aWhat shall we do now?a demanded Lief.
aWe will go quietly to our room,a said Barda evenly. aOur minds are working slowly now, because we are tired. We will sleep, and when we wake we will find a way out, never fear.a The room was silent and everyone was staring as they strode to the door at the back of the dining hall and went out. Signs directed them up some stairs to the sleeping quarters floor. Once there, they began to walk through a maze of door-lined hallways, looking for Room 77.
Rugs cushioned their feet and the hallways were well lit and silent, but as they walked, Lief began to feel more and more uncomfortable. Sudden draughts kept striking chill on his legs. The back of his neck was tingling. He was sure that doors were stealthily opening behind him and that unfriendly eyes were peering after him. Several times he spun around to try to catch the spies, but there was never anything to be seen.
aJust keep walking,a said Barda loudly. aLet the fools look. What does it matter to us?a aSomeone is following us, also,a Jasmine breathed. aI feel it. That woman should not have said what she did about us. I fear that someone has decided to put us out of the way before the Games even begin.a Automatically, Liefas hand moved to his sword, but of course the weapon was missing a" locked away in Mother Brightlyas cupboard.
The numbers on the doors beside him were 65 and 66. Ahead there was a turn in the hallway. aOur room cannot be far away now,a he whispered. aOnce we reach it we will be safe.a They quickened their pace. In moments they had reached the turn in the hallway. They hurried around the corner and found themselves in a short, dead-end corridor. Seeing that Room 77 was right at the end, they began moving towards it.
Then the light went out.
Kree screeched a warning. In the blackness, Lief twisted and leaped sideways, flattening himself against the wall. He felt a glancing blow on his shoulder. He heard Barda shout. He heard a thump and a crash and an angry hiss of pain. There was a scrabbling, scuffling noise and the sound of running feet. Then silence.
aLief! Barda!a It was Jasmineas voice. aAre you a"?a Lief answered, and to his relief heard Barda mutter also. Then, as suddenly as it had gone out, the light went on again. Shading his eyes against the sudden glare, Lief blinked at Barda who was staggering to his feet, pulling a crumpled paper from his pocket.
Behind him stood Jasmine, her hair wildly tangled. Her left hand was held up protectively to where Filli hid under her jacket. In her right hand she held her second dagger a" the one she usually kept hidden. Its tip was stained with red. She was frowning fiercely, looking back along the hallway. Lief followed her gaze and saw that a trail of red drops marked the floor all the way to the corner.
aGood! I thought I had drawn blood, but I was not certain. That will teach them that we are not easy marks,a Jasmine hissed. aCowards, to attack us from behind, in the dark!a aThey took our key,a said Barda grimly. aAnd they left this in its place.a He showed them the paper he was holding.
The companions looked around them. The hallway was silent. None of the doors had opened.
aWell?a Lief asked, after a moment. aWhat are we to do about this?a But he already knew the answer. He could feel himself simmering with anger. He could see the fire in Jasmineas eyes, and the stubborn set of Bardaas jaw.
aWhoever attacked us made a mistake,a Jasmine said, loudly enough for anyone listening to hear. aWhatever we may have thought before, we will certainly now not be running away from this contest.a aAnd it will not be we who will regret it!a Barda added, just as loudly.
They walked slowly to the door marked 77. It opened when Barda turned the k.n.o.b and they went into the small, neat room beyond.
It was light and bright, with a gaily colored rug on the floor, but the barred window made it look like a prison cell. The only pieces of furniture were three beds with bright red covers and a small, heavy cupboard.
aWhoever has taken our key thinks, perhaps, to make us lie awake all night, fearing attack,a muttered Lief.
aThen he is foolish,a Barda snapped. aWe will sleep well. We will fear nothing.a He put his shoulder against the cupboard and pushed it against the door.
With relief they fell on their beds and slept. As Barda had predicted, they slept soundly. If there were any small sounds outside their door in the darkness of the night, they were not disturbed. They slept on, safe in the knowledge that no one could enter the room without waking them.
