"My real name is Bruce Weldon," the man disclosed. "I'll not go too much into the past, except to say that some years ago through no fault of my own, I lost touch with Chub."
"How?" Brad inquired.
"Well, in a divorce proceeding, his custody was awarded to my wife. Chub was only a baby then and needed a mother to look after him. I sent money regularly for his care. That is, I did until I was wounded while serving at the front. For months, I lay in a hospital, but through a mix-up of records, I was reported missing in action."
"Then what happened?" Dan asked, deeply interested in the story.
"Eventually, I recovered and started checking up. I learned then that my wife had died, and that Chub had been placed in the home of one of her friends.
"When I inquired there, I discovered that the arrangement hadn't worked out well, and that he had been shifted elsewhere. To make a long story short, it took me nearly six months to trace Chub to Webster City.
Meanwhile, I'd spent most of my money, and I couldn't take a job, because I didn't want to settle down until I found Chub."
"Now that you've found him, why not tell him who you are?" Brad suggested. "Wouldn't that straighten everything?"
"It's not that simple," Mr. Weldon replied. "I've made a contact with Juvenile Court authorities, but the director isn't satisfied it would be for Chub's best interests to let me have him again. You see, it hinges on my ability to support him. I know I can get a good job and keep it too, but the court demands proof."
"Have you talked to Mr. Greene?" Dan questioned. "He's real nice and might help you."
"I know Mr. Greene very well."
"I guess he knows about Chub too," Dan said, recalling the visit of the Cubs to Juvenile Court. "Gee, it was sort of funny! I actually thought Chub might have been in trouble with the court, because everyone there seemed to be acquainted with him. It was only because they were looking out for his rights."
"Chub never was in trouble in his life," Mr. Weldon said proudly. "He's a mighty good youngster, bright in school too. Mr. Greene a.s.sured me of that. His only problem is that he isn't very happy."
"Being a Cub though, has helped," Brad said. "He's more sure of himself, and he hardly ever stutters any more unless he's excited."
Mr. Weldon nodded and made the boys a promise. "I'll always stick up for the Den 2 boys. You know why? They were kind to Chub and didn't tease him. Now about cleaning up those accusations against the Cubs. Shall we do it on the night of the basketball game?"
"That would be the best time," Brad agreed. "How will we arrange it?"
"Leave that to me," said Mr. Weldon confidently. "Just have Mr. Greene attend the game, and if possible the trustees of this church."
"I'll get 'em there, if I have to give them free tickets to the game!"
Dan chortled. "Wow! What a sockaroo Pat Oswald has in store! Even if he and his gang win that Friday game, they're going to get the jolt of their lives!"
The church gymnasium was jammed with spectators. Every seat had been taken ten minutes in advance of the scheduled game between the Cubs and the Purple Five. Now, crouched in a tight little knot at one end of the floor, the Den 2 boys were awaiting the starting signal.
Dan's gaze roved over the audience. In the front row not far from where his own parents sat, he sighted both Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Brennan.
He heaved a sigh of relief. Actually, he hadn't dared hope that the church trustees would attend the game, even though he had mailed them tickets.
Dan's searching eyes traveled on through row upon row of spectators.
Toward the back of the gymnasium, he saw Mr. Greene, the Juvenile Court director, and another court official he did not know by name.
"Everyone's here," he whispered jubilantly.
"Everyone except Mr. Weldon," Brad replied and his voice was tense with worry. "What if he doesn't show up?"
"He promised, didn't he?"
"Sure, but we haven't seen him since that day in the belfry. Maybe he's skipped town. Tell you the truth, Dan, I'm jittery. If he doesn't come to identify Pat, what'll we do?"
"He'll come," Dan said.
Though he spoke confidently, he too shared the older boy's uneasiness.
Twice since the two had seen Mr. Weldon in the church belfry, they had returned to seek him. They had found only a locked, and apparently deserted church. The stranger who had claimed to be Chub's father, obviously had moved out immediately after his meeting with them. Had he left Webster City? They had no way of knowing, but they had not once seen him on the street.
As for the game itself, feeling was running high. The greater percentage of rooters seemed to favor the Cubs, but one section of the gymnasium was jammed with friends of Pat and the Bay Sh.o.r.e boys. Dan wondered how they would take a loss of the game, or a disclosure that the Purple Five team was wanted in Juvenile Court.
"I feel sort of sorry for Pat," he remarked privately to Dan. "The guy doesn't have a suspicion of what's going to happen to him."
"a.s.suming that Mr. Weldon shows up."
"Pat isn't such a bad sort when you get to know him," Dan went on. "He's a show off, of course, and full of mischief. He's quieted down a lot though lately."
"Conscience hurting you, Dan?"
"No such thing! If Pat and his bunch wrecked that old Christian Church, then it's only right that they take their medicine. I'm not forgetting that they let the blame fall on the Cubs."
Brad glanced nervously at the wall clock. "Three more minutes until game time," he said. "I only hope the Cubs win! It's terribly important, because if Pat's team wins, and then everything breaks wide open, they may accuse us of putting the finger on 'em to get even."
Not only Dan and Brad, but all of the Cubs were exceedingly nervous. This third game in the series was the deciding one. The Den 2 boys did not so much mind losing, but they hoped that they would play their best.
The line-up however, was discouraging. Chips, although out of quarantine, had not been permitted to play. He sat in the audience, beside Mr.
Hatfield, looking pale and dejected.
Brad would play center, as always. Red and Midge were a.s.signed as guards, while Dan and Chub were forwards. That left only Fred as subst.i.tute, which meant that the Cubs would have to take care not to be put out on personal fouls.
"If we only had Chips in the game, we'd have a chance at least," Brad confided to his friend. "But Chub-"
"He's improved a lot this last week," Dan said loyally. "I've been helping him every night after school, teaching him a few tricks. He's pepped up a great deal."
"I've noticed that," Brad admitted, turning to look at the younger boy, who even now was practicing baskets. "Do you suppose he could know-"
"About his father? I've wondered the same thing, Brad. He hasn't dropped a word, but the last couple of days he's seemed on fire. He's been so jolly and so full of pep. I just hope he's that way tonight."
The sounding of a whistle warned the Cubs that it was game time. They huddled together for a last-minute conference, then trotted out to their places on the floor.
"Come on, Cubs!" yelled the Den 2 rooters.
"Get in there, Pat!" shouted the Purple Five supporters. "Show 'em your stuff!"
The game started fast. The Purple Five had elected to take the south basket in the first half.