Devouring The Heavens - Chapter 273 Hand to Hand Combat

Chapter 273 Hand to Hand Combat

Chapter 273: Hand to Hand Combat

Huang Yuechans expression suddenly darkened. Utilising her Heavenly Phoenix Steps, she rushed Xuanyuan. Her hands seemed to resemble the wings of a phoenix as she attacked.

Xuanyuan suddenly felt faint, under the impression he was trapped in an illusion. Taking advantage of the sudden moment of weakness that Xuanyuan showed, Huang Yuechan intensified her attacks.

His heart thumping, Xuanyuan summoned the Five Elements Roulette, fusing it with his giant arms. The strong Qi from the five elements smashed through Huang Yuechans attack, but she had already managed to close the gap between them.

Her dainty hands. .h.i.t Xuanyuan with force belying their appearance. However, Xuanyuan took no damage as his Heavenly Dragon Fighting Robe neutralised the attack. Xuanyuan realised that his defense wouldnt hold out forever, so he gathered his wits and launched a counterattack using the Five Elements Roulette. Huang Yuechan didnt step back, instead condensing the golden elixir inside her to defend herself. She was exuding a strong Phoenix Qi, and used it to attack the Five Element Roulette.

Beautiful Phoenix I already told you, you can no longer escape from me. Xuanyuan wasnt worried about the Phoenix Qi since he could use the Gold of the Dark Phoenix to a.s.similate the Qi into himself.

Saying that, Xuanyuan immediately attacked Huang Yuechan, breaking through the defensive power of her dress. Huang Yuechan realised that the Gold of the Dark Phoenix that Xuanyuan possessed was especially skilled at breaking any sort of technique. However, she still managed to escape from Xuanyuans grasp, flexibly rolling away. She putted and said, Husband dearest, I already apologised, and said that Ive realised my mistake. Can you still not let me go?

I really dont want to let you go, my beautiful wife. You played with fire, and you should have been prepared to get burnt. Xuanyuan laughed, and once again lunged at Huang Yuechan.

A phoenix G.o.ddess appeared behind Huang Yuechan, surrounded by a rain of feathers. Each feather looked razor-sharp, and attacked Xuanyuan at her behest.

Xuanyuan wasnt phased in the least. The Five Elements Emperor appeared behind, wielding the Five Elements ROulette. It easily broke through the barrage of feathers. However, Xuanyuan couldnt move forward, he was pushed back by the seemingly never-ending stream of feathers.

While Huang Yuechan was able to keep Xuanyuan at bay for now, her Qi was being drained rapidly. In contrast, Xuanyuan seemed to have an infinite supply of Qi. In reality, he kept devouring all the Qi around him in order to sustain his attacks. Normally, people could only absorb Qi that was suited to themselves, but thanks to the nature of his body, Xuanyuan didnt have this limitation.

I give, I give. Husband, youre bullying me with all the high ranked treasures you possess. Why dont you abandon those treasures, and attack me with solely the strength of your body. Do you not dare to fight me without the help of your treasures? Ill show you the difference between us! Huang Yuechan wrinkled her nose and fiercely challenged Xuanyuan.

As you wish. I have no qualms fighting solely based on our individual strengths. However, if you lose this battle, I dont want you to complain. Xuanyuan removed his treasures, storing them safely in his ring. All he had on was a simple s.h.i.+rt and a pleated skirt. Looking at Huang Yuechan, he said, Now, your turn. Remove all your treasures, since you wanted to have a fight using just our strengths.

How crude of you, husband dearest. If I take off my armour, Ill be left naked. I swear I wont utilise my treasures. Do me this favour, as a gentleman.

Xuanyuan chuckled, Well, Ill take your word. Dont go breaking it once you start losing.

As soon as Xuanyuan finished speaking, he rushed Huang Yuechan. She immediately managed to block his attack, and her hand came slicing towards his neck. Xuanyuan turned his back to receive the blow. The sound that came from the impact dind;t sound like the collision of two bones.

