"Excuse me?" I asked.
The mysterious young woman smiled. "That'll do. What is that, Estuary?"
I raised an eyebrow.
"You know your accents."
"Could say that."
Unlike the other locals, she seemed to have a more dignified tongue, even if her own accent faintly slipped through.
It was my turn to smile.
"Who the Devil are you?" I asked.
"My name's Riley," the woman answered, holding out a small hand. Without thinking, I took it into my own, feeling how soft and delicate it was within my much sturdier grasp.
"Charmed. Call me Lex."
"Lex," she repeated, trying out the syllable for herself against the backs of her teeth. "I like that. Short for "Alexander?"
"Well, Alexander, just between you and me, would you like to know a secret?" She leaned in closer, watching my eyes. I couldn't help but play along with whatever this was.
"Go on, then."
Riley glanced around quickly, then whispered into my ear, as if she were telling me the most important secret in the entire world: "We're going to fuck tonight."
If there had been beer in my mouth, it would have sprayed across the counter. I took a quick, hard look at this woman who had sat down next to me, and I couldn't help but shake my head in surprise.
Or was it admiration?
"Awfully presumptuous, yeah? And what exactly makes you think that I'm taking you to bed?"
"I don't care what reason you pick," she shrugged nonchalantly, smiling as the bartender walked over. "I just know that it's going to happen." Her tone shifted. "Hi, could I have a glass of shiraz?"
"Certainly," the bartender nodded.
"Oh, and put it on his tab," she jabbed a thumb to me without turning her head. "If you'd be so kind, Geoff."
He glanced over for confirmation, and I was so impressed that I could only give a crisp nod.
The bartender poured a glass of wine for her, setting it down in front and giving a slight nod of acknowledgement. I returned the gesture and watched her take a quick sip.
"Delicious," she cooed.
Who the hell is this woman?
I was about to find out...
Riley Ok, maybe I'd been a little too forward, but this man was sex on wheels. His style, his eyes, his voice. I don't think I'd ever been more instantly turned on in my entire life. It wasn't longer than two hours of seductive, dominant coercion before my back hit the comforter of Lex's hotel bed, his strong kisses already littered across my throat and my lips.
The weight of his streamlined, hardened body slid down against mine. Effortlessly pinning me beneath himself, his lips found my neck, kissing hungrily into the soft flesh there.
I relented to the heat of his touch, allowing him to find purchase into my skin. His lips stained a trail of kisses along my collarbone, rising up the opposing side of my throat, and then there it was his lips on mine.
My chest heaved beneath his might as I gave in, surrendering myself up for the taking.
The fine, strapping Englishman didn't ignore the impulse, sliding the straps of my dress over my shoulders, his rough hand clenching into my thigh as he kissed me deeply and passionately.
Even in that moment, I could feel something spark deep inside, but the very thought alarmed me. Instead, I pushed it aside, concentrating more on the matter at hand.
The matter, that was, of his cock.
I could already feel it yearning for me. The bulge trapped within the fabric of his trousers pressed outward for me, hungrily demanding satisfaction. As he shifted his weight above me, I could gather a more accurate sense of its size... it was an intimidating weapon, larger than any that I'd experienced before.
Oh, the heat that came off of it!
My fingers clasped for his belt beneath him, eager to rip that tool free from its fabric prison, but Lex grabbed my wrists and forced them back up.
Pinned on either side above me, he dove in for more, holding my captive form at the ready as his lips pressed into mine. His tongue slid across my own, inviting it to play.
And play it did.
He knew just how to kiss me properly, and I welcomed the wetness of his lustful tongue into my hungry mouth. The sheer ferocity of how he touched me took my developing lust and set it fully ablaze. Even now, he ignored the demands of my nimble fingers, restraining me instead of allowing them to coil around his throbbing cock.
"Just let me," I whispered between kisses.
His eyes flared open, filled with such a primal need that it almost terrified me. "No," he groaned, grinding himself between my legs to taunt me further.
"But I want to... I know you need it, too..."
A smirk flickered across his lips. "Not yet."
Oh good, I thought to myself. This one's got a backbone. I can work with that.
He released my wrists, but chose to slide down, whipping the dress up over my thighs. I sat up to help him as he whisked the garment clean from my body, leaving me in just my matched red bra and panties.
"You're gorgeous," Lex whispered, taking me in with hungry, borderline ravenous eyes.
"All just for you," I smiled naughtily.
With that provocation, he knelt on the bed between my legs, effortlessly casting the bra aside as his deft fingers unlocked the clasp. My ample bosom spilt forth, milky white breasts with perky little peaks. Already, my nipples stood at attention, swelling with anticipation for his touch... and in this regard, he certainly didn't disappoint.
As he pushed me back onto the bed, Lex descended down upon me. With a hand clasped around one breast, his tongue snapped around the erect nub. I moaned with content as he began lapping away hungrily at the darkened bump, his outstretched hand clasping around the other breast.
His tongue sent waves of shuddering pleasure down my skin, and my fingers naturally wove into his hair to keep him pressed tightly against me. Still disobeying, he took the opportunity to alternate positions, switching his sucking mouth to the other nipple. His fingers tightened around the freshly exposed nub, twisting and grazing it between the digits.
He knew just how to knead my bosom, too, squeezing hard, but not too hard; alternating pressure, approach, and any other conceivable factor.
My hands, discontent with holding his head, slipped down to wrap around the back of his neck. He murmured with satisfaction at this choice while continuing to please me.
Soon, he kissed a trail down my stomach to my thong, pressing his lips against the thin sheer of the fabric. The pressure hit just the right spot, as he had expected my hands dug backwards into the comforter, and my back rose up from the bed.
