Demonsong - Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Vain stood next to the alter the cultest chanting " are you sure now is the best time? does he not know the Flashpoint is upon us . " Vain replied "he knows that is why he must come back" Vain paused he felt it Lupines Kyi raising higher and higher as the cultists channeled there Kyi into the earth .


" my masters Kyi is rising his power is growing at a substantial rate . " Vain said as he placed his hands on the ground and engulfed the ground in dark Kyi .

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as he did dark blue lighting shoot from the ground and the earth erupted with lava .

a black beam shoot from the earth " yes, I have returned . thank you my child" Lupine said as his ghostlike body emitted dark blue flame his dark red eyes glowed with dark fury .

Lupines Kyi had gone dark " the Flashpoint approaches and soon my body will be reborn . " Lupine paused and said " Darco Vermillion, a man i have yet to meet has come to kill me, why?" Lupine said as Draco stood in the door " because you are the last key in the Flashpoints arrival, i kill you, i stop the Flashpoint . " @@