Dark Moon Era - Chapter 64: The Most Important Exam

Chapter 64: The Most Important Exam

A single exam stirred up the entire Safety Sector No. 17. 

Under the oppression of life, the dramatic outcome of the event would surely be the discussion of the people for a long time to come.

Currently, the protagonists of the event, Tang Ling and Su Yao, were in a secluded dark alleyway.

Whenever the Purple Moon rose, the night would get colder. It was almost certain that people would hang around such a dark alleyway at night.

Su Yao stopped in front of a regular-looking stone house after walking together for a while silently and said to Tang Ling, "I just made you a new enemy." 

Aber was not exactly a person with a high tolerance. He was mature and skilled at calculating. In fact, he might be ten times even more dangerous than Lionel.

"Aside from that, I'm more curious about why you called yourself a mad dog?" Tang Ling smiled, appearing rather relaxed.

Made an enemy for him? It mattered not. He did not even ask why Lionel was so against him.

A weakling should not ask for reasons. Likewise, the strong did not need to know the reason behind every question either.

Tang Ling just wanted to be stronger.

Su Yao was slightly caught off guard by Tang Ling's question. He kicked his backside and growled, "You little rascal, did you pretend to fall asleep?"

Inside the stone house, the firewood burned strongly with loud sparks in the hearth as the unique fragrance of purple pine needles wafted out.

On top of the rough wooden table that was carved out from a log, there was steamy yellow millet rice, a big bowl of fresh meat, and a plate of green vegetables which was not much. It was simple yet luxurious.

Su Yao and Tang Ling sat opposite each other and gobbled down the rice and meat. Su Yao even stuffed half of the green vegetables, which was foreign to Tang Ling, into his bowl.

Delightedly, Rona watched both the big and small men wolf their meal down. They seemed like beasts fighting over a meal, but it was captivating to watch them.

Su Yao said in a m.u.f.fled voice that this stone house would be their temporary lodging spot.

It was not exactly the best place since it was located in a secluded and messy alleyway. In addition to that, it was far away from the fun and prosperous entertainment area.

Although Tang Ling was not satisfied, he did not ask why they were not in the inner city.

The two of them were quiet. Instead, it was Rona who cried out of surprise after watching the two of them eat for a while, she suddenly remembered she had something to do back in her inn. Flushed, she left in a hurry.

Su Yao was a little embarra.s.sed as well, so he said bashfully, "Men always need women. Her cooking is to die for."

"Mm." Tang Ling did not get Su Yao's meaning, but he acknowledged Rona's cooking which was enough for him.

 Looking out at the night view, Su Yao said emotionally, "I think I should just let her work at the inn. A normal job is enough to support one's daily life here."

Tang Ling still did not understand it. When he thought of life back in the settlement, it did not seem as bad now.

Putting his bowl down, Su Yao looked at Tang Ling seriously. "Is there anything you want to ask me?"

"I just want to ask what's the reason for all this kindness?" Even Tang Ling had no idea when he started to seriously think about this question. Perhaps it was when his sorrow was suppressed, or maybe he missed Su Yao when he went missing for a few days.

However, after witnessing so many mind-shattering events in this era, unconditional kindness might bring warmth, but it would also arouse anxiety. Tang Ling was no exception to feeling this way either.

Su Yao went quiet after Tang Ling's question. He stood in front of the window and his figure was enveloped by an indescribable aura. The air felt aged and heavy.

Before this, Tang Ling once asked who Su Yao was and the man said he had no right to know yet. Now, would he have the right to? 

Tang Ling felt depressed because he was cautious against the man before this, but now, he cared for him.

He would never forget the deafening declaration from the man while he was dozing off back in the iron cage. Tang Ling is under me, Su Yao!

If he had the chance to, he wanted to care for his Uncle Su Yao in the future, but kindness without a reason could hardly a.s.sure him. He felt like he would eventually have to bid farewell to the man.

"There is a reason, and a story behind it," Su Yao's deep voice said, shattering Tang Ling's depression. He turned around to Tang Ling. "But most importantly, there are two things that I want you to know. Firstly, you need to just believe me."

"Mm." Tang Ling suddenly felt at ease. Trusting Su Yao would be an easy task.

"Secondly, I don't f*cking want to tell a story now, and I don't want to reveal the reason. Do you want to get a beating?"

Tang Ling puckered his lips. Would violence solve anything? Of course, when he became strong enough to beat Su Yao up in the future, he would not mind either.

"Go to bed." Su Yao was getting impatient, so he kicked Tang Ling's stool away.

Tang Ling was able to perfectly dodge the fall since Su Yao was not even quick.

"Tomorrow's exam is important," Su Yao suddenly reminded Tang Ling after a quick thought.

In fact, the second round of exams should have started right after the first, but who would have thought the first round of exams would end with such a bang. Because it wasted a lot of precious time, the second round had to be delayed to the next day.

"Will it be as tiring as today?" Tang Ling was a little worried. As a matter of fact, he was exhausted. If there was still a brutal fight tomorrow, he might not be able to make it through.

"Not at all, but the rule is an iron wall of despair," Su Yao simply briefed Tang Ling about the content, but it was still hard for him to imagine it.

Inevitably, he thought of Quark and the news that the man had shared with him mysteriously.

You must go through a mysterious test to become a Purple Moon Warrior and achieve some hidden conditions.

Would it somehow be related to the exam tomorrow? After all, if one could graduate from the First Reserved Camp without any hindrance, one would almost certainly become a Purple Moon Warrior.

The information cost 2 credits, so Quark would not have lied to him.

However, after the man was captured in Safety Sector No. 17, where would he be now?

Tang Ling's thoughts drifted away for a while. As Su Yao was saying something along the lines of, "But I'm very confident in you", he noticed that Tang Ling was not paying attention, hence a slap landed on his face.

Getting along with a violent man was never an easy thing to do.

On the second morning, the crowd was not as excited as the day before because the main show was over. Based on the previous rules, the second exam had always been a mysterious one and would never be opened to the public.

Still, it did not stop the people from gathering further away from the inner city walls early in the morning to wait for the news.

Whenever a candidate pa.s.sed the second exam, the great bell in the sector would ring.

The Purple Moon Warriors would also announce the lucky candidate's name from the top of the inner city walls.

Today, Su Yao personally escorted Tang Ling into the inner city. Along the way, they received all sorts of complicated and revered gazes.

The climax of the show yesterday could not be described with a single word. Furthermore, Su Yao had debunked the myths of the Purple Moon Warriors, and after a night, it stimulated rebellious thoughts in the people.

After all, most of the time, shaking one's unwavering faith was not exactly the most delightful thing to do. Breaking people's persistent beliefs, regardless of whether right or wrong, was considered a crime.

Su Yao was equivalent to a criminal, but no one dared to step on his tail. Therefore, he sent Tang Ling into Glory Square without any problems along the way.

This morning in Glory Square was unlike the crowded scene yesterday when people thronged the place trying to watch the matches. Instead, the elite warriors cleaned the place up and shooed the irrelevant people away.

Under the thin veil of dawn, the square reeked of dead silence.

Everything seemed to be hinting at the sacredness of the second round of the exam.