Pride and Pregnancy.
The Devils Dragons MC.
Nikki Wild.
Author's Note.
Pride and Pregnancy finishes up the Devil's Dragons series. This book could be read as a standalone title, but I do recommend reading book 1 of the Devil's Dragons series (SAVED BY THE BAD BOY) first!
To help you with that, I've included a copy of SAVED BY THE BAD BOY in this ebook!
I'm placing Pride and Pregnancy up front and center, so if you've already read SAVED BY THE BAD BOY you don't have to go searching for the latest story. If you want to read book 1 first, you can find SAVED BY THE BAD BOY in the table of contents, along with some other special bonus Nikki Wild novels that I'm including for all of my loyal fans!
The reading order is:.
Book 1:.
Saved by the Bad Boy (A Devil's Dragons Motorcycle Club Romance).
Book 2:.
Pride and Pregnancy (A Devil's Dragons Motorcycle Club Romance).
Pride and Pregnancy is a full-length novel (over 300 pages on the physical paperback). I hope you love reading it as much as I've loved writing it!
Thank you for everything, and enjoy the book. Without further interruption, turn the page for Pride and Pregnancy!.
Eight Years Ago.
With straining, demanding fingers, I pulled Hunter's face further down between my thighs. His tongue glided along my wet slit, stirring up the burning blaze of my inner core... and I let loose a slow gasp of burning satisfaction.
"You like that, huh?"
"Mmmf," I murmured, nodding lightly as I shifted my shoulders back and relaxed downwards into his rudimentary bedding.
Grasping a small handful of the stirred covers, I covered half my face and grinned. Hunter always thought that I was being bashful when I did that, but I really just loved the scent of his bed the intimacy of his hardy musk, the scent of a roguish predator.
You see, the devilishly handsome Hunter Hargreaves was the light of my world: the heat of his protective torch burned all the shadows away. The wildfire passion between us was a roaring blaze, kept in check by the knowledge that we would be together forever.
It helped, of course, that my addiction to the hot, heavy torch between his legs worked wonders for me as well My high school sweetheart was the entire package: built like a boxer, highly protective, and more than a little rough around the edges. I absolutely adored my beloved with all my heart, and I knew he felt the same way about me.
But I was born the daughter of a sheriff.
Daddy never approved of him neither the first time Hunter swung by on his beloved motorcycle to pick me up, nor the time Hunter took me to the school prom a few years later. His tumultuous opposition didn't bother me after a while. It just meant that I had to get... creative with my alibis and excuses.
The two of us were meant for each other, and everyone else could see it. Even the way our bodies fit together underlined the truth...
Hunter and I were soulmates.
Especially when he did little things like that parting my wet folds with his strong, rugged middle finger and lifting his lips to suckle my needful clit.
"Oh God, Hunter..." I murmured loftily.
"You're so wet for me, babe," he replied with that soft, almost smug chuckle of his. I heard that chuckle a lot, because Hunter had always known the effect that he had on me.
It would have been infuriating, if I didn't already know how to push his buttons too. After all, I'd given him my virginity two years before... considering the restrictions that Daddy placed on me, I'd still had a lot of time to practice on him.
And I'd gotten really good at getting him off.
"I'm wet for you because I need you, Hunter," I murmured in response to his dirty talk. He always loved it when I stroked his ego through a lustful moan or a murmur.
It wasn't the only thing he liked stroked.
But my resolve to return the favor lost its grip when he burrowed his lips against my sopping pussy again. His rugged middle finger twisted and turned lightly as he penetrated me, again and again. It repeatedly brushed against my inner bundle of nerves; he barely slid his face from left to right as he pressed down harder just above my folds.
Instinctively, my hips immediately lifted up against the pressure of his face, matching his furious movements with their own tenacity.
The feeling was too good. My hands snapped at the covers, clenching his bedspread as he shouldered my thighs and began really focusing on hitting my g-spot, over and over...
"Oh God, Hunter... fuck!"
His sly chuckle exhaled hot air against my folds as he kept up the pace, working the stiffened bead of my passion with his tongue as he slipped a second finger inside.
My back arched against the bed. It wasn't going to be too much longer now before he gave me, what, my three hundredth orgasm together? Four hundredth?
It's hard to keep count when your lover's body is goddamn magic to your veins.
"Don't stop fuck FUCK!"
My body stiffened against him, pounded by the first orgasm of the week. My fingers barely snapped back into his hair as I rode his face, bearing the brunt of the climactic rush as it dulled my brain and surged through my body.
Hunter withdrew his face from between my legs as my limbs relaxed. He pulled himself up the length of my body and planted his lips on mine. Happily pulling him into my sluggish, post-climax embrace.
My fingertips trailed down the bare muscles of his abdomen. He didn't have a six-pack yet, but he was already taking much better care of himself than most. It was only a matter of time now.
"Mmm," he groaned, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation. He always loved the little motions of affection I would make for him, inside or outside of bed.
While he was temporarily distracted, I leapt up from the bedding and pushed him down to take my place. His face bore amusement as I slid down his body, pausing around his thick erection.
