Demonsong - Chapter 135

Chapter 135

As Ember slept he was pulled into the Dreamrealm by a shadowy figure . Ember awoke to find himself floating over a destoryed universe, ravged by war and destrion . "War, Will come to this world . A War so vast that it will spread though out every Multiverse . "

Ember replied to the Figure " what do I do, Shadow Walker?" The Shadow Walker was silent for seveal seconds . " You must prepare an Army with requires Allies from all over . Go to every Multiverse you can . Get Allies, make connections with Foes and friends alike, create an Army . The War will require all who wish to surive"

Ember awake from his dream and stood up . " A War, I don't know when, but there will be War . "

Ember got into the pilot seat and took the s.h.i.+p off of Automatic and headed towards the Nearest Multiverse with was The Aztareon Multiverse home of the Aztars a race of ancients that vauled life but could fight if need to . He also needed a bigger s.h.i.+p He had heard that the Aztars were master crafters and could create anything .

As Ember neared The Aztar system his s.h.i.+p shook villenlty as a ma.s.sive wave of dark Kyi hit his s.h.i.+p knocking all of the power from his s.h.i.+p . Ember was able to steer the s.h.i.+p in a safe path so that when they crashed . He would not be killed . But Embers s.h.i.+p was destoryed .

Ember got out of the wreakage and looked for his things . Ember gasped in horror as before his eyes he saw Demonsong had shattered into thousands of pieces . The legendery blade was destoryed .

Ember picked up the hilt and carried it with him .

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He did not want to leave it here for some one to take it . Ember walked away from the s.h.i.+ps wreakage he could not even be sure if he landed on the right planet or not . All he knew was he was lost and had no wepon to defend himself .

" well i might as well make my way to were ever the nearest Aztar forge is . " Ember said as he walked north asuming that was the right way to go