Dark Protectors: Provoked - Part 29

Part 29

"What about my grandmother?"

"She's on her way to Scotland. We're heading after her as soon as she reaches a location."

Amber inhaled and attempted to calm her nerves. The dark music beat through her skin, making her heart speed up. Thoughts zinged furiously around her brain. The man needed comforting, and she needed his powers. For a woman used to feeling her way, the logical conclusion to their problems came too easily. "We need to mate."

He froze. Slowly, he turned his head, dark eyes flashing. "This is not a good time."

"It's the only time." She grabbed on to his arm, digging in. "I'm sorry about Jase, but I can't let my grandmother die-I know we'll find her. I need your powers to save her." More than anything, Amber needed to be able to attack. If they mated, she'd gain the skill. "Plus, if Jase has given up, we need to save him and now. No more waiting."

Kane whirled so suddenly she would've fallen had he not grabbed her biceps in an unbreakable grip. "You don't know what you're saying."

"I do." The words came out more a vow than a simple statement.

"Mating is forever," he growled.

"Maybe." She kept her voice soft, soothing. "Maybe not. Virus-27 will erase the mating mark if I choose." She'd spent some time talking to Emma before making the decision.

Anger twisted his lips. "You're joking. The infection would probably kill you at some point. That's not an option." His eyes went wild, much more animal than man. Was this the vampire side of him? The hold on her arms tightened. "You mate me, sweetheart, there's no turning back. No taking a virus. It's immortality . . . forever."

She swallowed. Fear cascaded shivers down her back. She didn't know him like this. Deep down, she knew her logical argument was a smoke screen. Having fallen in love with Kane Kayrs, the only way to keep him, the only way to teach him to love, was to mate him. She was a gambler at heart, apparently. "Fine."

He dropped his hands. "I agree that mating is the best course of action, just not right now." His voice shook, while a vein pulsed in his corded neck.

"Why not?"

He faltered. "This isn't a good time. We'll approach the matter later when we're both in more control."

So that was it. The vampire, for once, wasn't in perfect control of his emotions. Well, it was about time. Grabbing the hem of her T-shirt, she yanked it over her head. The cotton hit the floor seconds before her bra followed suit. "I know you want me." Standing in the ripped jeans and plush socks, she faked a confidence she truly didn't feel.

His nostrils flared. "Yes. I want you." Even so, he took a step back. "Our mating right now won't make a difference in time to get your grandmother. We have time to plan this right."

Instinct whispered that their mating would make a difference. A smart woman listened to her instincts. "You don't know that our mating wouldn't help in the next battle."

"No, I don't." His gaze dropped to her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. A dark flush wound over the harsh angles of his face. "Amber, I'm more than willing to lose myself in you tonight. But there's no way I'll be able to keep from marking you this time. If I were you, I'd turn and run. Now."

Her heart hurt. For him, because of him, for her grandmother. . . maybe even for herself. "I'm so tired of being alone." The words slipped out, coming from somewhere deeper than her brain. "Please, Kane." Going on instinct, she moved forward and pressed herself along his length. Stretching up on her tiptoes, she flicked his lips with her tongue. Her hips b.u.mped his erection. Yeah, he wanted her.

He barely seemed to breathe.

Both her hands dove into his thick hair. Giving him a wicked smile, she bit his bottom lip. Hard.

His top lip pulled back in a snarl. Then he slowly licked the blood clean, his gaze locking on hers.

"I want you, Kane." h.e.l.l, she was half in love with the man whether she liked it or not. And she was lying to herself about the "half" part. "I'll give you anything you want." Too bad he didn't want her heart, considering he already had it. "Stop being a coward."

His chin lifted. "I can't be manipulated, sweetheart."

Oh yeah? Her chin lifted just as high as his. "How about the direct approach, then?" Releasing his hair, she ran her palms down the hard planes of his chest, the silk tickling her skin until she reached the b.u.t.ton of his slacks. A quick tug had them released. Throwing dare into her eyes and defiance into her smile, she slid her hand inside his pants. His already black eyes somehow darkened further.

