Demon Slaying System - 8 Chapter 4 : Trial 2 Part 3

8 Chapter 4 : Trial 2 Part 3

Seeing the ogre that had hurtedhis master the Wyvren eyes turned cold , it took an deep breath and it suddenly cried out an terrible roar , fire was spilling as an pillar of flame from his mouth. the ogre was not able to dodge under this sudden attack , because as he jumped onto the sky to deliver final blow to

Jian lin and the ogre cant change his flight trajectory , and it had to suffer under the Wyvren terrifying attack.


The ogre was send flying , he was sensed against the land with a large piece of land shunk into the ground and with a large spiders pattern appeared with him as an center was created .

[ -500 ,-500, -1000, -1000, -500, -1500, -1000 ]

The HP of the ogre pummelled dramatically with only a spa.r.s.e amount of it was left behind , the Wyvern being an lesser species of dragon will have an advantage over Demon. And after getting the blessing of dragon , killing the ogre was an piece of cake for him , after the breath followed by dash it killed the ogre was easy as butchering chicken.

"Ding , an ogre has been killed , detecting the ogre to be an mutant demon . host gets level up bonus +4".

Mutants will help in leveling up rather than giving experience points after dying , which he will learn later that how lucky was he to have met an ogre mutant in the second trial.

Jian lin's all injury were healed as he leveled up, Jian lin felt some thing soft , when he opens his eyes , he found himself in the arms of a beautiful women , her face was blus.h.i.+ng red , she mumbled something like 'not here.... dear husband....'. when Jian lin saw her face he was not certain what was causing her to blush that hard until he sees his palms groping her b.o.o.b's hard. He realized why she was blushed and the reason for her to turned on. Jian lin slowly retracts his hand , he found him in the arms of that women and realized wasn't she Aimin . since Aimin always used to wear masks or veil over her face Jian lin was not sure about her face , but sure that she was a beauty , oh G.o.d she turned out to be a G.o.ddess , brown hair , juicy eyes , rosy lips , Peary cheeks , long hair that was hung till her knees , a sword shaped birth mark over her fore head between her brows , she was like an reincarnation of a G.o.ddess , "beautiful" was the word that came out of Jian lin's mouth , his eyes were telling as if he had seen all wonders of the world and can not regret dying now. she started to blush beautifully again , Jian lin saw that he was riding on an different creature and it was not what he used to know.he tries to view the stats of this monster .

Name : Wyvren

Size : 25 meters

Cla.s.s : Monster

Evolution: winged dragon

Level : 30

Monster's Attributes

Attack : 190

Agility : 200

Health : 5200/5200

Defense : 150

lntelligence : 400

Sense : 300

Mana /Qi : 4000

Skills : Iron whip , bite , fire ball , fire roar, dash

Armaments : Iron helm ( health = +100 , defense = + 10 ) , Iron Breastplate ( health = +200 , defense = +20).

Blessing : blessing of player ( levels up as player leveled and vice versa. ). , blessing of dragon ( attack = +200 , regeneration = 10 % HP per minute , immune to all poison )

Jian lin was startled upon seeing the attributes of this Wyvren , so is this the flying lizard's evolved form , so does that mean all monsters after reaching level 30 , their strength , will it increase exponentially. Jian lin was not sure about this question of his.

but was wondering if he was safe and sound then what about that monster , the ogre that was going to send him to Valhalla how was it doing , Jian lin knows that the ogre was not kind enough to knock him and leave him alive after the mess that he had made , but he was shocked once again when he was answered that his Wyvren single handedly beat the s.h.i.+t out of that ogre , then does that meant that he now has an mount that was even ridiculously stronger than his last opponent.

Sure enough system must have played an role in this case he exclaimed in his heart.

"Ding , responding to host , flying lizard had an trace of dragons bloodline in his blood probably arising from his ancestors, and after evolution , his bloodline is tracing back to that ancestor of his."

Hearing this Jian lin once again exclaimed in his heart , does that mean even his thoughts can be heard by the system at any time. Then he must be careful as to not make the system angry who knows the system may give him an difficult quest , if she was unpleased.

" Ding , responding to the host , system is player friendly and does not do what may harm the host , so host does not have to worry much about the quests. "

Jian lin was now expressionless.

After Jian lin recovered he destroyed the remaining of want he could of the goblin town and completed his mission.

" Ding , host has completed his second trial , does host want to exit the second floor or does host comply to work on hidden trial in second floor , just may get some benefits our of it. "

"Ding , host has obtained a new t.i.tle Goblin Exterminator. "

Goblin Exterminator : immune to physical attacks of all goblin and goblin related monster under hosts level.

Jian lin was exited for his new t.i.tle and was viewing the details of hidden quest.

Jian lin was not sure what was this hidden trail , but it sounded fun , so he accepted the hidden trail.

Hidden Trail : 2

(( difficulty – F cla.s.s 1 star ))

Location : Trail Tower—2st floor

Time alloted : 180 days

Type. : Conquering

Target : Human tribes

Number : ( 18 larger tribes , 100 normal tribes and 2000 lesser tribes )

Reward : Hidden t.i.tle , holy buckler Wyvren power up pack (+100 attributes ) . level uparray ( let's the target increase their level gradually. )

Since host has cleared up goblin village , the tribes does not have common enemy to unite them and that will lead to war between these tribes and an extermination of the remaining human population by new 'Goblin Town' that will be formed by unification of all goblins in the will be commence in about 180 days , so suggesting host to unify the tribes before 180 under a single banner and to prevent the days blood bath and slaughter from happening .