But, as Barda had said, they were very tired, and were thinking slowly. Focused on the danger of attack, they had forgotten one thing.
Just as a key can unlock a door, so it can lock it. When the wakening bell rang in the morning and they moved the cupboard aside they found the door locked fast.
Their unknown enemy had found another way of seeing that they did not win in the Games. He had decided to prevent them attending the Games at all.
For a long time they shouted and beat upon the door, but no one came. Finally Barda charged at the door in fury, trying to burst it with his shoulder, but the wood was thick, the lock was heavy, and his efforts were of no use.
At last they admitted defeat and flung themselves back on their beds.
aWe were fools not to expect this,a Barda panted.
Jasmine was silent. Lief knew that she was fighting panic. For Jasmine, being imprisoned was the worst sort of torture. After a moment she sprang to her feet and ran to the window, shaking the bars and calling loudly to the blank sky. But the wind s.n.a.t.c.hed her cries and blew them away unheard.
aCould Kree fit through the bars?a asked Lief. Jasmine shook her head, but the question had given her an idea. She s.n.a.t.c.hed the cover from her bed and pushed it halfway through the bars so that it flapped in the breeze like a flag.
The second bell rang. Time dragged on. Lief gritted his teeth. How their enemy must be laughing at the ease with which they had been tricked.
Suddenly there was a sharp knock at the door and the handle rattled. They all shouted and immediately heard the sound of a key in the lock. The door swung open to reveal Mother Brightly, wearing a bright red dress and a sunbonnet tied with green and blue ribbons. Her cheeks were flushed and she was very short of breath.
aI was just leaving for the Games when what did I see but one of my coverlets flapping from a window!a she exclaimed. aI could not believe my eyes, and came running at once.a Quickly Lief, Barda, and Jasmine explained what had happened. The woman listened with many exclamations of horror and dismay.
aOh, I am ashamed that this has happened at my inn!a she cried. aI hope the upset will not affect your performance. I have told everyone that I think you will be finalists, at least.a aBut a" is it not too late?a Lief asked.
Mother Brightly shook her head decidedly. aNot at all!a she snapped. aFollow me.a Leaving Kree and Filli behind in the room, Lief, Barda, and Jasmine followed the woman down the stairs to the empty dining hall. There she served them food, and great mugs of foaming Queen Bee Cider. aEat and be strong,a she said fiercely. aWe will show your spiteful enemy that Mother Brightlyas favorites are not to be trifled with!a When they had eaten and drunk their fill, she led them through the training rooms at the back of the inn, along a covered walkway, and into an arena. The Games Opening Ceremony was still in progress, and many heads turned to look at the newcomers. Barda, Jasmine, and Lief lifted their chins and ignored the stares and whispers.
aGood fortune!a Mother Brightly whispered, and bustled away, leaving the companions alone.
The arena was a large, round field of sand surrounded by rows of benches that rose, tier after tier, high into the air. The benches were crowded with people, many of them waving red, green, and blue flags bearing the gold medal that was the symbol of the Games.
The compet.i.tors, cl.u.s.tered together on the sand, raised their hands, pledging that they would fight as well as they were able. Among them, easily seen because they were so tall, stood Joanna and Orwen. The scar-faced stranger was there also, not far from where Lief was standing. A ragged piece of cloth was knotted around his neck like a scarf.
Was it protection from the sun? Or to hide a wound made by Jasmineas dagger in the hallway last night? Liefas fist clenched as he raised his own hand. All his doubts and fears had disappeared. Now he was only angry, and determined to show that he could not be defeated so easily.
Soon afterwards, pairs of names were read out, and the contests began. The rules were simple. All the pairs fought at one time. Each pair fought until one could no longer stand.
The loser was taken away. The winner, after only a few minutesa rest, was paired with another winner to fight again, for endurance was considered as important as strength, agility, speed, and cunning.
Lief, Barda, and Jasmine soon learned that the idea of a fair contest played no part in the Rithmere Games. Compet.i.tors fought with savage fury, biting and clawing, b.u.t.ting with their heads and tearing at their rivalsa hair and eyes, as well as punching and kicking. Nothing was forbidden except the use of weapons.
