Dark Moon Era - Chapter 395

Chapter 395

Chapter 395: Rewards (II)

“Kun, did anyone tell you that you look gorgeous? No man or woman in this world can rival your looks. Only you are worthy of using the term ‘as beautiful as flowers'!

“Kun, did I tell you before? Every time I see you, I'm so impressed and convinced. I feel so inferior before you.


Tang Ling's temper was whipped away by the invisible whip. The pitiful crying turned into disgusting flattery. Even the tortoise, Xiao Guai, who was chewing on the vicious beast meat, showed a despicable expression at the tasteless and shameless flattery.

Kun was not moved at all. He had his own problems to figure out. He also felt the pressure to bring a certain item out for Tang Ling. Was it precious? No, not at all! It was insignificant compared to the plethora of treasures in the Mysterious Store.

However, according to Tang Ling's current strength level and the rules of the Mysterious Store, giving him this particular item would be crossing the line.

Nevertheless, Kun actually did not care about crossing the line. His life was too dull, so he ought to find himself some excitement at times.

He had been the owner of the Mysterious Store for such a long time. He also had his own way of concealing his handiwork because it was not the first time Tang Ling had made an offensive play that broke the rules.

Those were the fixed thoughts in Kun's mind that bound him, causing him to hesitate. Therefore, he did not have the mood to care about Tang Ling's resilient flattery at all.

‘Even if I give this to the kid, how will he use it?' Kun inevitably thought of the usage.

The question seemed to pique Kun's interest to the point that the interest trumped his hesitation. He took the item out from the drawer and tossed it at Tang Ling's feet. After he got the difficult problem out of the way, Kun felt refreshed. “Having fun?”

“I thank thee, Lord Kun, for the lesson.” Tang Ling was drenched in his own sweat while his hair stuck to his forehead. He had truly learned a lesson and would never forget the pain for the rest of his life.

The old civilization once categorized pain into different levels, and if Tang Ling remembered correctly, there were 12 different levels of pain that a human being could experience with the pain of childbirth being the highest level.

Tang Ling had and would never experience childbirth, but he was certain that the pain from the air whip was almost on the same level! While the pain from childbirth was not continuous, the whiplashes from Kun were endless. Therefore, within a few minutes, Tang Ling had given birth to a hundred children. How could he not learn a lesson from the agony?

With such a profound lesson from Kun, flattery was nothing for Tang Ling. If he could, he would give Kun a full body ma.s.sage happily.

Kun was feeling delighted. It was so refres.h.i.+ng that it felt like he had a bowl of ice plum soup in the hot summer. Beating Tang Ling up sure felt good.

“If you've learned your lesson, great.” Flatter whenever benefits were given. That was Kun's principle that guided him through life. He waved and lowered Tang Ling down.

Exhausted, Tang Ling limped onto the floor when he was lowered. He was really like a dead fish this time, not even wanting to move a finger. It was more torturing than his earlier injuries.

Kun allowed Tang Ling to take his time as he was in no rush. He then took a jade saucer in the shape of a lotus leaf with several delicate-looking pastries on it and a gla.s.s out from the bottom of his counter. He then poured some bubbly black liquid into the gla.s.s.

Tang Ling curiously sized up the liquid. Kun looked askance at him and said, “What are you looking at? Have you never seen c.o.ke before?”

c.o.ke? What's that? Tang Ling scratched his head and he could not find any related knowledge in his memory, but since they were just some snacks, the importance was limited.

After catching his breath, Tang Ling picked up the blueprint and asked, “What's this?”

“A one-time use Dynamic Structural Blueprint! Since it's missing several key points, it can be only used once,” explained Kun.

“Wh?” Tang Ling did not understand a word that he said.

Kun drank the c.o.ke and showed a satisfying look. On second thought, he generously poured a gla.s.s for Tang Ling since c.o.ke was not valuable. Compared to what he used to drink, the value was a few million times apart. However, the ga.s.sy feeling was infatuating.

Since Kun was generous enough, Tang Ling took a big gulp without a second thought. He was never courteous with food and drinks.

“This is delicious! What can it do?” Tang Ling's eyes shone as he asked Kun.

“Hmm, make you happy, especially for the kind of people who are known as fat otakus[1]. They can feel happiness even more.” Kun had another sip of the c.o.ke and had a piece of pastry.

The ingredients of the pastry were costly, so Kun did not want to share it with Tang Ling.

Happiness? Hmm, it does make me feel good!

Tang Ling savored the taste, but it was not an important question. Scratching his head, he looked at the blueprint and asked, “I don't get it. Can you elaborate?”

