Demonsong - Chapter 179

Chapter 179

Nexus knew that the time was drawing near to the beginning of the Cosmic War and knew that he needed a ma.s.sive army .


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Nexus placed his hand in the . air ince did several tentacles extended from his hands and created a doorway into the previous timeline .

" If I am to start the Cosmic War, I will need to recruit the Hanzo Empire" Nexus said as he walked though the doorway and saw Hanzo . " Who are you stranger?" Hanzo asked " Your Lords.h.i.+p, I am Nexus and I am asking a favor of you to create a Timeline Tunnel to travel to the next timeline so that you may aide me in a great war . " Nexus said Hanzo then replied " yes, I will aide you . "

Nexus replied " good, soon there will be a reset once the device is built activate it and you as well as your fleet will be teleported to the next timeline" @@