The crowd roared, waving their flags, urging their favorites on, hissing and booing those who did not fight well. Sellers of sweetmeats, hot food, and Queen Bee Cider did a fine trade as they wandered up and down the aisles between the seats, shouting their wares.
As more and more defeated compet.i.tors left the arena, disappointed and nursing their injuries, the s.p.a.ce between the struggling pairs grew greater. Each fight was harder than the last, but Lief, Barda, and Jasmine managed to survive every round.
Unlike most of their rivals they were used to fighting for their lives. They had all learned much since they first met in the Forests of Silence. But even their early training helped them now.
Not for nothing had Lief spent his childhood on the dangerous streets of Del. As Barda had told Mother Brightly, he could dodge and run with the best, and use his wits to foil enemies far bigger than himself. He was young, but because of his work with his father in the blacksmithas forge his body was strong, his muscles used to working hard.
From boyhood Barda had trained as a palace guard a" and the guards were the most powerful fighters in Deltora, only defeated at last by the sorcery of the Shadow Lord. For many years Barda had wrestled and fought his fellows as part of that training. And even during his time disguised as a beggar outside the forge gates he had kept his strength, following Lief through the city and protecting him from harm.
And Jasmine? Small and slight as she was, no one in that company had faced what she had faced, or lived the life that she had lived. Shrewd Mother Brightly had seen the strength in those slim arms, and the determination in the green eyes. But Jasmineas opponents continually mistook her smallness for weakness, and paid the price.
The sun was low in the sky when the eight finalists, the ones who would fight their last battles on the morrow, were announced.
Barda, Lief, and Jasmine were among them. So were Joanna and Orwen. The other three were a short, heavily muscled man called Glock, a woman, Neridah, whose speed had amazed the crowd, and the scar-faced stranger whose name the companions now learned for the first time a" Doom.
aA fitting name for such a dark character,a muttered Barda, as Doom stepped forward, unsmiling, and held up his arms to the cheering crowd. aI do not relish the idea of fighting him.a Neither did Lief. But he had thought of something that worried him even more. aI did not expect that we would all be finalists,a he whispered. aWhat if we have to fight each other?a Jasmine stared at him. aWhy, we will decide who is to win, then just pretend to fight,a she said. aAs, in any case, we must do for all our other bouts tomorrow. We must let our opponents win, and so avoid injury. We are already sure of 100 gold coins each, because we are finalists. That is all the money we need, and more.a Barda moved restlessly. Plainly, the idea of cheating to lose offended him as much as the idea of cheating to win. aIt would not be honorable aa he began.
aNot honorable?a hissed Jasmine. aWhat has honor to do with this?a She spun around to Lief. aTell him!a she urged.
Lief hesitated. He was not troubled, as Barda was, by the idea of deceiving the organizers of the Games, or even the crowd. On the streets of Del, honor among friends was all that was required, and survival was the only rule. But part of his mind a" the part that still simmered with anger over the warning note and the locked door a" rebelled against Jasmineas plan.
aOur rivals will know, if we do not try to win. It will seem that we are at last bowing to their threats,a he said in a low voice.
Jasmine snorted in disgust. aYou are as foolish as Barda! Will you risk our quest for the sake of your pride? Oh, I have no patience with you!a She turned her back and stalked away.
That evening the finalists ate together in the dining hall attended by Mother Brightly, smiling and bright in her ruffled red dress. It was a strange meal, for where only the night before the room had been busy and filled with noise, now it was empty and echoing. The defeated compet.i.tors, it seemed, had already been sent away. Lief wondered how they were faring, for many of them were injured and almost all without money.
