Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible - Part 6

Part 6

1 Esdr 7:15 For that he had turned the counsel of the king of a.s.syria toward them, to strengthen their hands in the works of the Lord G.o.d of Israel.

1 Esdr 8:1 And after these things, when Artexerxes the king of the Persians reigned came Esdras the son of Saraias, the son of Ezerias, the son of Helchiah, the son of Salum,

1 Esdr 8:2 The son of Sadduc, the son of Achitob, the son of Amarias, the son of Ezias, the son of Meremoth, the son of Zaraias, the son of Savias, the son of Boccas, the son of Abisum, the son of Phinees, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the chief priest.

1 Esdr 8:3 This Esdras went up from Babylon, as a scribe, being very ready in the law of Moses, that was given by the G.o.d of Israel.

1 Esdr 8:4 And the king did him honour: for he found grace in his sight in all his requests.

1 Esdr 8:5 There went up with him also certain of the children of Israel, of the priest of the Levites, of the holy singers, porters, and ministers of the temple, unto Jerusalem,

1 Esdr 8:6 In the seventh year of the reign of Artexerxes, in the fifth month, this was the king's seventh year; for they went from Babylon in the first day of the first month, and came to Jerusalem, according to the prosperous journey which the Lord gave them.

1 Esdr 8:7 For Esdras had very great skill, so that he omitted nothing of the law and commandments of the Lord, but taught all Israel the ordinances and judgments.

1 Esdr 8:8 Now the copy of the commission, which was written from Artexerxes the king, and came to Esdras the priest and reader of the law of the Lord, is this that followeth;

1 Esdr 8:9 King Artexerxes unto Esdras the priest and reader of the law of the Lord sendeth greeting:

1 Esdr 8:10 Having determined to deal graciously, I have given order, that such of the nation of the Jews, and of the priests and Levites being within our realm, as are willing and desirous should go with thee unto Jerusalem.

1 Esdr 8:11 As many therefore as have a mind thereunto, let them depart with thee, as it hath seemed good both to me and my seven friends the counsellors;

1 Esdr 8:12 That they may look unto the affairs of Judea and Jerusalem, agreeably to that which is in the law of the Lord;

1 Esdr 8:13 And carry the gifts unto the Lord of Israel to Jerusalem, which I and my friends have vowed, and all the gold and silver that in the country of Babylon can be found, to the Lord in Jerusalem,

1 Esdr 8:14 With that also which is given of the people for the temple of the Lord their G.o.d at Jerusalem: and that silver and gold may be collected for bullocks, rams, and lambs, and things thereunto appertaining;

1 Esdr 8:15 To the end that they may offer sacrifices unto the Lord upon the altar of the Lord their G.o.d, which is in Jerusalem.

1 Esdr 8:16 And whatsoever thou and thy brethren will do with the silver and gold, that do, according to the will of thy G.o.d.

1 Esdr 8:17 And the holy vessels of the Lord, which are given thee for the use of the temple of thy G.o.d, which is in Jerusalem, thou shalt set before thy G.o.d in Jerusalem.

1 Esdr 8:18 And whatsoever thing else thou shalt remember for the use of the temple of thy G.o.d, thou shalt give it out of the king's treasury.

1 Esdr 8:19 And I king Artexerxes have also commanded the keepers of the treasures in Syria and Phenice, that whatsoever Esdras the priest and the reader of the law of the most high G.o.d shall send for, they should give it him with speed,

1 Esdr 8:20 To the sum of an hundred talents of silver, likewise also of wheat even to an hundred cors, and an hundred pieces of wine, and other things in abundance.

1 Esdr 8:21 Let all things be performed after the law of G.o.d diligently unto the most high G.o.d, that wrath come not upon the kingdom of the king and his sons.

1 Esdr 8:22 I command you also, that ye require no tax, nor any other imposition, of any of the priests, or Levites, or holy singers, or porters, or ministers of the temple, or of any that have doings in this temple, and that no man have authority to impose any thing upon them.

