The Dragons glanced amongst one another, unsure on how to proceed. Despite my conviction, I sensed their clear and apparent apprehension. I was asking them to fight the goddamned boogeyman. Nobody had ever gone after Soroka and came out alive on the other side.
"I won't pretend that I'm not asking the world of you," I addressed them. "This is the woman who bears my child... I'm going. I will ride alone or I will ride with my brothers. I certainly will not begrudge"
"Aye," spoke Ricochet. Cutting me off.
"Aye," spoke Skid.
"Aye," spoke Victor.
Soon, the room filled with the confirmations that I feared might never come. My men had my back. My Devil's Dragons would fearlessly follow their leader into battle against even Soroka Sarkonov.
My gaze shifted to Talon. A confident smirk begrudgingly crossed his lips, and he gave me a slight nod to offer a token of respect.
"Suit up, boys," I addressed my motorcycle club. "After that, we ride due east. Our objectives are to rescue Sarah Buchanan, defeat Sarkonov's proxy, and take down the bitch herself! Let's get some!"
The men roared with war lust as they scrambled to throw on bulletproof vests, load the weapons, and prepare for a fight.
"I need to know where I'm going, Talon," I turned to my surprise ally, who followed me past the swarm of men. "The moment the men are ready, I want to be hitting the road."
"Of course," he replied, withdrawing a map from the inside pocket of his jacket. "I've taken the liberty of marking out what I think her rendezvous coordinates are going to be... And here's a phone tracking her in real time..."
Unfolding the map, I held it up and scrutinized the markings, comparing it to the map on the phone. The small dot moved slowly along a winding road, taking Sarah further and further from me with every passing second. Talon indicated a pullout point just past Temecula.
"Here?" I pointed to a red dot.
"That's the place," Talon nodded, stroking his beard. "If you leave now, you won't even need luck on your side..."
He was right. The rendezvous point looked fairly accessible from the main interstate, and I suspected that we could beat our enemies there with time to set up an ambush.
Talon stepped back to talk with his single accompanying biker, and I found myself face to face with my second-in-command, Grizz.
"Permission to speak freely, sir."
"You know you don't need my fucking permission Grizz," I replied. "You always have clearance to speak your mind with me."
"Talon is not telling you everything that he knows," Grizz spoke ominously.
"I think I'd be more surprised if he was telling me the whole fucking truth. Friend or foe, the old bastard's all that we have right now," I said, casting a sideways glance back at the president of the Los Angeles Devil's Dragons. "Thy have Sarah, Grizz. I have to get her back."
"I'm with you," Grizz said, grabbing my shoulder.
"Good... let's ride."
Hang on, baby, I mentally called to Sarah as I made my way to my bike, as I heard the sound of my men clamoring behind me to their own motorcycles. The ominous air was filled with gun-stained vengeance.
We're coming for you.
Sarah When I awoke, the first thing that I was aware of was the throbbing pain in my head a swirling spiral of aching that eclipsed all of my thoughts. The second thing was that I was bound awkwardly and hastily, with my wrists tied behind my back.
The third was that I'd become blind.
After a bout of horrendous panic, I realized that it wasn't that I was actually blind. I felt the constant movement of my prison, and the bumping of the road beneath me.
That meant that not only was I locked in the missing storage container, but Hannah had successfully removed it from the Port of Los Angeles.
It was on the truck, heading God knows where... rigged to possibly explode, with me trapped inside.
And it was lead-lined...
Panic gripped at me. I didn't feel unwell, but there was no way to tell if the bomb in this container was leaking radiation. The lining could have just been a contingency, or maybe this thing had been slowly making me sick as I laid here for who the fuck knows how long...
After all, I was a goddamn private eye, not a fucking expert in nuclear physics.
I wondered if she was driving it now, or relying on someone else to do so while she rode shotgun. Maybe she wasn't even in the same vehicle, choosing to run in an escort vehicle.
Either way, I was pretty much fucked.
I tried to wiggle around and see if I could dislodge my phone from my jeans. If that were so, at least I could use it for a light source. I'd get a grasp of my surroundings so that I didn't accidentally bump into something prone to bursting into flames, especially given who really owned the container that served as my jail cell.
It was then that I remembered the traitorous little phone had gotten me into this entire mess to begin with... and it was probably still in Talon's office.
Well, fuck me sideways.
I was in an impenetrable storage container, rigged to explode, hurtling probably towards the middle of nowhere, with nobody aware that I was in any trouble. Meanwhile, Hunter's sister had successfully passed herself off as a friend, when she was here specifically to swoop in and bring the goddamned box to her goddamned boss.
No wonder the bitch had been so adamant that I keep digging into this case. Be independent, my ass!
It was too late to worry about spilled milk. I was part of the package deal, having successfully painted a massive target on myself the moment that I dropped my phone.
