Demonsong - Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Kens.h.i.+ ducks as a punch from his long time nemesis Drauga collided with a locker causing the metal to twist and warp . Kens.h.i.+ had done the unthinkable and spilled food onto the bullys lap!

Now because of this unnecessary issue Drauga wants to kill me . I do the only thing a sixteen year old nerd would do fall down on the floor beg to the angry G.o.d to not kill me .


Drauga paused and sighed he reached out his hand and said " I will not kill you, just be careful kid . "

Drauga and i had a odd relations.h.i.+p one minute he wants to kill me the next he is my friend i never understood it . My friends Tai and Asi a shorter girl with dark brown hair and light hazel eyes . " Are you ok?" Asi asked as she reached out to grab my hand .

Once I got up I said " Yeah, oddly enough Drauga is the only bully that does not wish me dead . " Kens.h.i.+ said

Tai replied " well, since this was the last of school and we are leaving now do you guys want to go somewhere?"

Kens.h.i.+ did not speak he touched his horns with were long and curved . " No, thanks, I think I need to alone . "

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Kens.h.i.+ got Into his hover car and drove into s.p.a.ce " As.h.i.+ can you follow him" Tai asked

Asi nodded she knew why ever since his mother dead two years ago .

The only adult he could count one for seminal support was gone and now he was somewhere else all together in a world all his own of his own creation . @@