Demon King & Hero - Chapter 5.8

Chapter 5.8

Demon King & Hero Chapter 5-8: What are you meant to be! Me? A demon king~

TL: Eevee

Ed: adkji

A, am I alive?

Looking at the surroundings that had been thrown into ruin, a chilling laugh entered the demon kings ear.

Fufufu So, is it breasts? As expected, breasts?



At Yurias haunted cries, the demon king started scrambling away on all fours.

Uh, excuse me? Calm down first

Saying how he liked me so much So breasts takes priority over heroes, is that what it means?

Yuria closed the distance in an instant, and the demon king gulped.

Am I going to die?

Ah it was a good life, the demon king thought

Absolutely noooooott!

In the last flashes of his life, all he could see were images of him working to death, and even in the midst of his soundless screams, Yuria came right up to him.

E, excuse me?

Even at the demon kings pleas, Yurias fist came up. The demon king closed his eyes and waited.



Why why

A, are you crying?

Puzzled by the lack of any solid impact, the demon king peeked out the tiniest slit of his eyes. His eyes turned to saucers when he recognized that Yuria, who was on her knees with tears streaming down her face.

Just because youve got me by the Scales, just because Ive already been caught, youre going for other women? Do you hate me? Was it all a lie?

Thump. Thump. Thump.

At this moment, looking at Yuria who was hitting his chest, the demon king could only love her even more.

Is this the first time Ive seen you cry?

How would I know!

Thump. Thump. Thump.

At his teasing words, Yurias glare hardened and continued to hit him

L, let go!

But, the demon king suddenly pulled Yuria into his embrace and finding herself crying into the demon kings chest, Yuria struggled to escape.

I havent strayed.

Lies! Says the one drooling over those breasts!

I like my hero even if shes small?

As I thought Im small

Yuria cried even more pitifully.

It, its alright. That girls boobs are just stupidly large. I like my hero the best.

Patting her back, the demon king soothed Yuria.


Yuria glared up at the demon king.

Even if Im not lying?


As Yurias tongue was about to deliver another lashing, the demon king sealed her lips with his own.

Mm, mmmmm!

At this sudden turn of events, Yuria frantically tried to escape, but losing out to his surprisingly overpowering strength, she had her lips stolen by the demon king.

You, you You!

As their lips separated, Yuria escaped the demon kings embrance and with a face completely dyed red, pointed her shaking finger at the demon king.

You know, this is my first kiss? (Demon king)

A, and you think mine isnt! (Yuria)

Yuria squeaked at the demon kings casual first kiss declaration, but looking on her, the demon king only smiled and moved in closer to again.

Is that so? Then, can I take your second as well?

Wha, why are you like this? S, so sappy

This time, Yuria was the one retreating.

Fufufu I need to show my hero just how much~ I love her. You like it as well, dont you?

S, says who!

Then, do you not like me?

N, not like that

Looking at Yuria, whose lips were quivering with indecision, the demon king shouted,


Eh, s, stop it!

The demon king hooked Yurias hip with his right hand and pulled her towards him, and Yuria found herself in the demon kings embrace once again.

Now, then!

Looking at the demon king who was coming closer, Yuria closed her eyes.

F, fine. Its too late to run away anyway And its absolutely not because I like this!

And JUST as the their lips were about to meet again-


Ah, sorry.

Startled at the sudden noise, Yuria snapped her head around, only to see Aya looking apologetic, while scratching the back of her head with an intense blush on her own face.


And with the fist that came with Yurias scream Aya turned into a sparkle in the sky.

Authors Note:

Was Was I on drugs when I wrote this? My hands are cringing so hard I cant type properly *shudder*