1 Esdr 8:23 And thou, Esdras, according to the wisdom of G.o.d ordain judges and justices, that they may judge in all Syria and Phenice all those that know the law of thy G.o.d; and those that know it not thou shalt teach.

1 Esdr 8:24 And whosoever shall transgress the law of thy G.o.d, and of the king, shall be punished diligently, whether it be by death, or other punishment, by penalty of money, or by imprisonment.

1 Esdr 8:25 Then said Esdras the scribe, Blessed be the only Lord G.o.d of my fathers, who hath put these things into the heart of the king, to glorify his house that is in Jerusalem:

1 Esdr 8:26 And hath honoured me in the sight of the king, and his counsellors, and all his friends and n.o.bles.

1 Esdr 8:27 Therefore was I encouraged by the help of the Lord my G.o.d, and gathered together men of Israel to go up with me.

1 Esdr 8:28 And these are the chief according to their families and several dignities, that went up with me from Babylon in the reign of king Artexerxes:

1 Esdr 8:29 Of the sons of Phinees, Gerson: of the sons of Ithamar, Gamael: of the sons of David, Lettus the son of Sechenias:

1 Esdr 8:30 Of the sons of Pharez, Zacharias; and with him were counted an hundred and fifty men:

1 Esdr 8:31 Of the sons of Pahath Moab, Eliaonias, the son of Zaraias, and with him two hundred men:

1 Esdr 8:32 Of the sons of Zathoe, Sechenias the son of Jezelus, and with him three hundred men: of the sons of Adin, Obeth the son of Jonathan, and with him two hundred and fifty men:

1 Esdr 8:33 Of the sons of Elam, Josias son of Gotholias, and with him seventy men:

1 Esdr 8:34 Of the sons of Saphatias, Zaraias son of Michael, and with him threescore and ten men:

1 Esdr 8:35 Of the sons of Joab, Abadias son of Jezelus, and with him two hundred and twelve men:

1 Esdr 8:36 Of the sons of Banid, a.s.salimoth son of Josaphias, and with him an hundred and threescore men:

1 Esdr 8:37 Of the sons of Babi, Zacharias son of Bebai, and with him twenty and eight men:

1 Esdr 8:38 Of the sons of Astath, Johannes son of Acatan, and with him an hundred and ten men:

1 Esdr 8:39 Of the sons of Adonikam the last, and these are the names of them, Eliphalet, Jewel, and Samaias, and with them seventy men:

1 Esdr 8:40 Of the sons of Bago, Uthi the son of Istalcurus, and with him seventy men.

1 Esdr 8:41 And these I gathered together to the river called Theras, where we pitched our tents three days: and then I surveyed them.

1 Esdr 8:42 But when I had found there none of the priests and Levites,

1 Esdr 8:43 Then sent I unto Eleazar, and Iduel, and Masman,

1 Esdr 8:44 And Alnathan, and Mamaias, and Joribas, and Nathan, Eunatan, Zacharias, and Mosollamon, men and learned.

1 Esdr 8:45 And I bade them that they should go unto Saddeus the captain, who was in the place of the treasury:

1 Esdr 8:46 And commanded them that they should speak unto Daddeus, and to his brethren, and to the treasurers in that place, to send us such men as might execute the priests' office in the house of the Lord.

1 Esdr 8:47 And by the mighty hand of our Lord they brought unto us skilful men of the sons of Moli the son of Levi, the son of Israel, Asebebia, and his sons, and his brethren, who were eighteen.

1 Esdr 8:48 And Asebia, and Annus, and Osaias his brother, of the sons of Channuneus, and their sons, were twenty men.

1 Esdr 8:49 And of the servants of the temple whom David had ordained, and the men for the service of the Levites to wit, the servants of the temple two hundred and twenty, the catalogue of whose names were shewed.