Jasmine was still angry. She ate little and drank only water. aThat Queen Bee Cider is too rich for me,a she muttered. aThe thought of it sickens me. The air in the arena stank of it. The people in the seats were drinking it all day.a Barda frowned. aIt should not be sold to them. It is intended for use by fighters, who need ma.s.sive energy, not for those who simply sit and look on. No wonder they cry for blood.a Just then Mother Brightly rang a small bell.
aOne word before you begin retiring to your rooms, my dears,a she said, as all the finalists turned to her. aI want no tricks or trouble here tonight, so I plan to take your keys and lock your doors myself. I will unlock them in the morning immediately after the waking bell.a There was complete silence in the room. The woman looked around, her plump face very serious. aSo sleep soundly and regain your strength,a she went on. aTomorrow you must show no sign of weakness or lack of purpose. The crowd a" well, it is always very excited on the final day. Very excited, indeed. It has been known for finalists who do not perform well to be attacked and torn to pieces. I would not like this to happen to any of you.a Liefas stomach seemed to turn over. He did not dare glance at Jasmine or Barda. So this was how the Games organizers made sure that all the finalists tried their best at the last. The crowd was their weapon a" the crowd, swarming, acting with one mind, excited to fever pitch and hungry for blood.
The arena was already growing warm when they reached it in the morning. The sun glared down on one side of the newly raked sand. The other side was in deep shadow. The benches were packed, the crowd simmering with excitement.
The eight finalists raised their hands and repeated their pledge to fight their best. Then they stepped forward one by one to choose a card from the woven basket held up by a smiling Mother Brightly.
Lief looked at his card, his heart in his mouth. The number upon it was 3. He glanced at Barda and Jasmine and to his relief saw that Barda was holding up number 1, and Jasmine number 4. So, for this round at least, they were not to fight each other. But who were their opponents to be?
He looked around and his heart sank as he saw scar-faced Doom walking towards Barda, holding his card high so that all could see the number 1 upon it. The giant Orwen had drawn the second number 4 and was already standing with Jasmine, who looked like a child beside him. Glock and Joanna had both drawn cards marked 2. So the only one who remained was Neridah the Swift. And, sure enough, there she was, hurrying towards him showing the 3 card that proved she was paired with him.
The crowd roared as the four pairs of opponents threw down their cards and faced each other.
Neridah looked down at her hands, then up at Lief. aI am rather afraid, I confess,a she said in a low voice. aI really do not know how I reached the finals. And you are one of Mother Brightlyas favorites, are you not?a Lief stared awkwardly back at her. He had fought several women the day before, and had learned that it was unwise to think of them as anything other than dangerous opponents. Besides, anyone who had seen Jasmine at work knew better than to underestimate a fighter just because she was female. But Neridah looked so gentle. She was as tall as he was, but slender and graceful as a deer, with a deeras huge, dark eyes.
aThe a the crowd,a he stammered. aWe must aa aOf course!a Neridah whispered. aI know I must try my very hardest. And I will not blame you for doing what you must. Whatever happens to me, my poor sisters and my mother will have the 100 gold coins I have already won. Mother Brightly has promised.a aYou need not fear aa Lief began gently. But at that moment the starting bell rang, and like a snake, Neridahas foot lashed out and caught him on the point of the chin, knocking him flat on his back.
The crowd laughed and booed.
Lief scrambled to his feet, shaking his head stupidly. His ears were ringing. He could not see Neridah at all. With amazing speed she had darted behind him. Savagely she kicked the backs of his knees, and he stumbled forward, gasping in pain. In moments she was darting around him, leaping and kicking at his ankles, his knees, his belly, his back, making him turn around and around like a confused clown, flailing with his arms while always she stayed out of reach.
She was making a fool of him! The crowd had begun jeering, chanting his stupid false name, aTwig,a and laughing. A wave of anger cleared Liefas head a little. If Neridah was fast, so was he. He jumped backwards, away from her, so that she was forced to face him. Warily, they circled one another. Then, without warning he sprang forward, catching her around the waist and throwing her to the ground.
She fell and lay gasping, one arm limp and helpless. All Lief had to do was finish her. Stop her from rising to her feet. Kick, or hit a But tears were welling from her eyes as she struggled feebly in the sand. aPlease aa she whispered.