I didnt expect you to have a strong physical body atop your impressive Qi reserves. Surprised at the resiliency of his body, Huang Yuechan took several steps back.

Xuanyuan laughed, I dont just train my inner body, I also make sure to strengthen the outer body as well. Xuanyuan continued to attack, but Huang Yuechan didnt step back. Instead, she kept pressing forward, her bosom gleaming with the sweat of exertion. Seeing the scenery in front of him, Xuanyuan was momentarily distracted. Capitalising on the opportunity, Huang yuechan immediately kicked at the s.p.a.ce between his legs. Surprised, Xuanyuan immediately shut his legs, protecting himself.

How scary. You want to make your husband a eunuch? I cant satisfy you ever again then. Xuanyuan was used to hearing coa.r.s.e language thanks to all the beggars he grew up amongst, but Huang Yuechan was never exposed to such an environment. She grew up a sheltered maiden, and she couldnt help but blush.

How cra.s.s! Without giving Xuanyuan time to react, she immediately scratched at his chest. While it caused no wounds, Xuanyuan felt a sharp sting, akin to a bite.

Xuanyuan allowed Huang Yuechan to continue attacking him. He simply pinned her to the floor.

If I were not cra.s.s, you wouldnt be attracted to me.

As she was being pinned, Huang Yuechan tried to strike Xuanyuans crotch with her knees. Antic.i.p.ating the attack, he simply blocked her attack with ease, and completely pinned her down. He slowly removed her dress, and devoured the sight of her naked body.

Huang Yuechan screamed, Get off! Please! Huang Yuechan was shocked. She didnt expect to even lose in a contest of pure strength.

As I said earlier, I wont let you go. I think its time for your punishment now Xuanyuan laughed excitedly. He wrapped his hands around her slender waist, pulled her closer, and slowly kissed those tantalisingly red lips of hers. Surprised by the sudden action, Huang Yuechan didnt resist, but instead pulled him into her. Xuanyuan didnt expect his kiss, which started off as a joke, to become serious.

Suddenly Xuanyuan felt a sharp pain on his lips. He slowly felt as if he was becoming numb, dropping to the floor, unable to move. Looking up at Huang Yuechan, he saw her teeth gleaming.

You bit me! You have poison coated on your teeth?! However, the dragons blood in him started purifying the poison, bit by bit.

Her face red, Huang Yuechan said, You thought it would be that easy to have your way with me? You underestimated me. Her heaving body, flushed with excitement, aroused Xuanyuan.

Mounting him, like a victorious general mounting her horse, she slowly dragged her fingers down his chest. Lightly chuckling, she said, Now that I have you trapped underneath me, I wonder what I should do with you?.

Resplendent in the candle-light, her body gleamed. Xuanyuan tried to buy some time. The poison wasnt deadly, it just depleted him of all strength. With time, his dragon blood would cleanse it.

My beautiful Phoenix, what do you wish to do with me. As your husband, I dont fear whatever you wish to do to me.

HmmShould I cut you open like this? Maybe play with you like a guqin, before killing you? Hey nails, sharp as swords, gleamed in the light.

Nervously chuckling, Xuanyuan replied, If you dont wish to remain alone for the rest of your life, Id suggest steering clear of those ideas. I care for my life however, why dont you tell me what you want me to do? WHilst talking, Xuanyuan continued to cleanse his blood.

Ecstatic at his submission, Huang Yuechan replied, Lick my toes then.

Not refusing her, Xuanyuan instead deflected, saying, Allow me some time to consider it. Why dont we take a nice, long shower in the meantime? Im exhausted after our long fight. He didnt intend to suck on her toes, no matter how fragrant they smelled.

If you do not do my bidding, I may have to find other ways to coerce you. Softly whispering in Xuanyuans ears, her hands slowly surrounded his privates.

By now, the entirety of the poison had been purged. Xuanyuan immediately flipped Huang Yuechan under him. Surprised at his sudden recovery, she could do nothing but remain pinned under him.

You really are scary. Looks like I have to now punish you. Xuanuyuan declared triumphantly, ensuring that she was completely pinned underneath him.