Death's Scythe - Chapter 2: Ch:1 [New World - I]

Chapter 2: Ch:1 [New World - I]

[System is rebooting!]

[Scanning physical body!]

[Old marrow is replaced by Dragon marrow!]

[Your body will start producing dragon blood and your race will change to Dragon!

Time till complete transformation : 1 day !]

When Leo opened his eyes he was in an unfamiliar place . A cave . He looked around still lying down and found a girl , in her teens with deep crimson hair hugging his chest and sleeping peacefully .

'This feels awfully real for a quest .'

He wondered why he was feeling like a normal human when in the game . Weren't players supposed to feel only the basrest of temperature and pain .

[Your soul has been transferred to a new physical body!]

[Found memories from previous host

Leo Grimm


[Integrating memories!]

He finally found the answer . Transmigration ! That's right ! The alert before he lost consciousness said he was transmigrating !

'So this is an alternate world!'

He was surprised , but still overjoyed . This was a new world ! Usually such things happen when the world is filled with magic . And who didn't want to live in a world filled with magic with even more ways to kill people .

[Integration starting!]




There were images and voices in his head he had never seen or heard . Information he never knew started flooding in .

The memories all came flooding in , and he had no way to stop them . He wanted to shout but looking at the girl in his embrace , he could do nothing . He only gritted his teeth and his hands which were already around the girl hugged her even tighter .

He was Leo Grimm . A Prince of Grimm Empire . His memories started from the first time he saw the face of his little sister , Leah Grimm . Before that , there was a 3 year blank .

The memories were fragmented . Most of them about Leah . Leo wanted protect this girl just a year younger than him , but he had no mana , which she did . All he had were his smarts which were useless in this world oriented by strength .

But in the Grim Empire witches weren't accepted . A man could be a wizard but , in the empire , women rarely had any mana , which was in contrast with the rest of the world . Thus , witches were hunted . They were considered a sign of misfortune .

Leah , had mana . She was a witch ! It was all well hidden by Leo till she was 16 , but a few weeks ago , the prime minister found out . They had no other choice but to run away from the empire , that hated Leah's kind .

Leo did as much research as he could to find a safe haven for them . They were going to another continent . One where anyone who had mana was still normal . He wanted to go there and live in peace where n.o.body would hurt his sister .


[Integration complete!]

Leo wanted to know more about this world . But perhaps Leo Grimm only wanted to protect his sister . The terms wizard and witch , Grimm came up with them . He was ignorant of the outside world .

These memories , perhaps because of being incomplete , didn't help much . The terms witch and wizard are from a time when Grimm was 8 , so they should be wrong .

'According to these memories , there should be a port town about a mile or two from here . I need to go to a library to collect information .'

He looked down at Leah and suddenly felt something he hadn't for an extremely long time . Warmth . For the last 10 or so years in that game he had only cared about killing , but his heart which he thought had gone cold , once again felt warmth . He thought it was because of the memories but he had started considering Leah as his own sister .

He didn't realize when , but he had started crying . Maybe the memories had changed him , even just a little , but they had .

'How will I protect her if I am in the same as the weak Leo '

He laughed at himself in his heart .

'Aren't I the same . Wanting to protect her when I am so weak!'

But this time he got an alert in front of his retina . There was no voice and the alert lasted for only a second .

[The system has started scanning your body !]

[Require more information for completing scan!]

[Advising user Leo to obtain more information to help the system compile a way to strengthen the user!]

Leo was confused .

'Why does it want to strengthen me ?'

But his question was soon answered .

[The Dragon's G.o.d Of Death has given user Leo a mission ! The system has been changed in order to help user Leo complete this mission !]

But his questions didn't end there . He asked once more .

'What's this mission I have to do ? And wait , why do I have the game system ?'

[Unauthorized ! User Leo is too weak to require this information !]

He just ignored the system calling him weak , but thought over the information he had at hand .

' I am too weak to know the mission , and the system is here to help me become stronger . And there is the mention of a G.o.d , so he must need me for something . But why me ? If he wanted someone from the game , there were more than 60,000 people there . It becomes even more if he wanted someone from earth or just another world . I might've been strong in the game but I was nothing more than a messed up man in reality .'

He had even more doubts now than before asking the system . Most of them about the G.o.d and the system .

He once again looked at his sister and decided in his heart for one last time as he put his hand over her cheek .

' But how did her brother die . If my soul is in his body , he should've died , but there's no one but her here .'

[The old host died due to poisoning !]

An alert was shown on his retina for just a second .

'That makes sense . He might've died in his sleep '

Leah had a peaceful expression on her face as she slept . Leo couldn't help but smile as he looked on for a long time .

' I am too weak for a mission I don't even want to do , so perhaps I just have to become stronger to protect this sweet smile of hers .'

He felt his eyelids become heavier as he finally slept , embracing his newfound sister to his heart .