Feminine power flushed through her. "I've never seduced anyone before," she said softly, stroking him. The man had gone commando. Yet another surprise.

"Be careful what you wish for, little girl." The warning held both threat and promise.

Her s.e.x softened. "You don't scare me."

"Yes, I do," he said softly.

Maybe a little. Considering she literally had him by the b.a.l.l.s, he seemed far too confident and self-a.s.sured. So she squeezed.

He moved without a hint of warning. Both hands manacled around her wrists, and he hauled her up against him. Surprised, she tried to yank away. His strength made her slight struggle laughable. Yet neither of them broke a smile.

"Last chance," he murmured, his gaze intense on her face. Too intense.

It was by far too late. "You talk too much, Kayrs."

Slowly, pointedly, he tangled one hand at her nape, tethering her. The movement held the deliberateness of a predator playing with its prey. A quick jerk tilted back her head and made her lips ache for his.

Then he waited.

Her heart thundered in her ears. Manic b.u.t.terflies winged through her stomach. Antic.i.p.ation tapped imaginary fingers down her back.

The man didn't move.

Apprehension replaced antic.i.p.ation. She tried to shove him away.

They remained in place.

He easily, effortlessly, kept her immobile. His head lowered until his breath heated her ear. "Am I making myself clear?"

She shivered and stifled a groan. "Like I said, you talk too much." Her voice came out husky.

Dangerous teeth enclosed her earlobe.

Her knees went weak while her panties soaked.

He sucked, releasing her earlobe to run his mouth along her exposed jugular, those deadly fangs a mere hint against her skin. "I've wanted you to wear my mark since the first time I saw you in that bar." The dark timbre of his voice vibrated against her neck and shot spirals of desire straight to her s.e.x.

Was it possible to o.r.g.a.s.m just from a voice?

Her blood pumped in rhythm with his breathing, with the heavy metal music winding around them. "Kane."

"You were so s.e.xy, winding through tables, your hair wild and that low-cut blouse showing perfect b.r.e.a.s.t.s." He ran his lips up the other side of her neck, taking time to nip her other earlobe into a throbbing bit of need. "I couldn't decide whether to grab you right there, or cover you up so n.o.body could see you but me."

Her mouth opened, but no sound emerged.

He lifted his head, his features unyielding. "I don't share, Amber."

She took the statement for the warning it was. "Neither do I."

A low growl, much more animal than man, rumbled up from his chest.

She started, reminded once again that the man wasn't human. "Ah, Kane-"

"Too late. I gave you the chance to run. Now you're mine."

His lips took hers. Hard, relentless, determined. He dove deep, taking, whatever beast slumbering inside him suddenly unleashed.

She could taste the difference.

His tongue swept in a claiming. Nipping her bottom lip, he lifted his head to study her.

Her lips tingled. In fact, her entire body throbbed. "I'm not running." Even if her brain insisted she escape, her body wasn't going anywhere. Need had her trembling in his arms, fighting the very real urge to rip off his clothes. Shifting her shoulders enough to get her hands between them, she tugged on his zipper.

He kicked out of his pants, unsnapping her jeans. "These are in the way."

She paused, blinking, shoving them and her socks to the floor.

His gaze swept her from head to toe, and an appreciative smile curved his lips. "Now the panties."

The vampire sure liked to give orders. With a challenge in her smile, she slid both thumbs into the straps and scooted the skimpy material down her legs, shimmying her hips as they went, making sure to take her time.

His low growl made her smile widen. Oh yeah. He may be issuing orders, but they'd see just who kept in control. She had him, and she knew it.

She nodded at his shirt. "Now you."

A wicked smile curved his lips as he yanked off his shirt. Both hands went to her waist, and he lifted her against him. "Wrap your legs around me."

Instinct already had her doing so before he spoke. Maybe she'd taken on too much with the p.i.s.sed-off vampire. "Are you still angry?"

