Devil's Dragons MC: Pride And Pregnancy - Devil's Dragons MC: Pride and Pregnancy Part 105

Devil's Dragons MC: Pride and Pregnancy Part 105

That was apparently all the provocation he needed, because he was pushing inside, his fingers a poor substitute for the real thing. His cock stretched my walls, and even as wet as I was... I still had to steel myself, letting him retreat an inch or two, only to push further inside.

I relaxed my body as best as I could, settling against the sofa with an ankle draped above us on the soft wall. Hunter groaned with pleasure as he continued to push further inside, hilting himself against my hips.

"Oh god, Sarah," he murmured with only the faintest coherence to his aching voice. "You feel so fucking good... you're so hot, so tight..."

I could only bite my knuckles, squeezing my breast with the free hand as I watched the surge of emotion across his face. His rough fingers clamped into thighs as he held them up, pushing my ankles onto his shoulders. Satisfied with that position, he began to drill himself into me, thrusting again and again, harder and harder...

My chest filled with moans moans too intense, and too frequent, to possibly contain. I sang out a chorus of primal, feral sounds as he fucked me hard.

Soon, he pulled me onto my knees, pressing my palms down on the top cushioned edge of the couch. His knees between mine separated my ankles, and I felt the power of his body against mine as he burrowed deep inside me again, one hand clasping a fistful of my hair as he rode my hips hard. The soft surface gave just enough beneath our motions, putting a bounce in the way my body met his a bounce that only drove the two of us even wilder.

"Goddammit, Sarah, your tight pussy is fucking amazing," he groaned into my ear, his voice overcome with hardened need. "You're going to make me come like this..."

"Do it," I nodded against his cheek. "Come for me. Come inside this wet pussy, it's all yours baby. Just fuck me and come for me..."

I felt him shake his head, and I had to stifle my disappointment. I wanted to feel him lose himself inside me so badly...

But then he extracted himself, pulling me up from the sofa and across the floor. My back was thrown to a wall, and his strong hands clasped my ass, lifting me up against the soft surface.

"Wait... what are you...?"

"You know that I've been working out," Hunter chuckled hungrily, lifting me to his hips.

My tentative fingertips rolled over his strong shoulders and down his firm, tight biceps. He was always in great shape, but he was right he was stronger than I remembered. With more time in the gym, he could be absolutely stacked.

"Yeah, I see that..."

Hunter gave a smug, husky little chuckle as he slipped me into place against him, pinned between his flat stomach and the strip club wall.

With a deft maneuver, I felt the strength sap from my limbs as his punishingly thick cock penetrated the slick folds of my wet pussy again. There was no need to prepare my body for this one with the angle, and how drenched I already was, he hilted himself with little effort.

"Fuck, Hunter," I gasped.

"That was the general idea..."

His lips descended upon my neck, and I let out a sigh of contentment. I hooked my ankles together into the crook of his back, my hand clasping the opposite wrist around the back of his neck.

Once I was nice and secure, with his hands still supporting my ass up against the wall, he began to thrust into me again and again...

It was a carnal circus, a physical paradise.

I loved how our bodies responded to one another's skin, adjusting and tightening, squeezing and pushing.

"I don't know that I can hold out too long," Hunter murmured into my ear.

"It's okay, I already came," I whispered.

"I want you to come again."

My eyes flickered open, and I gazed into his fierce, carnal stare. His lids were only half-open themselves, but I could see the deep need within that lustful pair of pupils...

I nodded. "Just... keep doing what you're..."

He adjusted me against his hips, changing the angle slightly. I slid just an inch down the wall, but the way he was penetrating me now rubbed just right against my inner folds...

I gasped out my satisfaction, struggling for syllables. "Oh god, that's even better..."

His grunted chuckle was lost against my lips as his kiss came down hard. My fingers dug into his back; my body remained pinned against his and open for him, ready for him, parted for his singular use.

Whatever he wanted...

Whatever he needed...

Hunter's thick, rock-hard erection was driving me closer to another staggering precipice. I knew it wouldn't be much longer...

His motions grew more frantic with each passing second. He was crushing me with wild abandon now, filling and fulfilling me... and it turned me on so hard to know that it was me doing this, me bringing this beautiful man to the brink of ecstasy...

I rocked my hips to meet him eager to roll my pelvis against his own, and desperate to bring him to the edge beside me.

"Oh fuck, Sarah! Fuck just FUCK!"

He stiffened up completely, his cock thrusting in as deep into my wet chasm as it could possibly tread. Luckily, I was already descending into an orgasm, and his last push threw me over the edge...

As our bodies seized up together, I felt a successive wave of multiple orgasms strike down every last ounce of cognizant thought that I could muster.

My mind went blank with pleasure.

Emptied of thought, emptied of self, I was merely a strained, tightened ball of pleasure, wrapped around the body of this amazing man. The sensations I felt assaulted me from deep inside as I felt his hot seed pump into my body.

As I felt my tightened muscles uncoiling, releasing their grip on his flesh, I rode out the last few orgasms while he panted in exhaustion. It must have been six, maybe seven in a row...

Hunter gradually slid me to my feet on the floor. Gasping, groaning, and clutching his head with a single hand, I could see how his chest heaved.

