Demon Slaying System - 52 Chapter 47 : Make A Name For Himself Part 1

52 Chapter 47 : Make A Name For Himself Part 1

" Fellow partic.i.p.ant, I am sorry about this inconvenience caused by me. You can address me as Razor, and I hope we could join forces in dealing against Wilhelm's tyranny. Tough he had joined Blue flame alliance, through his father's connections, his status is still below that of a captain, in the alliance. At most punks from middle to lower cla.s.s of aura grand master, or some at upper cla.s.s may lend him their hand, regarding this matter.

I feel my mana being suppressed when our eyes made contact. I can clearly judge your cultivation to be above middle cla.s.s aura grand master. At least the stage of upper or peak cla.s.s grand master. I had long since entered the middle cla.s.s grand master state, I am reaching its upper limit and may have a hope to break through any time from now. I hope you can stall them for half a hour time, and I would probably be able to surpa.s.s my limits and become stronger after upgrading my current realm. Then with my strong body and blood line powers, I would be invincible below any Lord cla.s.s experts, never to be defeated or trampled by others, I hope you could help me in fulfillig my request. " Lamia race was already considered to be strong, one among the 36 strongest races in demon populace, with a bloodline derived from Nagadeva, a G.o.d among the serpentmen. With its strong body which was nearly indestructible and his twelve fanged jaws, that could even tear through s.p.a.ce and voids. He was considered to be one of the strongest demon leaders during the times of the ancient war, which had spliced the once gigantic continent into several parts. One among those part, where our mark had been reincarnated as a slayer.

" Razor... right? Can this young master knew the exact reason for asking my help. If my guess is not wrong, you must belong to a category of a six fanged serpent, from lamia race. Your body is strong enough to repel blows from upper cla.s.s aura grand master with ease. Even peak cla.s.s experts of our realm would have difficulty subduing you. Which powerhouse in block one can be your match other than the monstrous geniuses from the Master's zone, do you even need my protection. " Mark was not familiar with razor, he didn't even knew his name until he had seen through him through systems interface. For such a person to suddenly she trust in mark and request him for protection during breakthrough, any one would get suspicious about the other party intentions. But mark was also curious about him. He had only released a pressure which was equivalent to lower cla.s.s aura grand master, which was quite weaker than razor himself, unless razor had some special means, he could see through him

" I have a unique pair of eyes which allows me to see through my opponent powers, their weaknesses, and their mana threshold and even their hidden abilities, presented before me virtually in a sheet of paper. But yours was like a empty sheet of blank page, all your information was unacessable. I had never undergone through such strange situations before, I think that entrusting my hopes on your shoulders would be the best at present. " Even emperor cla.s.s experts were not exempted from my powers. If I can't exert them upon you then, you had a Supreme defensive artifact that had hidden your information rendering it not possible by others for peeking, or you had a strong blood line that makes me unable to see through you. Either way it would be beneficial to me as long as you could defend against them.

" Sorry, but what are the benefits, that I would receive if I helped you in breakthrough " It was as if he said, I am not running a charity here, helping others. Wants help show me the benefits. But speaking about truth, even at his own violation mark would risk his life protecting razor and he was interested in enslaving him, making him his second slave through slaver contract.

" Benefits.... " he pondered for a second before exclaiming out " I would pledge under the name of our creator, demon G.o.d nagadeva, that i would agree to any promise from my benefactor as long it doesn't break or bend any of my principles. " Razor made a promise under his demon G.o.d's name which was considered to be a taboo, as they would not be able to escape from the vow, even if they tried to commit suicide.

Block 1, rookie zone, blue flame alliance ba

" Isn't that Galen, Wilhelm's lackey. Why's he rus.h.i.+ng towards us? " A Green clad youth exclaimed to Gaiden, when he saw galen, who seems to be in a hurry.

" Hey, what's the hurry, aren't you wilhelm's lackey, is he making trouble some where again. "

" Brother Gaiden, a grand master punk, dares to disrespect our members. Belittling us, daring to challenge us to a fight, 1 on 100. We had even said that, big brother gaiden had our backs, he refuted by saying..... " He paused for a second before exclaiming out. " should I care about the matters of weaklings. "

Galen who had went to ask for reinforcements tried to gather as many as he could. He wanted to make an example out of mark to let other know the consequences for offending wilhelm.

" looks like we went low key for a long time, and these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds dared to cause trouble for us. a.s.semble all brothers, we will make out an example out of him, who ever messes with our alliance their only fate will result in death."

Ten minutes later.

A group containg hundreds of grand master realm cultivators had entered the scene, they surrounded the fighting ring where mark had entered, like an barricade to prevent him from escaping out.

" Haha, arrogant kid, this young master shall still give you a chance. Kowtow before me, and I might consider to leave your corpse intact, after killing you ."

" Arrogant, yes I am strong so has the rights to be arrogant. I bet that without these blue flame punks, you wouldn't even attempt to fave against me head on, who ever had the guts to face against me come forth, this young master shall pummel him tonight.

Hey old man at betting counter, could I wager a bet on myself, it doesn't break any rules right? "

The old aged man at the betting counter, located few tens of meters away from the fighting ring had replied to mark by exclaiming with a " yes ", he paused for a brief moment looking around the situation before exclaiming out, shouting " Odds of 1 : 2 , 10 win streak. 1 : 5 , 30 win streak. 1 : 10 , 50 win streak. 1 : 20 , 100 win streak. " His speech was neither long nor short, there wasn't even a single unnecessary term exclaimed by him. His face was expressionless, without carrying emotions, like a stone faced person.

" I Mark shall wage a wagger 10,000 low grade mana stones on myself, for 100 win streak "

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" Boastful, too boast full, your arrogance will be cause for your death tonight. " members of the blue flame alliance erupted with curses following by it.

Several people in the crowd had wagered bets against mark, leaving behind few who had bet on Mark winning a few streaks, on seeing his arrogance, and expected to have few Trumo cards of his own which could very well let them earn.

" Let the match start " a loud voice which was heard to every one in the area of platform no 148, by some unknown powerhouse.

Author's notes

Characters added

1. Gaiden - head of blue flame alliance, rookie zone .


Working of betting system

1. Odds, if a person bet for a odd of 1 he would earn back the same amount of money he invested, in case he was successful, if lose then lost every bit.

2. Profits, fighter who had won would earn 10 % of the total wager, for cases of bids on his favor, and 50% of total wager in cases of bids against his favor for being successful, and rest would be taken up by arena.