Dark Moon Era - Chapter 55: Precise Performance Part 1

Chapter 55: Precise Performance Part 1

The instructor's voice was very soft when he said that. Maybe because it was intentional, even the big live telecast did not play his voice out loud. Only several warriors and Tang Ling heard him.

An outrageous thought popped up in Tang Ling's mind uncontrollably. Could I negotiate with a giant Leicester silverback bear? 

He had faced a real mutated beast before—that giant snake in the sewer.

However, he did not think that the ma.s.sive snake, which had evolved into a high mutated beast (maybe it should not even be called a black-horned purple-striped snake anymore), could even understand the terms and conditions that consisted of complicated language and grammar.

The giant Leicester silverback bear did not respond. It yawned nonchalantly and turned around, showing its back to the instructor and facing Tang Ling. Its reaction shocked the crowd, but they all saw the bear lying down lazily.

With a smile, the instructor lowered his head to light up his cigarette and squinted his eyes at the cage.

Tang Ling inhaled deeply, arching his body and tightening his muscles. Meanwhile, the giant Leicester silverback bear lifted its head up and started to scratch an itch. 

His gaze was locked onto the bear as it shook its paws out and started to stretch its body.

A thought flashed in Tang Ling's mind. Almost instantly, he came up with two options, and within a millisecond, he made his decision.

He slowed his breath down and relaxed. Since the bear showed no hostility, he should not feel that nervous either. With that thought in mind, he straightened his body and started to back away as an experiment.

One step, two steps…

The bear did not even have the slightest interest to glance over at him.

Tang Ling was even more relaxed now. He simply skipped his gaze over the clock in Glory Square, trying to find out how long it had been, but his glum expression stated that it had only been less than half a minute.

His caution started to wear off as he continued to step back. Perhaps because of the lingering nerves, his calves seemed to coil up.

At that very moment, someone in the crowd yawned out of boredom. 

Could this young man simply cheat his way out against the most terrifying giant Leicester silverback bear?

Orston's interest was waning. He looked around and saw Yu standing in the corner. Once again, his gaze was filled with provocation.

Yu's fingers were trembling while the excitement in his eyes was very evident to the point that it almost materialized and he neglected Orston from the start.

A warrior rushed towards the examination venue from Glory Hall. The instructor spat a cloud of thick smoke out. The rising smoke shrouded his face and blurred his expression.

The giant Leicester silverback bear continued to stretch its body, raising its haunches high and lowering its torso close to the ground.

Tang Ling was looking around carefully, seemingly wanted to widen the distance.

Inside the cage, the air started to swirl. Then, in the midst of its stretching, the colossal bear charged forward without any signs.

As a matter of fact, raising its haunches was perfect for its hind legs to propel itself forward like a cannon. 

Tang Ling managed to widen the distance to around over 20 meters, but the moment the bear charged, half of that distance gained vanished.

Rapidly covering the rest of the distance, the bear did not hold back at all. It did not perform any other movements. While it charged, it was prepared to raise its torso and ought to have finished Tang Ling with the strike of a single paw.

Standing up was not necessary though. Due to its weight and speed, the impact would easily kill Tang Ling as long as it could land a hit.

At that very moment, the yawning people in the crowd still had not closed their mouths, and Orston did not even retract his provocative gaze at Yu.

Two of Yu's trembling fingers stopped halfway to his mouth, and the rest of the fingers of his hand did not even get the chance to pause.

The warrior from Glory Hall had only taken three steps towards the examination venue, and even the smoke that shrouded the instructor's head had not even dissipated.

"d.a.m.n it." Alan looked a little sour despite wearing a mask.

The deputy speaker sighed and started to think about how he should calm Su Yao down.

Only Fei Long's eyes gleamed because Tang Ling finally exerted his strength through his tightened calves. He sprung up high and extended his left hand to grab the iron bar beside him.

Using his left hand to support his body after his leap, he allowed his body to form a parallel line to the ground.

Fei Long quickly screenshot several frames of the video on the screen with his hands so quickly that not everyone could capture his movements.

The captured screenshots were saved in a corner of the screen. The screenshots caught the moment when Tang Ling jumped up, catching the iron bar and straightening his body in the air to form a parallel line with the ground.

Tang Ling's expression was steady in the screenshots, but his lips were parted as though he was muttering something.

What was he muttering? Fei Long frowned calmly. He was not worried about Su Yao's reaction because Tang Ling would not die, not even under the cunning trick of the giant Leicester silverback bear.

Fei Long's judgment was correct. The bear charged forward with all its might, and it took around a second to close the distance. At that very second, Tang Ling hopped up, grabbed the iron bar, and straightened his body, all his movements fluid.

When Tang Ling straightened his body in the air, the bear rammed into the spot beneath him where he was standing a second ago.

Everything seemed to be very normal. Both Tang Ling's height of jumping and the speed of him completing a series of movements were within a reasonable range.

The only unreasonable point was that he appeared to be able to predict every single movement the exact moment the bear launched its attack.

Whoa! The crowd was finally in awe. Even the yawning ones were astonished by the feat and their jaws were almost stuck at their necks.

Amidst their wonder, Orston spun around.

Yu's fingers stopped moving and curled into a fist. There was no more excitement in his eyes anymore, but speculation mixed with a little surprise.

The smoke that shrouded the instructor's face dissipated, showing his angry and doubtful gaze that contained some shock.

No one expected Tang Ling to dodge the sudden charge attack, including the bear itself. Its perfect control allowed it to stop its upper body movement after it missed the blow.

Its bear eyes humanely showed a trace of disbelief.

How did its movements somehow synchronize with Tang Ling's? It felt a little strange like everything was an arranged surprise. If it moved like a certain way, Tang Ling mirrored it, forming a perfect exhibition of dodging.

The thoughts in its mind stopped its for a third of a second, and in that tiny window, all Tang Ling did was one thing: he released his hand holding the iron bar and jumped down.

"Isn't he trying to climb the bars?" Those with a quicker reaction in the crowd had such a question in their minds.

After dodging, climbing up the iron bars would be a decent choice, but such a choice was absolutely ridiculous to the other teenagers who had entered the b.l.o.o.d.y cage before Tang Ling.

The exam would never leave loopholes for them to exploit. All the dark red iron bars were actually slippery.

It might be realistic for Tang Ling to suddenly jump up and grab the iron bar to relay his strength, but climbing up the cage and dodging the wild beast completely? It was an utter joke, especially in the eyes of the candidates.

However, after Tang Ling jumped down, what could he possibly do?

That was the single thought that went through everyone's mind at the same time.

Fortunately, they did not have to wonder for a long time because Tang Ling landed on the bear's back right at the next moment.

Was it intentional? Or an uncontrollable outcome?