The throbbing torch of Hunter Hargreaves was a huge, rock-hard tool of immeasurable heat. I loved feeling it inside me, separated by only a thin layer of latex rubber...
But that's not where it was going right now.
Instead, I wrapped my fist around it, pumping the scepter of his passion solidly while staring him in the eyes. Hunter's amusement quickly melted away into blissful pleasure as he settled back into the bed, folding his rough, weathered hands behind his head.
"That's right, baby," he murmured aloud. "Stroke me like that. You know how I love it."
"I sure do," I replied as seductively as I could manage, quickly bending forward to engulf my lips around his huge cock.
"Oh fuck," he groaned instantly.
I always loved getting a reaction out of him.
His eyes were on mine now, surprise burning away for lustful conviction. His hands were out from behind his head as quickly as they were there. They settled around my skull and softly applied just enough pressure to my rhythm without forcing me to deep-throat him.
Which I absolutely couldn't do, and I'd almost bitten his cock off the few times he'd tried it.
"Just like that," he groaned hungrily, his eyes growing fiercer by the thrust. The fire inside him was coming to the forefront now, visible just behind his bright blue retinas. "Suck my cock just like that, Princess. You're so good at this."
Encouraged by his chatter, I placed both hands on his thighs for support and began sucking him down harder. His palms around my head pushed the boundaries, just barely dancing within my accepted parameters of forcefulness.
I withdrew his erection from between my lips, sliding my tongue from the base along to the engorged helmet. Flicking it against the slit briefly, I enjoyed how he locked up at the sensitivity before stroking him firmer and faster.
After a solid eight to ten seconds of fist-pumping him, I returned to my prior stance and swallowed down half his length again opening my jaw enough to take him to my brink.
Hunter groaned and rolled his eyes back, settling backwards into the comforter as I repeatedly thrust my mouth down his cock, as far as I could manage.
I loved the salty taste of him.
I loved the power I could hold over him.
Hell, I just damn loved him.
Hunter enjoying the shit out of what I was doing, but I wasn't going to let him fill my mouth with his hot seed this time. No, I had different ideas...
"Wh-what are you doing?" He asked hazily as I pulled away and climbed over his hips.
"What I want," I told him, grasping his cock and giving it a couple of more fist-pumps to fully melt his resolve.
"The condoms are over..." he motioned towards the beaten-up beside end table. "Give me a second, I'll just"
"No," I insisted, positioning myself just over his thick erection. "Not this time."
"Babe," he groaned, fighting to remain responsible. "We can't do that. I can't fuck you unprotected. Let me just get a rubber first..."
"My cycle's fine," I demanded coyly, pressing the head of his cock just barely inside my folds. Every nerve ending in my wet chasm screamed for fulfillment, demanding unyielding access to this magnificent, burning member which had never filled it without a barrier.
"Are you sure?" He murmured in a near babble. I knew that he couldn't resist my charms any longer... especially with the sexual chemicals rattling around in that head of his.
"I'm positive," I moaned as I sat down on his cock, feeling the rock-hard erection press upwards into my slickened folds. Just like always, they strained to stretch around it at first... but I knew it was only a matter of time before they became accustomed to it again.
"If you... insist..." he gave in, undermined in the moment by my forcefulness and my demand. I loved how responsible he tried to remain with me, in this way and all others but how I could make him give in if I really pushed hard enough.
Speaking of pushing...
After gradually rocking my hips downward, I finally hilted him inside me. Pressing my palms down against his hard chest for stability, I began rocking myself against him, fucking him with my knees down on either side.
"Goddammit, that feels fucking incredible," he huskily groaned. "Holy shit, Sarah... we're going to have to figure out some goddamn birth control for you."
It was true.
I'd had no idea what I was missing out on until deciding to fuck him like this. Truth be told, I was lying... my cycle was probably fine, but I knew I shouldn't really be fucking him without protection.
But Hunter and I were soulmates, clad in fire. We were fueled by our own burning, ceaseless passion for one another.
Equally true, I was young and stupid.
We got dead lucky that day. When his scorching fingers dug into my hips, holding my pelvis against his as he shot rope after rope of burning seed into my womb, nothing permanent came of it.
But we didn't know that at the time, and the conversation went towards the inevitable as we lay in bed together, panting while our brains swam in a concoction of post-orgasmic chemicals.
"Let us assume that you wound up pregnant in the future," Hunter mused aloud. I settled a little harder into the crook of his arm as he spoke. "What would you want to do?"
"Keep it," I answered immediately.
"Oh yeah?" He turned his head my way.
I nodded thoughtfully. "I'm not comfortable with the idea of... you know... that. I don't think that I could go through with it."
"Right," he replied, subtly nodding as well. "I'm not sure that I could ever ask you, anyway."
That surprised me. "What do you mean?"
Hunter turned his face upward, smirking. "Don't get me wrong. I have no intentions of being a young father. We're not ready for anything like that... hell, Sarah, you only just turned eighteen, and I only have a year on you..."