Demonsong - Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Jason sat upon his iron throne . His dark grey skin cracked and ancient, tapping his long blood red talons on the chair of his throne .

His scarlet eyes were fixed on a ancient creature her skin wrinkled, a dark red blindfold across her eyes .

" Madam Dyi'rosa, You are lying to your king . "

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Jason Blackheart said

Madam Dyi'rosa replied " No, my lord, Your foe still lives . " J

Jason Blackheart stood up and said " how very interesting, I never thought my greatest would still be alive after all this time . "

Eden entered the room and said " Jason Blackheart, I am Eden Ember the weilder of the sword Angelsong and I command you to leave"

Jason replied " Ok, I was planning on now, I have better things to do . "

Eden nodded and returned to Talon to let him know @@