Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible - Part 96

Part 96

Sir 31:5 He that loveth gold shall not be justified, and he that followeth corruption shall have enough thereof.

Sir 31:6 Gold hath been the ruin of many, and their destruction was present.

Sir 31:7 It is a stumblingblock unto them that sacrifice unto it, and every fool shall be taken therewith.

Sir 31:8 Blessed is the rich that is found without blemish, and hath not gone after gold.

Sir 31:9 Who is he? and we will call him blessed: for wonderful things hath he done among his people.

Sir 31:10 Who hath been tried thereby, and found perfect? then let him glory. Who might offend, and hath not offended? or done evil, and hath not done it?

Sir 31:11 His goods shall be established, and the congregation shall declare his alms.

Sir 31:12 If thou sit at a bountiful table, be not greedy upon it, and say not, There is much meat on it.

Sir 31:13 Remember that a wicked eye is an evil thing: and what is created more wicked than an eye? therefore it weepeth upon every occasion.

Sir 31:14 Stretch not thine hand whithersoever it looketh, and thrust it not with him into the dish.

Sir 31:15 Judge not thy neighbour by thyself: and be discreet in every point.

Sir 31:16 Eat as it becometh a man, those things which are set before thee; and devour note, lest thou be hated.

Sir 31:17 Leave off first for manners' sake; and be not unsatiable, lest thou offend.

Sir 31:18 When thou sittest among many, reach not thine hand out first of all.

Sir 31:19 A very little is sufficient for a man well nurtured, and he fetcheth not his wind short upon his bed.

Sir 31:20 Sound sleep cometh of moderate eating: he riseth early, and his wits are with him: but the pain of watching, and choler, and pangs of the belly, are with an unsatiable man.

Sir 31:21 And if thou hast been forced to eat, arise, go forth, vomit, and thou shalt have rest.

Sir 31:22 My son, hear me, and despise me not, and at the last thou shalt find as I told thee: in all thy works be quick, so shall there no sickness come unto thee.

Sir 31:23 Whoso is liberal of his meat, men shall speak well of him; and the report of his good housekeeping will be believed.

Sir 31:24 But against him that is a n.i.g.g.ard of his meat the whole city shall murmur; and the testimonies of his n.i.g.g.ardness shall not be doubted of.

Sir 31:25 Shew not thy valiantness in wine; for wine hath destroyed many.

Sir 31:26 The furnace proveth the edge by dipping: so doth wine the hearts of the proud by drunkeness.

Sir 31:27 Wine is as good as life to a man, if it be drunk moderately: what life is then to a man that is without wine? for it was made to make men glad.

Sir 31:28 Wine measurably drunk and in season bringeth gladness of the heart, and cheerfulness of the mind:

Sir 31:29 But wine drunken with excess maketh bitterness of the mind, with brawling and quarrelling.

Sir 31:30 Drunkenness increaseth the rage of a fool till he offend: it diminisheth strength, and maketh wounds.

Sir 31:31 Rebuke not thy neighbour at the wine, and despise him not in his mirth: give him no despiteful words, and press not upon him with urging him [to drink.]

Sir 32:1 If thou be made the master [of a feast,] lift not thyself up, but be among them as one of the rest; take diligent care for them, and so sit down.

Sir 32:2 And when thou hast done all thy office, take thy place, that thou mayest be merry with them, and receive a crown for thy well ordering of the feast.

Sir 32:3 Speak, thou that art the elder, for it becometh thee, but with sound judgment; and hinder not musick.

Sir 32:4 Pour not out words where there is a musician, and shew not forth wisdom out of time.

Sir 32:5 A concert of musick in a banquet of wine is as a signet of carbuncle set in gold.

Sir 32:6 As a signet of an emerald set in a work of gold, so is the melody of musick with pleasant wine.

Sir 32:7 Speak, young man, if there be need of thee: and yet scarcely when thou art twice asked.

Sir 32:8 Let thy speech be short, comprehending much in few words; be as one that knoweth and yet holdeth his tongue.

Sir 32:9 If thou be among great men, make not thyself equal with them; and when ancient men are in place, use not many words.

Sir 32:10 Before the thunder goeth lightning; and before a shamefaced man shall go favour.

Sir 32:11 Rise up betimes, and be not the last; but get thee home without delay.

Sir 32:12 There take thy pastime, and do what thou wilt: but sin not by proud speech.

Sir 32:13 And for these things bless him that made thee, and hath replenished thee with his good things.

Sir 32:14 Whoso feareth the Lord will receive his discipline; and they that seek him early shall find favour.

Sir 32:15 He that seeketh the law shall be filled therewith: but the hypocrite will be offended thereat.

Sir 32:16 They that fear the Lord shall find judgment, and shall kindle justice as a light.

Sir 32:17 A sinful man will not be reproved, but findeth an excuse according to his will.

Sir 32:18 A man of counsel will be considerate; but a strange and proud man is not daunted with fear, even when of himself he hath done without counsel.

Sir 32:19 Do nothing without advice; and when thou hast once done, repent not.

Sir 32:20 Go not in a way wherein thou mayest fall, and stumble not among the stones.

Sir 32:21 Be not confident in a plain way.

Sir 32:22 And beware of thine own children.

Sir 32:23 In every good work trust thy own soul; for this is the keeping of the commandments.