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Barbara Pierce Bush George Herbert Walker Bush George W. Bush Jeb Bush Jonathan Bush Laura Bush Marvin Bush Neil Bush William T. "Bucky" Bush Nancy Bush Ellis Dorothy Bush Koch G. H. ("Bert") Walker III ADDITIONAL INTERVIEWS.
Roger Ailes Lamar Alexander Ernest Angelo, Jr.
Elizabeth Bagley James A. Baker III Haley Barbour Jean Becker Rich Bond Liz Cheney Bill Clinton John C. Danforth Christopher J. Dodd Michael Dukakis Dr. John Eckstein Rahm Emanuel Don Evans Howard Fineman Jennifer Fitzgerald Marlin Fitzwater Robert M. Gates Newt Gingrich Rudolph W. Giuliani Vic Gold Mikhail Gorbachev Al Gore C. Boyden Gray Alan Greenspan Donald P. Gregg David Gregory Richard N. Haass Steve Hadley Tom Harkin David Jones Ron Kaufman Robert Kimmitt Henry Kissinger William Kristol Dr. Burton Lee James Leonard Fred Malek Mary Matalin Anita McBride Tim McBride Larry McCarthy Fred McClure Jim McGrath George Mitchell Dr. Lawrence C. Mohr Benjamin C. Bradlee Nicholas F. Brady Floyd Brown Andrew Card Jimmy Carter Dana Carvey Laura Chadwick Dick Cheney Sam Nunn Barack Obama James Oberwetter Peter O'Donnell James Pavitt Susie Peake Gregg Petersmeyer Jim Pinkerton Roger Porter Colin Powell Patricia Presock Dan Quayle Sally Quinn Gerald Rafshoon Jesse Raiford Clarke Reed Condoleezza Rice Sig Rogich Andrew Rosenthal Karl Rove David Rubenstein Donald Rumsfeld Tim Samway Jim Sasser Brent Scowcroft Craig Shirley Richard M. Smith Stu Spencer George Stephanopoulos Roger Stone John Sununu Pete Teeley Clarence Thomas Evan Thomas Chase Untermeyer Nicolle Wallace Vin Weber Sherrie Rollins Westin Frank Wisner Books Consulted Abrams, Herbert L. "The President Has Been Shot": Confusion, Disability, and the 25th Amendment in the Aftermath of the Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan. New York: W. W. Norton, 1992.
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