I moved to the next item. The leather was as smooth as suede against my cheek. I fol owed the line of rich cowhide ta.s.sels. I knew by the feel of the leather against my cheek that it was a versatile flogger, capable of producing either a sharp, stinging slap or a light, erotic tickle. It al depended on how Renata chose to wield it.
I trailed my face to the base and opened my mouth, catching it between my teeth. Only then, only when I had selected the flogger, did I place my hands on the floor and crawl to her.
The edge of her skirts brushed the tops of my hands and I raised, letting the flogger fal from my lips into her lap.
She laughed and I knew she had retrieved it. "Ti amo," she said, caressing my face. "Ti amo, cara mia."
Those fingers tickled down my cheek, sweeping lower to the line of my throat.
There are those Elders that thought less of me because I had been the Queen's beloved pet, because they believed that love and submission were for the weak of heart and faint of wil . On the contrary, I had learned that to love, one must carry a reservoir of great strength. Their judgments and frowns did not trouble me overmuch. Behind the doors to Renata's bedchambers, she al owed me to be al that I am and more.
She accepted the whole of my being without question, without doubt, and most importantly, without judgment. She did not ask that I restrain any aspect of myself, both the strong and the weak.
I was simply her Epiphany.
About the Author.
Winter Pennington is an author, poet, artist, and closeted musician. She is an avid pract.i.tioner of nature-based spirituality and enjoys spending her spare time studying mythology from around the world. The Celtic path is very close to her heart. She has an uncanny fascination with swords and daggers, and a fondness for feeding loud and obnoxious corvids. In the shadow of her writing, she has experience working with a plethora of animals as a pet care specialist and veterinary a.s.sistant.
Winter currently resides in Oklahoma with her partner and their ever-growing family of furry kids, also known as, The Felines Extraordinaire.
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By the Author.
Witch Wolf.
Raven Mask.
Darkness Embraced.