Devil's Dragons MC: Pride And Pregnancy - Devil's Dragons MC: Pride and Pregnancy Part 103

Devil's Dragons MC: Pride and Pregnancy Part 103

Slipping into my little beaten-up Hyundai coupe, I pressed my keys into the ignition and turned. The engine cranked to life, and I quickly pulled back through the driveway and onto the streets of our neat, suburban subdivision.

I always loved how our community looked at night. Passing under the streetlights, I glanced over clay-colored landscaping with its bits of desert shrubbery.

This place was pretty nice, all things considered. We lived in a good part of Phoenix, although it certainly helped to keep the local neighborhood safe when you had the local precinct's Sheriff living across the street.

I wasn't sticking to the nice parts of town. Not tonight... My little moonlight excursion was taking me about thirty minutes away. I was heading towards the seedy center of the city, the kind of place no self respecting good girl would find herself so late at night.

My phone remained quiet the entire time I drove, which was a pretty good sign to me.

The last thing I needed was Daddy waking up in the middle of the night and realizing I'd gone...

I saw the sign for the strip club perched a couple of blocks over. Despite all the work the city had done to improve its downtown image, the club had survived, neon pink sign and all. The parking lot was usually full of motorcycles which intimidated the locals and kept them out... People were probably waiting for the day the whole building would be knocked flat and replaced with yet another Starbucks.

But I knew that was never going to happen.

For public appearances, an investor who spent most of his time out of town owned and technically operated the strip club. He kept a couple of managers on the premises, and the girls were well taken care of for their efforts. He was keeping the whole thing afloat with an old inheritance.

The truth was a little different.

There was no investor. No mysterious and wealthy benefactor. Look beyond the parking lot and the big pink sign and you'd see the huge roll-up garage that butted up to the back of the building.

The strip club nothing more than a front for the local biker gang, a dangerous group of criminals known as the Devil's Dragons MC. They were the guys who ruled the local roost, and most of the city's illegal activities gave a quick nod to them.

It helped that their leader, a ruthless criminal known only as Eduardo, had made plenty of his rivals disappear. The lowlifes that remained gave the Devil's Dragons the respect they demanded.

Just the thought of Hunter involving himself in that world made me grimace. He hadn't told me much of why he'd done it...

I knew it had something to do with his sister. She disappeared a few months back and the police had done nothing but file a report and tell him they were very sorry. Hunter turned to the biker club for help and, and whatever terms he'd offered in return, they agreed.

His sister was brought home four days later. She looked like she'd been put through hell...

She probably was, if the rumors about where she was taken were true.

I feared that he'd joined them in payment.

Maybe I can talk some sense into him, I thought to myself. Surely, Hunter will see things my way.

Daddy opposed the Devil's Dragons for all of the obvious reasons. He wasn't exactly a big fan of Hunter either, and the second he caught wind that he was joining the ranks of those infamous criminals...

Yeah, lets just say a swift ban on Sarah-Hunter contact was very quickly enacted. I had to promise daddy that I'd never, ever see Hunter again.

But true love doesn't have to resort to such stupid promises, does it? I was going to go see my man and save him from whatever trouble he was squeezing himself into.

And that was the end of that.

I pulled into the parking lot, ominously passing an entire fleet of motorcycles. The entire goddamn club must be here, I thought to myself.

Parking my car, I crept out and walked past the line of bikes. My first impression had been wrong. There were way too many motorcycles here... I stopped counting around thirty.

Half of them looked out of place. They were dressed different from the others with blacked out engines instead of the chrome I'd come to recognize.

Are there two clubs inside?

I might not have been a cop myself, but I knew trouble when I saw it. I'd grown up around enough law enforcement to know something big was going down tonight.

That didn't matter. I was past the point of no return. Hunter was inside, and I needed to see him.

I swallowed my apprehension and continued onward, passing around the side of the building and to the very front. I paused and allowed myself to be repulsed by the exterior decor for a moment.

Bright pink neon signs flashed in my face, offering all sorts of lewd decadence and fun times inside.

Yeah, okay, I mumbled to myself.

Glancing around quickly, I spotted a few people ambling around on the pavement. It didn't look like any of them were paying any heed to me, although I knew that I could never be too sure.

I was ripped from my thoughts. I'm spending too much time loitering around outside, I realized. What if somebody sees me out here and tells Daddy?

Steeling myself, I reached for the doorknob and pushed myself inside, totally prepared for the rest of the night ahead.

Spoiler alert: I was really fucking unprepared.


As I pressed into the building, my eyes immediate drew to the surprised hostess. I recognized her as one of the previous year's graduates; I think her name might have been Chastity. Tall and lithe, she played up her excessive perkiness in the workplace with accent ponytails. She stepped out to try to head me off as I came in.

"Sarah! We weren't expecting you tonight"

"Where's Hunter?" I asked immediately, cutting her off. I didn't mean to be rude. I needed to see him, and I just didn't have the time for this.

"They're in the back," she answered involuntarily, then scoffed at herself for the slip. "Now's not a good time, though. I can send word for you if you'd like. Can I get you a drink of water or something wait! You can't just..."

It was too late.

The moment that I processed her answer, my beaten-up Converse sneakers were taking me around the edge of the club and towards the private rooms.

I crossed down a hallway, glancing into open rooms and throwing a couple of doors open. I interrupted a couple of private sessions by mistake, choosing to apologize and close the doors again as I continued onward.

Chastity had just about caught up to me in her heels when I threw open another door, slamming into a tall, broad chest... not Hunter's chest, but that of an older, gristlier stranger.

I peeled my face from his leathers, staring up at the distinctive patch of a long red dragon with great, curled goat horns, coiled through flames.

