Kentucky, on the other hand, was affected by the immunity against Soul Binding Contracts thanks to the connection with the twins. Roan had him sign the contract in case he needed Kentucky for some flight in places where identifications were necessary. In any case, I could swear you would be some fat guy, Kentucky.
Kentucky had been in the Transition Realm for the same duration as the twins. However, this was the first time he took a human form since he needed to enter the office, which didnt fit his real forms size. Kentucky was just a few years younger than the twins, so his cultivation made him look like he was in his early twenties. Not only that, he was quite handsome even though he had a few Minokawa traits over his body and his demonic aura.
The few women he passed by couldnt help but take a second or third look at him, much to his satisfaction. Of course, this grandfather would never be fat. I have always taken care of my weight.
That sounded like the greatest lie of all time in Roans ears. He was sure that it was his bloodline that allowed him to stay slim even though he ate like a whale. Whatever, just stop trying to catch all the womens attention.
Hey, you cant blame this god for being this handsome in any of his forms, okay? Im not saying or calling any of them to look at me. Theyre doing it just because they cant ignore my existence. Kentucky didnt seem to care at all.
Roan shook his head and entered the office with Kentucky. He also wanted to find out another thing since he was there. Naturally, Kentucky and Roans cultivation were taken seriously, so they didnt take any queues and were attended to straight away. For cities at the borders of continents, Transition Realm experts were some of the strongest existences, after all. Hello, sirs. Im the manager of the Gublac Citys Office, Chekos. How can I help you today?
Roan didnt waste time, saying, We are from outside Lebgram Continent and have just arrived here. I found out we need some identification to use the Formation Guilds teleport formations.
Chekos quickly nodded but also had a concerned expression. That is correct, sirs. However He took a deep breath before saying, We will need you to sign Soul Binding Contracts. He was afraid that Roan and Kentucky would get angry and cause trouble in the office. Once again, their cultivation was just too terrifying in a corner city like Gublac.
No problem, bring the contracts, Roan immediately agreed. The guard at the city gate already told us that we need to sign them to guarantee we wont intervene in any of the power struggles of this continent. Anyone can tell that this is something Jhiod Continent demanded, so I wont meddle with it.
Chekos couldnt help but sigh in relief after that. Thank you for understanding, sir. Ill prepare the Soul Binding Contract straight away. Chekos then took the contract in front of Roan and Kentucky and began to write the clauses for the two to see.
While you do that, explain something to me, Roan called the guys attention. Well, in fact, it wasnt a question from Roan but from Rean, who was in the Dimensional Realm. How are you sharing the information about the identification badges throughout the continent?
Chekos didnt mind explaining since it wasnt any secret. Its quite simple. Every now and then, someone from the main office in our Lebgram Continent comes by and takes all the information back to the headquarters in jade slips. At the same time, they also bring all the information in jade slips from new identification badges for us to add to our banks.
Rean found it strange, so he had Roan continue to ask. Isnt that way too much work? How many trillions of people, demon beasts, and spirits exist in Lebgram Continent? Maybe even over a quadrillion. Is it even possible to manage all of that with just jade slips?
Chekos laughed in response. Hahaha! Of course not! The only people that need identification badges are the Transition Realm and above. Those below this level would hardly be able to cause any trouble in the power struggles of the continent except for small locations. Our continent just has to keep tags on these experts and whether theyre from Lebgram or not. As you can imagine, experts of this level are extremely scarce. I would be surprised if they made up for 0.00001% of our continents forces.
Rean had to admit it was true. If thats the case, then the main office only had to keep a few hundreds of thousands or maybe a million or so experts. 0.00001% would already mean ten million if a quadrillion lives existed here, and Rean found it extremely hard to be the case. It seems like you sent Luan into the Dimensional Realm for nothing. He wouldnt need to sign any contract, nor did he need to make an identification badge at all.
Roan didnt think the same. Better safe than sorry.
True, Rean agreed with that much at least.
Eventually, Chekos finished the contract. It really only stated the things he mentioned. Here you go, sirs.
Without wasting time, Roan and Kentucky signed it, just for the Soul Gem Dummy to take them.