Dark Guardian - Moonlight - Part 6

Part 6

"Wonder what's inside that they're so protective of?" Brittany asked.

After we'd stopped for lunch, Lucas hadn't insisted that I stay near the front, so I'd moved back to hike

with Brittany and Lindsey.

"I bet I can get them to tell me," Lindsey said.

"I think maybe it's a cage," I murmured.

"A cage? For what?" Brittany asked.

In the light of day, I felt silly saying it. "I overheard them last night after the campfire. I think they really believe werewolves are out here."

Lindsey snorted. "They're not the first. We always get some campers who hear the rumors and think they can find the evidence. And it's sorta our fault. At Halloween, we always have a haunted forest to raise funds for animal shelters. Some of our costumes are really cool and realistic."

"And scary," Brittany added.

"But that's all pretend. I think Mason and his dad are serious about hunting werewolves," I insisted.

"So? They won't find anything. Meanwhile, we get paid," Lindsey said.

"I guess. It just makes me a little wary of them."

"People believe all kinds of things. As long as they aren't violent, who does it hurt? And rumors like this bring people to the park. It's all good."

I supposed she made sense. I adjusted the weight of my pack on my shoulders. I was proud of the fact that I was able to keep up with everyone. Rafe was the last one on the trail, making sure that no one got left behind.

"So, uh, Lucas. Does he do the whole haunted forest thing?" I asked. I couldn't imagine it. He seemed

so serious that I couldn't imagine him playacting.

"He did before he went off to college," Lindsey said. "Now he just comes home for the holidays and summer. Are you interested in him?"

"What? No." I laughed self-consciously. "Just curious. We're all going to be spending the summer together. Seems like we should know things about each other."

"Maybe tonight around the campfire, we can play Truth or Dare," Brittany said.

"Hey, you're lagging behind," Connor yelled from the top of the trail, and we picked up our pace.

I was hoping that Brittany was teasing about Truth or Dare. There was a lot I wanted to know, but not a lot I wanted to share.

As it turned out, we didn't play any games around the campfire. Nor did Dr. Keane or Mason mention


Later that night as Brittany and I were in the tent getting ready for bed, Lindsey slipped inside with an air of excitement. "Okay, guys, I got up close and personal with Ethan and I know what's in the crate.


"You're kidding," Brittany said. "That's it?" "Well, there's equipment, too, but they're smuggling beer in the empty s.p.a.ces and they've decided it's too heavy to haul, so as soon as Dr. Keane turns in for the night"-she gave a big grin-"party time!" Brittany and I immediately stopped our preparations for bed and began preparing to go back outside with the guys. I hadn't planned on us having a party in the wilds, but I was excited about it. I brushed out my hair and left it loose to curl wildly around my shoulders. Then I began scrounging through my backpack for my emerald-green halter top. Lindsey peered out the tent opening. "What is with Dr. Keane tonight? Go to bed already." "You gonna hook up with Ethan again?" Brittany asked. Her shining black hair hung past her shoulders. "No. And I didn't hook up with him earlier. I just flirted a little bit." "For someone who is supposed to be committed to Connor, you don't seem to take it very seriously." "What?" I asked, finally clutching the halter. "You and Connor? You never said anything." I'd seen them together a couple of times, but hadn't been sure it was romantic. "It's complicated," Lindsey said, and I could hear the frustration in her voice. She finished brushing out her blond hair, then rolled up the ends of her shirt and tied them in a knot so her belly b.u.t.ton showed. It seemed we all wanted to attract a little attention tonight. "My parents and his parents, they're old friends and so they're pushing us together." "If you don't want to be pushed, push back," Brittany said.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"I just think he deserves someone who wants to be with him." "And that would be you?" "Whoa, girlfriends, are we about to have a catfight here?" I asked. They glared at each other. Lindsey backed down first. Maybe because Brittany woke up early every morning and went through a rigorous strengthening routine.

"Connor and I aren't sure where we're going to take this. So can we be cool about it until this trip is over?"

Brittany shrugged. "Whatever."

Every now and then I'd sensed some tension between them. This explained a lot. I wondered if Brittany liked Connor.

I slipped on my green halter and some white shorts. In a way, I sympathized with Lindsey. Sometimes it was difficult to know exactly what you felt for someone. At that moment I wasn't certain if I was trying to make myself attractive for Lucas or Mason. I'd felt a connection with Lucas last night, but he still overwhelmed me. Mason . . . well, Mason just seemed less complicated.

I wished I had some s.e.xy sandals to wear, but all I had were my hiking boots. They'd have to do. But looking in the small mirror that I had, I was pleased with the way everything looked.

Lindsey looked back outside. "Finally! Dr. Keane is gone. Let's go."

Everyone was creeping out of the camp like ninja warriors or something. Each of the grad students, including Monique, was carrying a six-pack of beer. Only the tiniest sliver of a moon was in the sky, so Connor led the way with a flashlight. When we got far enough from camp that Dr. Keane wouldn't hear us, Ethan started pa.s.sing out the cans of beer.

To my utter shock, even Lucas was there to grab one. Of course, he then went to find a tree to lean against. Monique joined him. He gave her one of his rare smiles. Jealousy sparked through me but I turned away, not wanting to acknowledge it. We'd shared a special moment last night, but obviously for him it had meant nothing more than a big-brother figure watching out for someone he was responsible for.

