Demonsong - Chapter 184

Chapter 184

A darkness covered the Cestail Couinl, a uneasy silence that no one there could place .

All of the Cosmic beings have known for some time that a force, a unstoppable force has been in motion .

" So what do we do Asih, Do we just wait here until this force of Darkness destroys the balance?" Raja The G.o.d of Order asked As.h.i.+ the G.o.ddess of Peace .


Kara The Supreme G.o.d of Creation stood up and said " Of course my wife is not saying such nonsense!"

Raja replied " no, I think these people may be beyond us . "

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As.h.i.+ replied " How do you know that?" slamming his fist on the table .

" because I can sense it . " Raja said .

A calm smooth voice said " The ladies right . We are beyond you . " A tall slim man wearing a formfitting blood red clock said

Raja cried out as a thin red beam of light shoot though her body turning her to dust .

As.h.i.+ gave out a cry as a second beam struck him killing him as well .

Kara stood up and said " What are you, To have the power to kill a cestail . " The Figure with blinding speed grabbed Kara's faces

Kara screamed as Blood red tendrils covered his body infusing his every pore transforming him into a dark and twisted version of himself .

The Hooded Figure knelt down and said " Now we began the Reign of Kit" As thousands of blood red tendrils flew from his hand forming into a throne and spreading throughout the Multiverses . @@