"No." Tugging her head back, he nipped the underside of her jaw.

He turned so the fire warmed her bare backside. "I am going to mark you tonight, Amber," he rumbled against her collarbone.

"I know," she sighed, gyrating against him.

"Now is your chance to choose where." His hand swept down her back, the raised marking feeling hotter than the fireplace, hinting at a danger she was about to meet. Then that heated flesh cupped her a.s.s.

"Um, the small of my back," she whispered. For years she'd meant to get a tattoo there anyway. The Kayrs marking would be perfect.

"Excellent," he murmured, pressing his palm to the base of her tailbone.

She stilled. "Are you tattooing me now?"

"No." His hand ventured lower to cup her other b.u.t.tock. "I need to be inside you to mark you."

The low words sent fire right to her core. "Then we should get to it."

"You know me better than that." His mouth dropped to flick a nipple.

Her breath caught. The man did like to take his time. "Do that again."

"Gladly." He flicked again and then engulfed her nipple in so much heat her eyes fluttered closed. Her hips gyrated against him of their own accord.

He chuckled low, sending fire from her breast to her s.e.x. Even so, she tried to keep a grip on reality as she opened her eyes. "You'll have to twist your hand so the marking isn't crooked." Last thing she wanted was a half-a.s.sed tattoo.

"That won't be a problem." He kissed his way up her neck to peer into her eyes. "I plan to be behind you."

Before she could respond, his mouth was on hers. Heat exploded between them like a gas fire. He held her still as he took her mouth, no games, no playfulness, no teasing.

Just pure, raw pa.s.sion. Honest and true.

Dangerous as h.e.l.l.

This was the first time she'd initiated s.e.x with him, the fact giving her a sense of power. Feminine power. Even if she lived forever, she'd never forget the taste of him-rich, spicy, and male. He smelled like cedar and felt like steel. Pivoting, he set her on the sofa table, leaning her back just far enough she had to wrap both arms around his neck to stay balanced. His hands cupped her face, thumbs tracing her cheekbones gently, even as his mouth continued to destroy her.

The gentleness of his fingers compared to the fierceness of his kiss shot her entire body into a mode of hunger she'd never felt. She craved the vampire. The desire was so intense the feeling went beyond pain to necessity.

His hips rocked against her, his erection pulsing. He wanted in her . . . now. Even more, she wanted him inside her, stretching her, pulsing her into that o.r.g.a.s.m that seemed so close.

Releasing her mouth, he ducked down, his shoulders. .h.i.tting her abdomen.

The world tilted, and she found herself upside down over his broad shoulder. "Hey," she yelped.

The smack to her a.s.s flared need to life in her entire body.

He chuckled low. "If this is going to happen, we're doing it right. In bed."

Air kissed along her bare skin as he deserted the warm fireplace, stalking through a hallway to the dimly lit bedroom. Her mind spun as he flipped her over to place gently on the bed.

The world narrowed to the two of them. She couldn't look away from the amazing specimen of a male standing buck-a.s.sed naked at the end of the bed. Vampires were truly a spectacular race.

One of his knees pressed into the mattress, his head dropping to plant kisses along her abdomen, tracing her hip bones, his hands opening her thighs.

She let go of all insecurity and fear, opening for him. This was a moment, one of a kind, and she was taking it.

His tongue ran through her slit. The sensation spiraled through her, and she gave a strangled cry, arching into his mouth.

Inflexible hands clamped down on her hips, holding her in place.

Oh G.o.d.

He shoved two fingers inside her while his mouth went to work. A spiraling started deep inside her and she shoved the sensation back, not ready. Not nearly ready to break.

Chuckling against her mound, his fingers started to play. "Stubborn little demon destroyer, aren't you?"

h.e.l.l yes. A smart retort sprang to her brain, but her mouth would only emit a tiny gasp of need. Then he found that hidden bundle of nerves inside her, and her mouth snapped shut.

Every muscle in her body tightened in antic.i.p.ation.