Demon King & Hero - CH SS 1.1

CH SS 1.1

Demon King & Hero: Side Story 1 Part 1: A certain demon kings dream

TL: Eevee

Ed: adkji

Alright guys, so this is a short(ish) side story thats been broken into several part. Ill try to get this done over Boxing Day, because Christmas specials are overrated /s

EN: What is Boxing Day

Its a new demon king!

The previous Greed finally retiring

Move it, move it!

Too noisy

The blessing of the demon god, the beginning of a new chapter in history.

I was blessed beyond any ordinary blessings, endowed with a huge destiny, but all I can remember from when I was born was that it was too loud.

Thats that?

What do you mean, thats that. Aside from a demon kings powers, hes got no strength.

Isnt it the first time that a demon king is managing Internal Affairs?

Too loud

I was pissed off to begin with, and the peanut gallery is making too much noise.

Its not even because I can hear them badmouthing me. Theyre just being too damn loud.

Since all the demons are gossiping as I walk down the corridors of the Internal Affairs building, never mind my anger over having to deal with the Budgets problems, my ears are getting irritated as well.

At least, my office is still quiet.

Settling down in my chair, I sighed. This demon world, theres no end to my work. I could have sworn Id dealt with all the forms and files yesterday, but my office was snowed down with new paperwork.

Lets see More military spending? Just burn that, lets see Whats this bitch spending so much on ornaments! Absolutely cut! And Repair fees? The demon king of Destruction, is he thinking to destroy the entire demon world? Is he one of Heavens spies? What kind of repair fees take up more than the military budget! Theres no place for these unreasonable repair fees in this demon world budget. If theres no spare funds, I can just confiscate the demon kings castles And here

The more I see, the more amazed I was that the demon world was still up and running.

This is annoying

Among the demons, I was nothing more than an upstart brat, but I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket with practiced motions.

At this rate, Ill be the first to die

Leaning back in my chair, I looked out through the window to the sight of the red sky characteristic of the demon world.

This kind of demon world

Lets change it.


Where I had arrived was the warp gate.

Its not that I didnt know Teleport Magic, but I needed to go to a special place only this warp gate could take me to.

To the demon god.

Is this important?

Demon king or not, going to see the demon god was no easy feat.

The guards alone were nobles of the demon world. In addition, they were all one of only 108 dukes of the demon realm.

At his question, I nodded. He/she is our god, after all, so one would expect a god to be perfectly aware of the current state of the demon world.

The demon nodded, said he would contact with the demon god, and vanished.

The demon god has allowed it.

He returned shortly afterwards, brought me to a gate and activated it.

Youre here?

With a black light, a black space appeared.

And there was a beautiful woman.

Excuse me Where is the demon god?

I assumed that she would be a person of incredibly high prestige, given how we were in the demon gods space, so I bowed my head and asked her.

And she told me where the demon god was.

Im the demon god?


The grinning woman flicked her fingers and the black space turned into a small office, and I found myself sitting in a new couch.

I should have visited you when you were born, did you forget me?

The figure then was a man

At my words, she chuckled lightly and said,

Gods dont have genders. The so-called god of light Raelle is called a goddess, but she just like that form so she stays that way. Actually, she might actually think like a woman after staying in that shape for so long?

She, no, the demon god tilted her head, muttered, well, not like I need to know, and turned to me.

Anyways, so what is it?

Um, before that, why did you take the form of a woman?

Because I was bored.

Is it just that!

At that absolutely ludicrous reason, I nearly spat out those words.

Just that, you say.Even for a demon king, its a bit too disrespectful, you know?

But, the opposition is a demon god. Something like my thoughts, I suspected she could read them at any time.

Haaa Could you please listen to my request?


Yes. Just well, how do I say this Look out for my back.

Eh? Thats easy.

At my words, the demon god instantly came over and really did look at my back.

Theres no problem?

Is she serious?

Do you have a problem?

Idiot demon god.

You wanna die?

The demon god let out a bloodthirsty grin.

Pl, please dont joke like this.

This is no joke. You dare call a god an idiot Annihilation?

Not that. Look out for my back for me.

The demon god vanished, and was back on the sofa she was on before, drinking a green-coloured tea.

Well, since you do a lot of work, I can forgive you. That said, what are you up to?

I took a sip of the tea before me and said,

Ugh, bitter

Its tasty when you get used to it. Its something from the eastern parts of the human world called green tea. Do drink it more often.

I havent lived long, but in terms of the teas Ive drunk, the closest equivalent (and for that matter, the only one) Ive had would be coffee. And that only as a strong black.

Oi, oi, I know youve pulled a lot of all-nighters, so lets get to the point already?

I was wondering if I should complain to a borderline omniscient demon god who could read my mind at will, but hey, if I imagined it, shed understand, so I went straight to the point.

You probably know this already, but the demon worlds short of funds.

Ah, I cant help you with that. Even gods cant pull money out of thin air.

Thats why Im asking. Please look after my back.

I grinned and told her my plans.

Shortly afterwards, an evil cackle echoed through the demon gods space.