should he head North
to her
climb into bed
with her
and would that make him soon forget
these morning nightmares
and random walks through woods
where he discovers nothing once again
but more of the same superstitions
traces of empty sagas
that don't work for luck
or anything else
you can put your finger on
would running up there
to her
straight North on 39
erase all that
or just create a whole new set
of lawless circumstances
he'd soon regret
and set him wondering why he'd ever left
the sweet sweet sunny South
he said to himself
in the voice of a man
in the voice of a man inside his chest who told him in stern tones
things were already changing
for the worse
and it was far far better
to stay right there
sitting in his faded armchair
than to risk the road again
and all its bitter disappointments