Demonsong - Chapter 119

Chapter 119

the sun was rising over the rocks Vexatar had everything all packed and loaded . Xijack and Ventra had decided to join them . Xijack knew that his destiny has yet to be put in motion .

Vexatar got onto his horse and paused " I sense someone, but I can't make out who"

Suddenly Vi'han let a cry of pain as he was stabbed in back by Deaths Hand who was accompanied with The Artist .

Vi'han fell to the ground " you can use all the healing Kyi you want the poison I used will kill a Elder G.o.d . " Terra channeled as much of her Kyi into Vi'han as possible . Ventra put her hand on Terra

" it's no use, it is time to let him go . " Ventra said " but if he dies so does the Tree of Xendar and The Multiverses will be destroyed . " Terra said

Vi'han replied " no, Chirstina I will transfer my whole self into the Tree of Xendar becoming one with the Tree of Xendar saving all of the Multiverses"

Vi'hans breathing stopped and his lifeforce vanished . soon after Vi'hans body had disappeared and Vi'han had become one with the Tree of Xendar .

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A beam of white light shoot into the sky from the Tree of Xendar engulfing the universe in bright light . The Crimsion Empore saw this and screamed as the Crimsion Tower crumbled into nothingness . @@