Lindsey tapped her can against mine. "To good times."

"Why didn't you tell me about you and Connor?" Okay, I was a little b.u.mmed. I'd told her plenty about me since we'd met last summer, including my nightmares. And she was holding back on some critical stuff here.

"Like I said, I don't know where it's going. And who wants to be set up by their parents?"

"It seems like Brittany is really into Connor."

"I think she might be. She's dealing with some stuff she's not talking about. You see all the exercising and toning she does, like she wants to be supersherpa or something. And okay, yeah, she did-does-like Connor, but he agrees with our parents, that we're supposed to be together. We were always friends when we were growing up. I don't want to hurt him, but I just don't know if he's the one, so right now I don't want to deal with it." She sipped her beer.

"How does Connor feel?"

"Disappointed that I'm not returning the enthusiasm. Like I said, it's complicated."

"I'm here anytime you want to talk."

She looked over at me and grinned. "Thanks." She again tapped her can against mine. "Think I'm going

to go mingle with some hot students."

As she walked away, as much as I hated to admit it, it was a little rea.s.suring and comforting to know I

wasn't the only one who was screwed up.

"What's up?"

Peering over at Mason, who had suddenly appeared, I smiled. "Not much." I lifted my can. "Crazy for

you guys to be hauling beer." "No kidding. Ethan and Tyler were losing their enthusiasm for the idea." He looked up. "You know what I love about camping? How vast the sky looks at night. Want to go stargazing? I found a spot away from the trees where we could lie on the gra.s.s. . . ." He tipped his head to the side in a questioning gesture. I glanced over to where Lucas was talking with Monique. I'd definitely misread last night. Maybe since he was the one in charge, he thought he needed to steer clear of any emotional attachments. Or maybe I was nothing more than someone to look after-the newbie, someone he wasn't quite sure had what it took to be a sherpa.

"Sure," I said. "Why not?"

Mason and I each grabbed another beer. By the time we reached the spot he was talking about, I had a

pleasant buzz going. The gra.s.s was cool and slightly damp with dew as I lay down on it.

"There's the Big Dipper," Mason said, pointing upward.

I pointed as well. "And there's Ca.s.siopeia."

Mason groaned. "You know the constellations."

"Well, duh, yeah. It was the first thing my dad taught me when he took me camping."

"I was hoping to impress you, but now I have a confession to make. The Big Dipper is the only

constellation I'm ever able to pick out. I never can connect the stars to form anything else."

I had a feeling that wasn't a problem Lucas had, that he'd be able to identify more than I could. Why was I even thinking about Lucas now? I rolled slightly toward Mason. "Okay, Ca.s.sie might be hard, but if you can find the Big Dipper, you ought to be able to make out Draco the Dragon. His tail curves down between the dippers."


"Follow the line of my finger. Right there."

"Nope. Sorry. I've never been good at seeing patterns inside pictures."

I rolled away from him. "Not important. The best part is the shooting stars anyway."

"Somehow I always miss them, too."

I laughed. "Mason! That's insane. We'll just have to stay out here until you see one."

"That could take all night," he said quietly.

I rolled my head toward him. I could see that he was watching me. "It definitely will if you're not looking at the sky."

"But you're more interesting." He paused. "What made you want to be a sherpa?"

"I like being in the woods, and this way I'm paid for being in the woods. It's a win-win."

"Since you're from Dallas, you probably don't know these other guys very well."

Was he trying to set up an us-versus-them tone? It seemed counterproductive to our goal of getting Mason and his group safely to the area they'd identified as where they wanted to camp. On the other hand, maybe he was having doubts about the park employees. Or maybe he was just looking for conversation.

"I met them last summer," I a.s.sured him. "Lindsey and I have been emailing and calling each other ever since. We've become friends. I think because we have so much in common."

"Like what?"

"Our love of the outdoors, mostly. Plus we're both going to be seniors this year. And no matter where you go to high school, it's always the same. Cliques. Teachers. Homework. Guys." I thought again about Lindsey's situation. We'd talked about guys in general terms, but she'd never mentioned what was going on with her and Connor. I had to admit, I was slightly hurt that she hadn't confided in me.

"So you met all the guides last summer?" Mason asked.


"I guess we're lucky to have them around," he said. "I never really considered how dangerous it is to be

in the woods. Considering what happened to your parents, aren't you scared?"

"No. As strange as it seems, I've always felt safe here. As long as you stay alert, you'll be okay. And the sherpas are paid to be alert. Besides, I'd trust Lucas with my life." I surprised myself by saying that out loud.

"Really?" "Oh yeah. He's always so aware of things." "He seemed pretty aware of Monique back there." Not until she parked herself in front of him,I thought unkindly. "You like Lucas?" he asked, maybe in response to my silence. "I don't dislike him." "You like me?" I had a feeling he was asking something more. Before I could answer, the hairs on the back of my neck and my arms p.r.i.c.kled. I shot up to a sitting position.

"What is it?" Mason asked.

"We're being watched."

He scoffed. "Oh. Probably Lucas. That guy-"