Demonsong - Chapter 111

Chapter 111

The sky was blazed Crimsion with blood as a tall figure wearing a black light weight Gi placed his long katana down as his covered face stared at a man wearing a torn yellow s.h.i.+rt his body ripped from the ninjas attacks .

"You don't have to do this brother!" the torn up man cried as he fell to the ground . The masked masked man walked over to him and knelt down . " yes, dear Brother I do, for you see I am Deaths Hand and I do what she says,"


Deaths Hand stood up " she has ordered me to kill you in the name of justice" The brother replied " would you kill your own flesh and blood ?"

Deaths Hand replied " if I was told to by my mistress then yes . " the brother sighed " very well . "

He dropped his blade and stood up on his knees " give me a quick death Servent of Lady Death" the brother said

The Deaths Hand rIsed his blade and paused " is this right?, should he really kill his brother"

his mind began to twist and turn thoughts of good and evil turned in his mind .

When a man in a business suite came and placed his hand on Deaths hands shoulder " Vein wants all of the G.o.dslayers at G.o.dender seventuseven

Deaths Hand put away his blade and walked away . The brother stood up a cried out " you are letting me live " Deaths Hand replied " Yes,

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Syi, I am letting you live dont let Hazos legey be for not . "

Death's Hand teleported away once did a younger girl rushed over and began to us healing Kyi on him to heal his wounds .

Syi thought about what his brother had said " yes fathers legey, I will become a great warrior like him someday . " @@