The emblem was immediately recognizable.

It belonged to the Devil's Dragons MC.

"Lost, little missy?" An ancient, dusty voice growled. I stared up into the thick, scraggly beard of the biker, and into the curious but stern eyes gazing down upon me.

"I... I'm looking for Hunter..." I murmured.

"Hunter, looks like yer girl's here," he groaned loudly, turning to face the rest of the room.

As he stepped aside, I realized that I'd happened upon a conference room. Old and splattered with the merriment of a beer glass too many, a thick wooden table filled the room. There had to be fifteen or twenty bikers were seated around it. More dangerous looking men were standing behind them in a row that wrapped the room, barely crowding into the private chamber.

Close to forty pairs of eyes directed their undivided attention to me. My breath caught in my throat as I spotted that same emblem on about half the men in the room... There was another club here... One that I didn't recognize.

And I was staring right at their leader.

The man seated at the very center of the table was hardened and vicious-looking. His bushy black whiskers barely masked a distinctive lip twitch, and my eyes cast quickly downward onto the mystery emblem on his chest. Even from this distance I could read the word emblazoned beneath.


The rest of the room focused between the two of us as he rose from his seat.

"Who the fuck is this?"

"That's Hunter's girl," one of the other bikers laughed. "Apparently, she's come to say hello."

"Hunter, you say?" He turned his head further down the table and laughed. "Your new boy, Eduardo? What a surprise! I guess his pretty little bitch is loyal, eh?"

I followed his gaze.

Hunter was seated among his kind, his stoic face gazing towards me. Surrounded by bikers, he definitely looked like he fit in: he was just as big as anyone else around that table, with powerful arms and fresh tattoos visible from beneath his new set of club leathers.

With careful, thoughtful eyes, he offered me a definitively wry stare. He was clearly not happy to see me. I felt my spirits collapse somewhere in my chest.

"You shouldn't be here," Hunter told me loudly, addressing the rest of the club as much as myself. It was apparent that he was trying to distance himself from the interruption in front of the other bikers.

I felt a lithe hand on my shoulder, and turned slightly. The hostess had chosen this moment to peek into the room. "I'm so sorry, gentlemen, I'll escort our guest to the front while you continue..."

"No need," the mystery biker leader spoke, leaning forwards to flatten his palms across the table. "You're very lucky that we're done here, little girl..."

With that, he lifted a nearby gavel, giving a quick slam to the table.

"Boys, go get your dicks wet, yeah? Plenty of pussy in the building, after all..."

He turned to another older biker, seated at the table with them. I instantly recognized the President of the Devil's Dragons, Eduardo. Practically my father's nemesis, his lips curled into a grin as he turned to face me.

I counted myself lucky that Eduardo thought himself well above the local law enforcement. If he'd had any idea who I really was, I'd be in the shit right about now...

"Agreed," he growled. "Dragons, dismissed."

Regardless of emblem, the bikers hooted and hollered before moving out the room in cacophony. The hostess gave me one last little sour look before disappearing off with the pack, and the Presidents paused to glance at me for a moment.

Eduardo glanced down at me as he passed by, and then turned to Hunter. "Keep your little bitch out of here, boy."

With that, he was gone.

The other club president, the one with the mystery patch, stifled a chuckle as he passed by as well. "Nice legs on this one, boy. Better for wrapping around your head, eh?"

With a surprised and indignant expression, I turned to face Hunter. He shifted in his seat, his stoic expression quickly replaced with veiled venom.

"No need to bristle, boy," the President laughed. "I'm telling you, though... I can see trouble a mile away. This girl here? She's trouble. Don't let her interrupt us again, you understand?"

"Crystal clear," Hunter growled.

I squared my jaw as the President gazed in my eyes for a moment, a slick smile crossing his lips.

Before I could muster up the courage to say anything, he was out the door, whistling his way towards the front of the strip club eager to whet his appetite with whichever girl valued his wallet enough to meet his needs.

"You shouldn't be here," Hunter repeated furiously, rising from his chair and crossing the room. He snatched me by the wrist and dragged me nearby to a small champagne room.

"You can't just rush into a club meeting like that! This shit is serious! Do you have any idea what these guys do to girls like you?"

The anger was palpable on his tongue, and I shrunk inside. I'd been stupid and selfish, impulsive, and he had every right to be angry...

What was I thinking?

Hunter could see that his words had sunk in, and he pulled me into a deep embrace. "I'm sorry, Sarah... I'm happy to see you here. Thanks for coming, Princess"

I nodded softly against his chest. The familiar, subtle scent of his natural body musk, mixed with the worn leather, filled my lungs. I loved the smell of him, but this new layer the biker leathers invaded the happy memories.

It was a sign of how things had changed.

"You joined the club," I noted sadly, pressing my face deeper into his chest.

"You know I had to," Hunter replied softly, his fingers stroking my hair. "I gave them my word, and I abide by that."

"There could have been another way something else you could have done," I started rambling. "There must have been something, anything"

"It was my choice," he reiterated firmly.

"I... but why?"

"My sister," he said. "The Devil's Dragons found her, just like they promised. They saved her before she disappeared into the sex trafficking circles down south. She'd be some rich asshole's plaything if it wasn't for the Dragons. I have to pay my dues..."

"There's got to be another way," I pleaded. "My dad has some money... I could steal his checkbook."

Hunter lifted my chin with a finger. "You're not going to do anything sweetheart... It's not as bad as you think Sarah. Sure, they do some rough stuff, but you know that I can handle myself. They wouldn't have accepted me if they didn't believe I could."

"I believe you," I responded quietly... But that was a lie.