4. "G.o.d saved you not just so you can go to heaven-which will be great!-but so that He could fulfill His purpose through you on earth." Should going to heaven be your ultimate goal? Why or why not?
Chapter 3: Rationale.
1. Relate a time when you felt wonderfully fulfilled. Why might you have felt that way in that situation?
2. Complete this sentence: I will know I have been successful when...
3. Do you have a clear sense of direction in a particular part of your life? Do you need direction? Share some examples.
Chapter 4: Completeness.
1. Dr. Evans writes about being energized when he preaches. Can you think of a topic, activity, need, or goal that energizes you? Can you think of a time you were energized by doing something? Explain.
2. "Everything you do has now become kingdom activity, even if you once considered it to be secular. There is no distinction between the secular and the sacred when you are a kingdom-minded person." List a few seemingly secular parts of your life that have now become sacred.
Chapter 5: Intention.
1. "[G.o.d] is sovereign over everything, including the creation of life. This means that nothing comes to you that does not pa.s.s through G.o.d's fingers first-including your very existence." List a couple challenging situations in your life. Did they pa.s.s through G.o.d's fingers before they reached you? Why is that an important question to consider?
2. "In order to live your life calmly, you must fully embrace G.o.d's sovereignty rather than question everything." Are you living calmly? Think of an area in which you would like to be calmer. Speak or write a sentence or two expressing G.o.d's sovereignty in that area.
3. What adjustments have you had to make in order to live in G.o.d's kingdom?
Chapter 6: Pa.s.sion.
1. What are you most pa.s.sionate about? How do you express that pa.s.sion?
2. What seemingly meaningless or mundane activities in your life are actually helping you to someday fulfill your pa.s.sion?
3. What would you like to do if you had all the money and time you needed?
4. What would you attempt if you knew that you could not possibly fail?
Chapter 7: Vision.
1. Abraham was blessed to be a blessing. Name one blessing G.o.d has given to you that He wants to use to bless others through you.
2. Have you ever had to take a bold step in order to follow G.o.d's leading? Share one example if you can.
3. Do you have a dream? What do you hope to be experiencing a year from now, five years from now, or ten years from now?
4. Dr. Evans writes, "If something on your heart burdens you or evokes strong emotions in you, before you try to talk yourself out of those feelings or rationalize them, ask G.o.d if they are clues to your vision and your destiny." What evokes strong emotions in you? How might that lead you to G.o.d's vision for your life?
Chapter 8: Giftedness.
1. Have you ever sensed G.o.d's anointing-a time when He empowered you to be more effective than you could have been on your own? Share an example if you can.
2. Dr. Evans writes that we will one day have to answer the question, how did you utilize the gifts given to you to further G.o.d's kingdom on earth? What is one way you can utilize one of your gifts to further G.o.d's kingdom?
3. Dr. Evans writes, "G.o.d gave you your spiritual gifts so you can be a blessing to others." Have you ever began serving others, only to find out that you were as blessed in the process as they were? Share an example.
Chapter 9: Experience.
1. What positive thing in your life-such as a relationship, an educational experience, a job, or a well-honed skill-can you use to further G.o.d's kingdom?
2. Have you made a mistake that G.o.d has turned around-or that you hope He can turn around-to help you fulfill your purpose in life?
3. Name one bitter situation that you have suffered. How might G.o.d turn that around to help you experience your destiny? Do you need to cooperate with G.o.d by asking Him to help you forgive someone?
Chapter 10: Intersections.
1. Dr. Evans writes, "We begin discovering our divine intersections when we seek G.o.d in the midst of our normal, everyday events." He later writes, "When you include G.o.d in your routine, the natural becomes supernatural. You discover your destiny when the natural merges with the divine." Name one part of your normal routine. How can you include G.o.d in it or seek G.o.d in the midst of it?
2. Dr. Evans writes, "You absolutely must have people in your life who won't let you quit." Can you think of someone like that in your life-a friend, a teacher, a coworker, a pastor...?
3. Share an example of G.o.d speaking a word to you. Did it come through a sermon, a conversation, a time of reflection, a Bible pa.s.sage...?
Chapter 11: Commitment.
1. The apostle Paul encourages us to make the most of our time, or as the King James puts it, to redeem the time. Share one specific way you can apply that instruction to your life.
2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read that you are to present yourself to G.o.d as a living sacrifice?
3. "When the Holy Spirit transforms your mind, He replaces your old, worldly way of thinking with His thoughts." Have you ever realized that you had been believing a lie about yourself or your circ.u.mstances? Share an example of G.o.d's thoughts replacing your worldly thoughts.
Chapter 12: Development.
1. Have you ever gone through a valley of development? Are you in one now? Explain.
2. Moses's initial plan to deliver his fellow Hebrews backfired because his timing was off. Are you waiting on G.o.d's timing for anything in your life?
3. "We are broken when G.o.d strips us of our self-sufficiency. Our confidence is no longer in ourselves. Any confidence we have is based on what we know G.o.d can do in us and through us." Have you ever experienced a process of being broken of your self-sufficiency so that you could rely on G.o.d?
Chapter 13: Worship.
1. Dr. Evans writes, "Worship lifts you from earth into heaven." What does that statement mean to you? Can you describe a time you experienced something like that?
2. "To worship G.o.d simply means to maintain a posture or mindset in which you intentionally and actively ascribe worth to G.o.d." What practical steps can you take to incorporate that posture or mindset in your daily routine?
3. "You will know your destiny when you are living a lifestyle of worship, the lightbulb comes on, and you say, 'I've got it! That's what I've been created to do!'" Has the lightbulb ever come on for you? If so, describe that experience.
Chapter 14: Glory.
1. "We see G.o.d's glory when He shows up and reveals Himself in a way that evokes a response of praise." What kinds of experiences might this include?
2. "You were created to reflect Him and His glory to a world in desperate need of seeing, experiencing, and feeling Him and His glory." Do you know someone who effectively reflects G.o.d's glory? How might you reflect G.o.d's glory?
3. "Rather than giving G.o.d's glory a nod or a song or a two-hour block of time on a Sunday, bask in G.o.d's all-consuming presence now." What are some ways you can do that?
Chapter 15: Future.
1. "People lose hope when they can't see a future." G.o.d has a future for you. What elements of your future can you focus on today that will bring you hope right now?
2. "One of the key components of a life of destiny is trust in the Lord in times that don't make sense." Does anything in your life right now not seem to make sense? What can you say to the Lord about trusting Him in that situation?
3. "Waiting on the timing of your destiny is not the same as sitting back and doing nothing. G.o.d says to become as productive as you possibly can where you are." What steps can you take to be productive right where you are?
4. "As you help others locate and live out their destinies, you set yourself up to discover your own." Whom can you help locate and live out his or her destiny?.
Chapter 1: Concept.
1. Harold W. Hoehner, "Ephesians," The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures by Dallas Seminary Faculty [New Testament Edition], ed. John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck (Wheaton, IL: Victor, 1983), 624.