For one split second, Lief hesitated. And that was enough. The next moment Neridahas ahelplessa arm was darting forward and her hand was seizing his ankle. Then the crowd was roaring as she leaped up, jerking his foot off the ground. Lief staggered, crashed to the sand, and knew no more.
Meanwhile, Barda and Doom were wrestling, trying to push each other over. They were very evenly matched. Barda was taller, but Doomas muscles were like iron and his will even stronger. From side to side, back and forth, the two men swayed, but neither made a mistake, and neither gave in.
Wherever you have come from, Doom of the Hills, you have had a life of struggle, thought Barda. You have suffered much. And he remembered the sign that the scar-faced man had made in the dust of a shop counter, the first time he had seen him. The sign of the Resistance. The secret sign of those who were pledged to defy the Shadow Lord.
aWhat are you doing here, Doom?a he panted. aWhy do you waste your time fighting me when you have more important work to do?a aWhat work?a hissed Doom, the long scar showing white on his gleaming skin. aMy work a" now a" is to grind you into the dust a" Berry of Bushtown!a His lips twisted into a grim smile as he said the name. Plainly he was sure that it was false.
aYour friend Twig is down and will not get up again,a he sneered. aSee, behind you? Hear the crowd?a Barda struggled to keep his concentration, refusing to look around, trying to close his ears to the howls of the people. Yet he could still hear the frenzied chanting: aNeridah! Neridah! Kick! Yes! Again! Finish him!a Doomas grip tightened and his weight shifted. Barda staggered, but only a little. aNot so easy, Doom!a he muttered. He gritted his teeth and fought on.
Jasmine could see nothing but Orwenas huge shape circling her, hear nothing but his savage grunts as he lunged for her, and the beating of her own heart as she sprang aside. Her mind was working as fast as her feet.
All the compet.i.tors she had fought the day before had been larger than she was, but none of them had been Orwenas size and weight. If she allowed herself to be caught in this giantas bear-like grip, he would crush her. She knew she had to be like a bee buzzing around the head of a great beast. She had to irritate him, tire him, so that he made a mistake.
But Orwen was not stupid. He knew what she planned. For a very long time she had kept out of his reach, spinning and jumping, landing sharp, painful little kicks on his ankles and knees. His face was running with sweat, but his steady gaze had not faltered.
Again she leaped away from him. For long minutes she had been trying to turn him to face the sun. And she had nearly done it. One or two more moves a Then, suddenly, Orwenas expression changed. He was looking over Jasmineas shoulder, his eyes filled with horror. Was it a trick? Or a Behind her there was a terrible sound a" the sound of someone choking, in agony. And the crowd was roaring: aGlock! Glock! Kill! Kill! Kill!a Orwen lunged forward. Jasmine darted aside, but almost immediately realized that the man was not looking at her. He had forgotten she was there.
Joanna was down, pinned to the ground. And Glock was kneeling over her, his huge, hairy hands gripping her neck, shaking, tightening, his teeth bared in savage glee as he watched her life ebb away.
Then Orwen was upon him, heaving him aside like a bundle of rags. The watching people shrieked with excitement. Glockas snarl of shock and fury was cut short as he thumped heavily to the ground. Orwen threw himself down beside Joanna, cradling her in his arms.
She was so limp and still that Jasmine thought at first that she was dead. But as Orwen called her name, her eyelids flickered and her hand fumbled towards her bruised throat. Orwen bent his head with a groan of relief, unconscious of everything but her.
And so it was that he did not sense Glock staggering to his feet and coming for him. He did not hear Jasmineas sharp, warning cry. He paid no heed to the crowd rising in a fever of excitement. The next moment, Glockas locked, clenched fists had pounded down onto the back of his neck like two great stones. Orwen fell forward without a cry, and did not move again.
