Death's Scythe - Chapter 40: [Realization]

Chapter 40: [Realization]

He knew his sister was stronger than him , but didn't let that fact affect him . It was only because she had a headstart . It was only because Grimm was weak . It was only because he had not even spent a month in this world , which he was sent to on the verge of death .

' Excuses .' He laughed at the very thought . He had a d.a.m.n nice headstart . Even when he kept increasing the boost provided by his [Gift:Dragon] , he was never able to be stronger than her . He didn't feel bad , however . If she was also strengthening at the same rate as him , it was actually better . Much better . There were little , if any strings between the two and Leo wanted to leave behind this 'sister' of his that had been ' Forced onto ' and , as the system had said , go to a 'Higher tier' world .

He was just going to fight through those ' Higher ' worlds like he was doing right now .


The friction between his claw , covered in lightning and the body of the iron golem created sparkles , even more so due to the lightning element which had been absorbed into his [ Breath ] . He had this desire to dive into his shadow and backstab the d.a.m.n golem because it had a terrifyingly high magic and physical defense .

This lunk metal did nothing to block his attacks , as if it looked down on him . Though there were small scratches all over it's huge body , Leo felt as though he could never Pierce through it's body . It was one thing for it to be made of metal , but Leo felt this thing was made of some other fantasy metal . His mind instinctually listed all the metals he knew , that could be inserted into a fantasy setting ranging anywhere from darksteel , cold iron , mithril and all the way to orichalc.u.m and slowly went down from the strongest .

Leo had been a bit of a week before he got trapped in that game . His interests were mainly in fantasy , later realising it was all due to the bloodshed in the fights that he loved to watch . Neverminding his field of interest , he had at least some sort of information about fantasy settings , at least at the basics .

His mind wandered over all the metals as their common characteristics came up in his mind . He went through them rejecting each one until he remembered one which closely matched the lunk of metal in front of him .

His claws continued scratching onto the body of the giant , though the scratches were deeper in some places , they were all relatively similar in depth .

Damascus steel . It had a small amount of conductivity for Mana . Not enough to give the t.i.tan the defense it currently had . It had to be made of an alloy of Damascus steel and some other metal , both hard and with enough conductivity to create this monster .

Considering the holes it made with it's thick arms when trying to swat away Leo , it either had incredible muscle strength or an extreme weight , the former being impossible . Adamantium , a metal with high enough values of both .

' The only weakness will be speed , and the low dexterity . Taking in consideration I can outmaneuver it easily , even with it's higher attributes , it is just a wall of metal I need to scratch through to get to it's core .' Leo thought as his left arm , covered in dark flames. .h.i.t the t.i.tan's face with a 'Bang' . The thing's head rocked back just a little before coming back into position and glaring at the human boy in front of it .

Leo hadn't noticed it before , but now that he had time , the Iron golem , which was rumored to have multiple colors , was 5 meters tall , even as it hunched it's back and supported it's body , with it's arms that extended for almost the full length of it's body , if not , at least half of it .

Leo kept using his claws to hit it over and over , because he knew he had no other option . Luna seemed to have went into hibernation after that momentary release of pressure . Though he felt comfortable with her current state , it was still a little scary how strong she was , while still letting herself let him use her . Leo knew he had a sort of connection with them both , but now he understood what had actually happened when he tried to 'instinctually ' force them both into submission . They were too strong for him , and were ' Allowing ' him to use them .

He kept on striking as a coldness spread across his mind . He knew what it felt to be weak . He was forced down the road before , but this time , he had no desire to run , but only one to beat the ' Creatures ' residing somewhere inside himself , that we looking down on him , just like the huge lump of metals in front of him .

His flames contained Mana , which made them part magic . That Mana in the flames , and even in the lightning , was what the golem absorbed and forced into the ground .

It was a wall which he had to break solely based on strength . That 'Dragon' only seemed to come out when he had transformed his whole body , but the normal form boosted his strength quite a bit too .

He kept hitting at the monster , dodging the heavy punches that came his way every once in a while . His golden eyes could clearly see the scratches getting deeper , albeit slowly .

He now focused all his attacks on a single point , where it's ' Heart ' was situated . The gigant kept waving it's arms around , faster and faster , as even it felt the threat from the short human . Leo kept on using his sharp ' nails ' instead of using his knuckles , because he was not trying to impact it , but simply create an opening .

His face , and even the tank top was slowly covered in sweat as he moved faster and faster , trying to deepen the 'wound' he had created and when he thought it was deep enough , characterized by what looked like a crystal s.h.i.+ning with a blue hue , s.h.i.+ning it light on the outside world .

The moment the word " Now ." escaped his mouth , he backed away as his wings reappeared and a spear made of ice pa.s.sed by his shoulder , almost touching it , as it drilled itself into the core of the golem .

Leo just sprawled down on the ground as he looked at the roof of the 'Subway' as he thought through things once again ' Perhaps I don't want to leave her .'