Jian lin was once again shocked , blood bath , slaughter because of my stupid trial. Then doesn't that mean I was the root cause for the destruction.

Jian lin was now determined to unite then by conquering all the tribes and present the blood bath by killing the the new goblin town whose formation was inevitable as exclaimed by the system.

He started the conquering from his wife's tribe , he challenged the leader and defeated him , but has not gutted his pride but made him proud as it was his own son in law who had become the new chief.

Jian lin renamed the tribe to "heavenly dragon mansion ". Jian lin started to unify all lesser tribes by him self , same policy defeat the strongest person , let them pledge their loyalty on their honor by serving heavenly dragon mansion.

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It took Jian lin more than 90 days just to unify these scattered lesser tribes. Their combined population was more than one hundred thousand . Jian lin used the strength of the to completely dominate the ordinary tribes and right by the end of 120 days Jian lin promoted his level to 25 by wiping out many demonic creatures that may threatening the lesser tribes during his conquest and even earned their respect.

His explosive rise of strength of this new overlord had threatened the existence of larger tribes they unified together to fight against Jian lin.

Jian lin may even defeat them when his level was well below 20 , Now that he had his strength exploded to such degree as of at present , how could those leaders of large tribe hold against his monstrous strength , he defeated them all together under 20 seconds and made an overwhelming victory over them , Jian lin how unified these tribes , and had done half the work to prevent the crisis .

"ding host has unified all the tribes and had completed the hidden trail , host gets the t.i.tle of "Guardian" and rewards are sended to the hosts personal inventory ".

t.i.tle : Gaurdian

Attack +50%

Defense +50%

Health +100%

Charm + 100 points

Holder can control the life and death of his people at his will.

Now he needs to arrange laws and restrictions in this giant organization that he made.

He stated few rules

1. Tribes will be divided upon their population,

all times with more than thousand will be called larger tribe , above hundred a normal tribe and below it will be smaller tribe.

2. Slavery should be abolished and females to be given same rights as male.

3. Killing is not allowed unless it exceeds to life and death struggle and to be held in arena to honor their fight

4. Children below 20 years will be attending about martial arts and literature .

5. Cultivation array ( for leveling up) will be distributed equally depending upon the talents.

6. Respective departments will be made like , Enforcement department , Hunting department , Medicine department and Literature department for better organisation.

Those that not obey to these rules , will be evicted from the heavenly dragon mansion.

Even though it hurts pride of many tribals, over the rules of Jian lin , the presence cultivation array was enough for them to follow any command of Jian lin so what does these rules can hold for.

Jian lin before returning to his personal s.p.a.ce he destroyed the new goblin town , and tought that there would be some time left until

the next event and by that time the newly formed heavenly dragon mansion would be strong enough to destroy even hundreds of goblin town , so what would an single town hold for other than the experience for young generation to move forward.

Jian lin Now stayed more than a year in this second floor , his new wife got pregnant.

seems to he twins , system gave an message when he was about to leave his bed room.

" Ding , host the maximum extension period that system can provide for host in second floor is going to finish , suggesting host to leave quickly to personal s.p.a.ce or else soul may perish."

"Can I bring my wife and my mount with me". Jian lin asked an Jian lin was naturally worried for his wife and to the reason his guardian t.i.tle can only function when he is in the second floor and not valid when he move out of the floor.

"Ding , responding back to the host ,host can bring any object or person that host had direct contact with him. "

Jian lin reached back to the personal room s.p.a.ce , now he saw that his s.p.a.ce become an small gra.s.s land with an large house at its centre and an garden next to his house, his s.p.a.ce reached at least 100 meters In all dimensions .

"Ding , host has successfully completed the second trail , does host want to move to third trail ".

Just when he about to rest the system asked him for next trail. Jian lin said no as to the reason he wants to see his children at least once before he go to next trail.

Few months pa.s.sed by and Aimin gave birth to twins , they very much resembles his daughter and son that he had in his previous life . these kids and his wife have given him a new kind of happiness that he had lost in this previous life when his wife died giving birth to his children.

Jian lin after checking his attributes now sitting in his wyvren accepts his trial , leaving his kids to their mothers Care and on an journey to his next adventure awaiting him in third floor of Trial Tower.

Demon Slaying System

Player's name : Jian lin

Player's race : Human

Player's age : 46

Player's level : 25 (0/200000000 exp)

location : personal s.p.a.ce

Current quest : none

t.i.tle : Goblin killer .

Players Attributes

Attack : 166 Agility : 106

Health : 670 Defense. : 145

lntelligence : 678 Sense : 360

Mana / Qi : 6780

Skill points : 20

Skills : Fire Blade - lv 4 [(6220/7500 p) , ( 1600 % more damage to target , cool down time - 15 minutes ), ( mana consumption -400 / second )]

Armaments : Adventure robe (HP =+200 , Defense =+20) , steel blade ( attack +100 ).