Barda and Doom were still fighting, struggling in a grip that neither would break. They were alone in the arena now. Dimly, Barda was aware that two people had been carried away while Glock, held back by three strong officials, still raved at them with murderous rage.
aGlock is a madman!a Doom growled. His voice was full of loathing.
aAnd are we not madmen?a panted Barda. aWhichever one of us wins will surely have to fight him. Do you want 1000 gold coins enough for that?a aDo you?a hissed Doom, his dark eyes flashing. aFor my own purposes I am condemned to this. But you a" surely you are not. We have given a good enough show. If one of us falls now, he is free to go on his way. Think!a Barda thought, and faltered.
It was the smallest hesitation. One tiny gap in the concentration that had armored him for so long. But it was enough for Doom. A twist, a mighty thrust, and Barda was off balance and staggering.
The other manas fist crashed into his jaw. Barda saw bright pinpoints of light. Then the ground was rushing up to meet him. In seconds he was lying on his face in the sand, dazed, his head spinning, his whole body aching, listening to the crowd howling Doomas name. Through his pain he wondered if Doom had tricked him, or done him a great favor. Had this defeat been because of Doomas wish, or his own?
Four finalists remained: Neridah, Doom, Glock a" and Jasmine, for she had been p.r.o.nounced the winner of her bout, even though Orwen had been felled by another.
Jasmine had only had a few brief moments to find out how Lief and Barda were faring. Both were poorly, but Mother Brightly, anxiously hovering over them, had told her that, like Joanna and Orwen, they would soon recover. Their injuries were not too serious, and they would be not much the worse for their defeat.
Seeing that her friends were in good hands, Jasmine allowed herself to be taken to the center of the arena to join Glock, Neridah, and Doom.
Foaming mugs of Queen Bee Cider were brought to them. The dark-haired young serving man was plainly excited to be serving such great ones. He offered the tray to Doom, who took a mug with a word of thanks.
aWhy do you serve him first?a shouted Glock furiously. He s.n.a.t.c.hed another mug from the tray, tipped it up, and drained it dry.
The young man, plainly startled and frightened, began gasping words of apology.
aAll is well,a said Doom quietly. aDo not upset yourself.a Blushing scarlet, the young man held out the tray to Neridah and Jasmine. Neridah took a mug and drank it in a gulp. Jasmine, however, shook her head.
aThank you, but I do not like Queen Bee Cider,a she said. aI have had water, and that is enough.a As the young man stared, Glock grabbed the rejected mug. aAll the more for me!a he crowed, gulping the cider greedily.
He turned to Jasmine, wiping his dripping mouth with the back of his hand. aPray that you are not facing me next round, little water-drinking Birdie. I will crack your bones like egg I will aa A strange expression crossed his face. And at that exact moment, Neridah, beside him, gave a strange little sigh, bent at the knees, and fell to the ground. Glock gaped at her, then at the empty mug in his hand. His hand went to his throat.
aPoison!a he croaked. He turned, staggering, and pointed with a shaking finger at the young man with the tray. aYou a"a he croaked.
The young man dropped the tray and took to his heels. By the time Glock, in his turn, had crashed senseless to the ground, he was already lost in the crowd.
People were running towards them, shouting and pointing. Jasmine stared at Doom.
aThis is your doing!a she hissed. aThat boy a" you knew him!a aWhat rubbish you talk,a he snapped.
Jasmine narrowed her eyes. aYou think that if the others are out of the way a" if you fight only me in the finals a" you will surely win,a she said slowly. aBut you are wrong, Doom.a He turned away so that she could not see his face. The officials had reached them now. They were shaking Glock and Neridah, gabbling and exclaiming. Only Jasmine heard Doomas reply.
aWe will see,a he said softly. aWe will see.a If fighting Orwen was like fighting a bear, this is like facing a wolf, Jasmine thought, as she and Doom circled each other in the center of the arena. A lean, cunning wolf.
The man was dangerous. Very dangerous. Her every instinct told her that. She feared him as she had never feared a human being before, yet she did not know why. She searched for a reason, then thought she had found it.
He does not care if he lives or dies, she thought, and despite herself she shivered with dread. She saw a tiny spark leap into Doomas eyes and dodged just in time as he lunged for her.