For bonus points, it had happened in front of both the traitor and the guy who could halt my cavalry's progress at every turn.
In that second, feeling the weight of total defeat threaten to crush me, I vowed to absolutely give Hunter the benefit of the doubt and work through all of our worries if I ever saw him again.
How long had I been in here? I was totally unable to gauge the passage of time. One hour or twelve, it all seemed a blur to me. The big knot throbbing on my skull wasn't helping matters either.
All I knew was that I was moving somewhere, and Hannah wasn't exactly going easy on the truck. I was being bounced around and thrown from side to side with every twist and turn.
Not only is my captor dragging me along towards my inevitable demise... she's also a shitty fucking driver.
Worse than that, the bumpiness was really starting to fuck with my pregnancy symptoms.
I was getting more and more nauseous by the second, and the thought of vomiting in this enclosed area without ventilation wasn't exactly making me happy.
As if I'd ever be happy again...
Hell, the thought of that almost made me chuck up my guts in the moment.
Pull it together, Sarah, I tried to pep talk myself. Come on. You were a great goddamn cop. So, the detective thing didn't exactly work out, and you got yourself kidnapped in your first private investigation case...
Doesn't matter.
You're gonna figure a way out of here. There's gotta be something, ANYTHING you haven't considered...
It was hard to do without the luxury of light, the acknowledgement of passing time, any concept of where we were going, nobody aware I was kidnapped or coming to save me, or even any understanding of where I was.
Minor details, I told myself.
Oh, who the fuck am I kidding?
I'm gonna fucking kick the bucket today.
In my frustration, I tried to stand. Maybe if I could get my bearings on where I was, or what exactly was even in the stupid container with me.
What are we talking here, something the size of a beach ball? Or is half this goddamn box a nuclear bomb?
I managed to get to my feet just as the vehicle hit a small bump, but I realized very quickly that I had very little space to move about. Whatever was in this container was taking up almost the entire square footage. Before I could investigate further, the truck hit a harder bump and forced me to topple to the ground. I hit the floor of the container hard and yelped in pain, but I luckily didn't break anything.
Just fucking great.
As I lay there for a few moments, my face started to get warm, and I became gradually aware that my head was getting fuzzier. Something was up in here, and I couldn't exactly put my finger on it...
Was it radiation?
Ten minutes later, it finally hit me: the air was thinning out. I hadn't been conserving it or trying to breath lighter, and within minutes of trying to restrain my mounting panic, I found myself frenziedly gasping for air.
This thing is waterproof, I realized.
Stands to reason that it's airtight as well...
Black fuzziness began to overcome my already blind eyes. I tried to breathe as shallowly as possible, but I knew that it was a futile effort.
I am going to suffocate and die here.
My thoughts desperately went to Hunter, my beloved. I had been so completely fucking stupid in resisting his good-natured attempts to save and shelter me...
All he'd wanted to do was keep me safe.
That's the only thing that he'd asked for to put me in a goddamn safehouse and keep me protected while he faced our enemy alone.
And I fucking blew it by spiraling straight into danger. I'd gotten lucky the first time, but by testing my luck and throwing caution to the wind, I'd signed my own execution papers.
Well... maybe Daddy and Hunter will live, I hoped.
Things started growing fuzzy.
The world was slipping away...
This was the moment. I was going to choke to death in desperate need of delicious, life-giving oxygen.
This is it...
Goodbye, my beloved...
I'm so sorry.
I was so far gone that I was starting to hear noises now, distant clicking and clanking sounds that were ushering me towards my death.
That's... not what angels are supposed to sound like, I babbled in my head. Maybe those are demons... great, big, mechanical demons...
Oh god, I'm going to Hell instead...?
What the fuck, man?!
A white light flooded me, and I knew that my time had finally come. A great lifting of pressure bathed me in relief, and I gasped in happiness and satisfaction that I was finally home...
Well, if home looked like a roadside pullout, with cars roaring past in the distance.
I'm alive?!?
Hannah Hargreaves looked at me with something that was almost disappointment after opening the back of the storage container.
"What the hell was that noise back here?"
She glanced down at my gasping form.
Gasping hungrily and desperately for air, I gazed up at her from the floor. Hunter's older sister looked at me with pity as she held the door propped open, turning and lighting up a cigarette.
"You'll have to forgive me," she mentioned offhandedly, turning back to watch me suck down the precious, beautiful air. "Kind of slipped my mind that this thing was airtight. Whoops."
"You..." I gasped. "Why are you...?"
"Nuh-uh," Hannah warned. "Sorry, kiddo, but you don't get to hear the story. All you've gotta know is that I'll figure out what to do with you in a little while... I'm still thinking things over, yeah?"
My breathing was slightly easier now, and I fought down my nauseous stomach. It wanted to rebel against me and vomit up the last meal I'd had maybe the last meal I'd ever have.