He was completely spent.

"Did we... did we just come together?" He groaned, one eye closed as he watched me. "I think we did..."

Fighting my clumsy legs, I strolled over to him and placed my palms against his hard chest. He was slick with a thin layer of sweat, and I wanted to lick every salty drop of it off of him.

"Do you see why I can't give you up? Even if you try, you can't make me pass on this... I need you too much... And you need me."

Hunter nodded, pulling me into a deep embrace. I could feel his racing heart beneath his skin and bones, pumping against my cheek, and it only reminded me of how fast my own was beating...

We wound up together on the sofa. It was always so easy to curl up with him. My body fit the contours of his so easily, and his skin was like a furnace putting out enough warmth to soothe me with something as simple as a cuddle.

My head had stopped pounding, and I was looking at the world with renewed eyes... renewed vision.

That meant him as well... and these silly ideas of leaving me behind.

"Hunter," I told him, guiding his face to regard my own. "If you're going to do this if you're going to join this world... I'm coming too."


"No, don't. Don't tell me that I'm nave, or that I don't know what I'm getting myself into." I nestled a little closer to him. "Look into my eyes... I know what I'm doing."

He turned slightly, our eyes separated by a couple of inches and nothing else. He regarded me calmly, and then resigned himself.

Hunter knew that I was right.

"Okay," he finally answered.

I felt the warmth of Hunter's chest against mine, and comforted myself in the rhythmic rising and falling of his lungs. Nestling closer to him, I nuzzled my face into his neck, preparing to nip his skin and slip into sleep...

Something felt wrong.

My eyes flashed completely open.

Wait. I twisted my neck, gazing around at the room. Panic began to seize at my chest.

Oh fuck. We fell asleep!

What time is it?

I extracted myself up from Hunter's slumbering body. He shifted slightly in his sleep, turning inward to the sofa as I fumbled around in the semi-darkness, whipping on my panties, jeans, and what was left of my shirt. Quietly but quickly, I crept over to the blackout curtains on the other side of the small, private room...

Ripping open the drapes, I gazed upon the clear sign of my own damnation. My strength left me as I dropped down to my knees in defeat. The bright sun filtered in, casting its infernal glow across the entire room.

"Mmf..." Hunter groaned, moving to cover his face in the sofa's seam. He lazily called out to me: "Hey... Sarah, can you... turn out the light?"

"The light's not on," I groaned.

There was a pause.

Suddenly, there came the sounds of quick and panicked rustling. I felt the warmth of Hunter's form as he stopped behind me, rubbing sleep from his eyes with a terrified look on his face.

"What fucking time is it?"

"I don't know," I moaned, scrambling around the floor for my phone near the sofa. It must have fallen out of my jeans pocket during the festivities the night before.

"Maybe your father hasn't noticed that you're gone," Hunter spoke optimistically, taking a quick look at the window.

Before I could retort, there was a sound of commotion from deeper into the strip club. Apparently, there were still some people from the night before...

My spirits crashed further down when I heard the distant shout... "Police!"

Hunter groaned, covering his face with his hand. "I guess that was a tad optimistic, now that I think about it..."

All of a sudden, another noise joined the fray... Louder... Vicious... Deadly.


I turned to hunter feeling as pale as a ghost.

"Was that a gunshot?"

"No," Hunter replied as I listened to the hissing sound on the other side of the door. "That was pepper spray."


Hunter rushed across the room, his posture completely changed.

"Babe, we've gotta go."

As Hunter threw his jeans on, I finally put my hands on my phone. A million missed calls, of course, and all of them from my father. I glanced back up and could see coils of smoke drawing into the room from outside the door. My eyes had already started to water.

"What are we going to do?" I said with panic in my voice.

Another muffled call came from down the hall somewhere. "Police! Drop the guns!" That one sounded familiar enough to strike terror down my spine...

"It's war," Hunter hissed. "Your father is coming for you and it sounds like he brought half the police in the damn city. The problem is this club isn't going down without a proper fight..."

"The club?" I asked, confused. "Are you talking about the strip club, or your motorcycle club?"

Hunter didn't skip a beat as he threw his shirt on, straightening a quick crick in his neck. "Yeah, Sarah, at this point I don't think that there's really a difference..."

The commotion had slowed in its progress, but it was still conspicuously advancing down the hallway towards us... And it had intensified. The sounds of actual gunfire were now filling the club as Hunter ran to the window, fiddling at the latches.

"Dammit!" He hissed when they wouldn't move. "Stupid goddamn thing must be locked... guess I'm just gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way..."

I was frozen to the spot as I heard the violence going on outside this little room. Every part of me wanted this to be a dream... I just wanted to wake up in Hunter's arms with the whole world set right again.

But this was no dream. My father was outside that door, and he was coming...

Hunter put his hands on a bar stool beneath the small bar along the far wall. Carrying it across the room, he steadied himself beside the window and raised it up to the glass, shattering the window. With quick reflexes, he used one of the bar stool legs to break out the glass along the edges of the windowpane, securing a safe passage out so long as I didn't touch the sides.

More smoke poured under the door, my throat burning as I locked eyes with Hunter.

He could read the terror on my face.

"Princess... we need to go."