"Ooohhh..." I murmured in delight, biting my bottom lip as he chuckled huskily, repeating the effort a second, then a third time...
And before I knew it, his thumbs had slid into the small lining, and he was whipping my thong clean off my thighs, around my ankles, and off to the floor with the dress.
"It's not fair, Lex," I whispered hungrily.
"What's that, love?"
"I'm completely naked for you, and you've still got everything on..." I grasped his tie, pulling his face down to mine. Our lips met, and I kissed him fervently, sliding my tongue along his own. "You'd better lose some of this..."
"Why don't you give me a hand, yeah?"
I sat up and knelt behind him as he sat on the nearby corner of the bed. My hands brushed along his blazer, sliding it off his shoulders and tossing it to the side. Reaching around his throat, I slowly, gradually undid his tie, sliding it up his dress shirt as I pulled it free.
Next, my hands wrapped around his arms, and I found and began unclasping his buttons. My lips dug into his neck, tasting of his throat as I slowly, gradually undressed this beautiful specimen of a man.
With the shirt free, that left only his slacks and socks. For a moment, I was distracted by the dark, intricate tattoos, hinting at something fierce beneath that skin...
Lex stood up in front of me, and I grew distracted. I began to unbuckle his belt, sensing the heated power of his tremendous cock. Just knowing how close it was drove me absolutely wild.
The mighty beast bulged against his boxer briefs as they came into sight. I was tempted to stop where I was, release the dragon, and try to get it into my mouth...
But Lex noticed this, and he urged me onwards. I continued pulling his slacks down until he stepped out of them, whipping off his socks, and standing confidently before me.
Lex was a sight to behold.
He stood just over six feet tall, with a broad, rugged and athletic build that was just stacked with sharp, incredible muscles. The rugged six-pack beneath his pectorals stretched down to the telltale "v", digging down to his cock...
A cock that was huge.
Who the hell was this guy? Everything about him screamed confidence, experience, and eager to please...
Besides the amazing body on this rugged foreigner, I was caught off-guard by the ink. Swirls of black tattoos stretched across his pecs and down his arms, stretching down towards his six-pack.
"Were those... painful?" I cautiously asked with abated breath, unable to rip my eyes from the fierce tattoos.
"Some," he chuckled, crossing his arms to show them off. "Obviously, the ones above my heart were the worst. The skin's rather tender there... do you like them?"
I had the worst case of cottonmouth I'd had in ages, and all I could do was nod curiously, my eyes still glued to their edges.
I realized too late that he was pushing me back in bed, coercing me backwards until I was comfortably lying in the pillows. His lips met my skin along my collarbone again, and he hungrily peppered a trail of kisses downwards, his fingernails digging into my skin and dragging down to clench above my thighs...
As he pressed into the creases of my hips, shouldering my thighs above his shoulders, his lips pressed into each thigh in succession. He stained them with kisses before pressing his face between my legs, his tongue immediately gracing my engorged clit and sending shivers down my spine.
"Oh, Lex..." I murmured with a moan.
He continued to pry the bead of my passion, his lips pressing against my wet sex. "You taste so good, love," he observed, his voice dripping with lust. "You're just what I wanted."
I nodded, lost in pleasure. He stroked my clit with his tongue once more, falling into a rhythm as he manipulated the tiny organ in ways no man had ever done to me before.
He knew when enough was enough, too, pulling back just as the button started to grow sensitive. His tongue stiffened as it pressed into my body, lapping away at my lower lips as he clenched his fingertips deeper into my thighs. In response, my legs tightened around his skull, and my back threw itself against the bed again.
"Oh god... Lex... fuck..."
My fingers threaded back into his hair as I rode his tongue, eager for release. His face kept pressing against the sensitive folds above my slickened opening, and it continuously pushed me to new heights.
He's just so fucking good at this, I thought to myself. Holy shit, Riley, you finally found someone who knows how to get you off...
True to form, it wasn't long before I could feel the distant rumblings of an impending orgasm. Whereas actually experiencing my own thrilling conclusion was a gamble every time, this man had brought my senses to a record-beating level, both in intensity and speed.
"Oh god... Lex... I'm gonna... don't stop, please don't stop... don't you dare fucking stop..."
My thighs tightened around his face as he amped up the rhythm, returning to suck my clit into his mouth.
I was putty in his hands then, and the shivers down my spine turned into pure, unadulterated nirvana. As pleasure whiplashed down my back, a jaw-dropping orgasm tore through me, tearing inhuman, animalistic groans from my lips.
"Fuck Lex I'm coming just "
With staggered breaths, I moaned out a string of expletives, finally crumpling to a heap against the bed. He disentangled my legs from around his head, pulling himself up to plant a stained kiss against my lips.
My arms wrapped around him, pulling him deeper. I could taste the evidence of my own satisfaction on him, and our tongues danced together as I wiped it clean with my own.
"Who are you?" I found myself asking with a mixture of contentment and surprise at his skill. "I've never, ever been with someone this... talented..."
"Well, Lex Lambert isn't just someone, love," he chuckled knowingly. After a second, his face changed, and he realized he'd divulged his surname to me.
"...Forget I said that," he chuckled nervously.
"Why, is your name important?" I asked, glancing curiously at him. "Really though, now that you mention it... who are you?"
"Just someone passing through," he deflected casually, stroking his cock as he hovered above me. Supporting himself on one elbow, I could sense the power of his chiseled strength, and I knew that my window to press the matter was closing and fast.
"Lex, you can tell me anything"