“If you apply this set of Dynamic Structural Blueprint to anything and connect it to a power source, after activation, its dynamic force will be amplified by 3 times for 30 minutes.” Kun believed he provided a clear enough explanation.

For example, a car from the old civilization had the Dynamic Structural Blueprint applied to it. If the starting point of the blueprint was connected to the engine of the car to form a complete circuit, when the car moved, through the activation of the Dynamic Structural Blueprint, it could amplify the power of the engine by 3 times.

That was simple enough.

It was a super-advanced structural blueprint that could amplify dynamic force! Such technological concepts were off-limits to the old civilization, but on second thought, the theory behind it was not that difficult to understand. For instance, anything round could provide better mobility while firewood arranged in a pyramid shape could boost combustion.

The patterns seemed to have some kind of mysterious connection with a dynamic force, but who really knew?

Tang Ling barely got an idea from the explanation. After all, he was not a scientist. He believed this blueprint could perform wonders, not just because it was from the Mysterious Store but because he saw many similar patterns on the super-advanced machinery.

Unfortunately, it was a one-time use consumable, so what use would it have to him?

Tang Ling was concerned about the items that Kun gave him. The last reward he got from Kun left a huge impression on him, and he knew that the ma did things with a reason.

“Unless you have someone you trust or know how this works, don't simply take it out or let others know.” In the end, Kun did not explain what the use of the blueprint was.

“People who know how this works? You are talking about a scientist? Where should I find one?' Tang Ling grumbled. Aside from the matter of trust, he did not know any scientist back in his real life.

It seemed like when and where to use the blueprint remained an unknown factor for now. Tang Ling felt slight pity, but he was also relieved. At least, it was not an item that foreshadowed death.

It was then that he noticed the last item that Kun brought out was a plain-looking ring.

Tang Ling wanted to pick it up, but Kun continued talking, “Like Boss Huang? Why don't you let him have a look whenever it's appropriate?”

“Do you know Boss Huang?” Tang Ling was utterly shocked. How did Kun even know people around him in the real world? Kun was really almighty and all-knowing.

However, when he thought of Kun's clairvoyant abilities and related it to the fact that Boss Huang was also a Dream Seed, he was no longer surprised.

“Okay.” Since Kun gave him a hint, Tang Ling carefully kept the blueprint away in his fully loaded backpack.

It would be best for Tang Ling to ask about the usage of everything from Mysterious Store, so he pointed at the bamboo scroll. “What about this?”

“This…Hehe…” Kun chuckled. He purposely prolonged his tone and teased Tang Ling.

What exactly was the bamboo scroll that made Kun chuckle so mysteriously?

“It's a very precious set of body arrays, and most importantly, it's used on one's spirit,” he said leisurely.

Tang Ling's eyes widened while his heart pounded so heavily that it almost burst out from his chest. The body arrays that he learned were only the basics, but he knew there were two different categories of body arrays: the one that boosted one's basic abilities and the one that boosted talent abilities. The latter was mostly for one-time usage, and even if it was not, its power was only equivalent to an extra weapon.

A single boost to the spirit? How precious could that be?

Tang Ling relied heavily on his Precise Instinct, and up until this point, he knew that his spirit and Precise Instinct were closely related. If his spirit was powerful enough, the spirit visualization method that Boss Huang taught him could receive a quick boost, let alone, the other perks.

A body array that boosts one's spirit?! This is meaningful! This is…!

On second thought, it was not that surprising at all since Joshua, who had taught him the body arrays, was also a Dream Seed. Many of Joshua's knowledge came from the Dream Domain, so it was only natural for the Dream Domain to have this level of body array.

As though Kun wanted a bigger reaction from Tang Ling, he added, “See its structure? It actually consists of nine layers of formations with one layer harder than the next. The good thing is that you can use every single layer independently and the higher the difficulty is, the stronger the effect is.”

“However, the most magical thing about it is that every single layer relies on the first, which is the easiest body array. The first layer is the base for everything. It can also be used independently and it is quite strong.”

“The important thing is that with every new layer drawn, the base layer will grow stronger. If I were you, I'd master the first layer first at all costs. Oh, and before I forget, once all nine layers are drawn, it will eventually form a composite body array and can grow stronger together with your spirit. Great, isn't it?” Kun's words were probably the most tempting words that Tang Ling heard.

Tang Ling was so excited that his face turned red.

Great? It's marvelous!

This was the body array that he wanted to keep permanently and was probably the most ideal body array to him!

[1] fat otakus: c.o.ke is usually referred to as ‘happy fatty otaku drink' in China, hence the reference here. Otaku is a person who doesn't go out of his houses.