldnt deal with her. Thank G.o.d Bai Youniang wasnt as forward as her. He would have lost his mind if that were the case.

Xuanyuan leaned down, and like before, gently kissed the corner of her mouth.

Im leaving now

Smiling, Huang Yuechan asked him, Are you sure you have to leave already? We could still have so much fun

Rendered momentarily speechless, Xuanyuan replied, No, I must leave now. Im afraid if I stay longer, I will definitely be seduced by you/ I need to be clear-minded and free of l.u.s.t. Amitabha, help me.

Xuanyuan walked out of the palace, the pig behind him. He seemed to be depressed, bleakly staring up at the falling flowers.

Such a waste sighed the pig.

Embarra.s.sed, Xuanyuan hurriedly said, Are you coming? If not, Ill leave you behind.

I pity her, how unfortunate. She doesnt know that you wont return after this tournament. How sad will she be when she finds out. Boy, do you really not like her?

Lewd pig, why are you so concerned about my love life? Mochou is good as well, does that mean I should do something to her as well?, Xuanyuan said, rolling his eyes.

The pig just sighed, You dont resemble a Great Emperor in any way. They have a harem of three thousand wives and concubines. You can literally have your pick of girls, yet you insist on living a chaste life. What are youm one of the monks? If you want to practice that path, why dont you go to the Western Sukhvat Temple to practice and see if you can become a Buddha?

Xuanyuans eyes brightened. He said. I would never have thought of that without you. Since I have the Vajrapani Earth, I can go to Western Sukhvat Temple. Maybe I can find a way to get rid of the Heart-Devouring Bug there.

The pig nodded and said, Its possible. But the Land of the East is a hundred million miles away from the Land of the West. It will take you a long time to get there. Distant water cant put out the fire at hand. Besides, you cant be certain that youll find the cure in the Land of the West. Its only a possibility. Relying upon oneself is better than relying upon others. Wait until you break through, youll be able to refine the bug by yourself!

Xuanyuan nodded, the pigs words made sense. He hurried towards the Fighting Dragons Star Stage.