Demonsong - Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Ash Vermillion is dead . His body fell downward into the depths of Underh.e.l.l for the Dark El'tare sh.e.l.l never be permitted to enter the world of Angel's only walk among the realm of the dammed .

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As Ash fell he felt his body weaken and dissipate into nothingness, his mind became blank as Ash became a single soul in a sea of souls .

A older being walked over and picked up Ashs soul and felt it in his hand " It is faint but I sense the Cinders of the Spark still live in this one"

The older being grasped his hand around the soul and channeled a vast amount of Kyi into it . A dark green aura surrounded the soul .

The earth trembled with power of the soul as it gained more Kyi . It soon got to hard for the being to hold and released .

once he did a beam of dark green light shoot forward and into Tylingariea . Traveling at lightspeed the beam traveled though time and s.p.a.ce searching for the perfect host body .

Ten thousand years in Future in New Tylingariea

Lord Hanzo has taken control of the einther Multiverse .

in a small house in section nine the sealed off section of Tylingariea were all of the poorer people lived .

The beam of light saw a young merchant girl named Cinder, she looked to be in her teens, she had long straw colored hair . " so Cinder, when is the baby due" a younger man asked her .

Cinder blushed and said " I am not sure, he may be any day" Cinder picked up her bags of food .

the beam chose her child to be the new barber of The Spark .

So in a intest the beam teleported itself into her child fusing itself with the boy imbuing infinite powers into his very DNA .

several months later Cinder gave birth to Ember Grey . @@