Dagger - 85 Farewell

85 Farewell

Today wasn't just James' birthday, it was also the end of the year and of the winter.

The once cloudy skies were now filled with holes as the clouds started to dissolve. Along with their dispersal was also the darkness above the mountain city, which was never noticed by its citizens. In addition, the Magic Frostbite also began dispersing.

"So that's what happened to James' father and mother.", Ivan muttered. He was being carried by Allen on his back while jumping on the roofs, unnoticed by the city folks. Allen just recalled what happened to James' parents, making the kid's mood even more dejected.

"That's where I live.", Ivan pointed at a building.

The both of them landed in a nearby alley. Allen checked where Ivan was living, which was in a house nearly as big as James'.

"Goodbye Mr. Morgan, I hope we will see each other again.", Ivan bid farewell as he went back down from Allen's back.

"Wait.", Allen stopped Ivan from going out of the alley. He took out a pouch from under his white robe, it was one of his magical pouches. Then he retrieved the Blizzard Crown Lotus from his satchel and placed it inside the pouch.

"Remember, if you want to visit where James is buried, you need to present this lotus to a wolf named Avram. Don't be frightened by him, he's not bad for a wolf.", Allen said.

Then he added, "Don't let anyone else find out that you have this lotus nor even this pouch, understand?"

"I will.", Ivan nodded.

"Place your thumb on the pouch. I have already erased my mark on it.", Allen requested. Then Ivan followed what he said and placed his thumb on the pouch.

The kid felt a ticklish sensation on his thumb, which immediately disappeared.

"Now it has your mark. Only you can use it and only you can erase it, unless you are dead then it would be immediately erased.", Allen pa.s.sed the pouch to Ivan.

"Goodbye Ivan.", Allen said.

"Goodbye again, and thank you.", Ivan smiled a bit and bid farewell again and left the alley.

When he had already exited the alley, he suddenly remembered something, "Oh no, the fruit basket!"


Entering the herb and plant shop, Allen was met by Little Salad. The interior of the shop was still dim and the only source of light was through the glowstone on its corners and to the ceiling as the curtains were all closed.

"Little Salad, I will leave you behind here.", Allen straightforwardly said.

Little Salad transformed into its hugr Visergoroth Chomper form and let out weeping sounds like a crying dog.

Allen: "Can't you speak?"

"When are you coming back?", Little Salad asked with a tone of a child.

"I don't know, but I'll be coming back. Go stay at the storage room and keep growing stronger, alright? You have all the resources that you need in this shop to grow.", Allen patted Little Salad's head.

"I'm sure that you'll have to leave this shop to somebody else so that n.o.body else will try to steal something from here, who will I allow to enter?", Little Salad inquired.

"I'll think about it, I'm going to my bedroom first. Don't let your senses pry into it before I leave.", Allen said and didn't wait for Little Salad's reply; he went upstairs and went straight to his bedroom.

As soon as he entered, he used his External Energy Sense to block the room from inside and outside.

He took every book, clothes, weapons, and other important items that he has and placed it inside his satchel. Lastly, Allen approached a wall and pulled out the secret drawer where the Soul Shards were.

Inside it, were still the same six Soul Shards from before. He pulled out the Soul Shard from his satchel that Edwin gave to him.

He carefully examined it all-around, then he consumed it.

Afterwards estatic feeling washed over him; the sensation of something coming back to him.

Few seconds later, that feeling disappeared.

Looking at the floor below him, he saw that it was stained with a few droplets of liquid.

He also noticed that there was something on his face and wiped it off.

Finally, he placed the box where the six Soul Shards were inside his satchel and went downstairs.


Inside a large building in the Eastern Horizon City, an old man was doing some paperwork in his office.

"So... how long are you going to stand behind my back?", the old man said without leaving his sight on the papers.

"I never got to ask you personally, why are you here?", Allen spoke out.

"This is where I live, I'm not following you. Speaking of you, you were the one who took care of that darkness, am I right?", the old man replied.

After a pause, the old man added, "You, an internal energy pract.i.tioner can take down an evil being like that at that level, I'm guessing you have a special means on you."

"None of your business.", Allen replied. "And it's not evil. Well, not the owner of the body."

"So this is how you treat the person who taught you how to become an alchemist, my dear apprentice?", the old man asked, and suddenly rolled his eyes towards Allen, "You know the first time I met you, you were still dangerously cute back then, but now it's just dangerous."

Then he added, "Let me ask you again, do you want to join my merchant guild?"

"No, I don't want your protection.", Allen shook his head in disagreement.

"Alright, if you say so. I won't bother your life, but those people from the west beyond the borders of kingdom will." The old man said, "Technically, you don't regard me as your master anymore, so I won't interfere anyway."

"I'm just here to grant you access to my place.", Allen cut to the chase and placed keys on top of the table.

"Well then... it's in safe hands. I'll also take care of your little pet plant.", the old man hid the keys and a.s.sured Allen.

"I'll see myself out.", after that, Allen's figure faded away.

When Allen's figure was absolutely gone, the old man recalled, "When I first saw you, you were only just as powerful as a small adept, even though you got more powerful due to something, you are still talented without it. But sadly, your stubbornness will get you killed."

He stood up and walked near the open window, he savored the cold air coming from outside. Making a grabbing gesture with his hand to a shelf, a mirror floated towards him and landed on his hand.

"You are really interesting kid. I wasn't even able to investigate your past. I guess somebody else is protecting you... somebody more powerful than I am?"

In a second, he leaned back and spread out his hands.

"No matter, I will take care of your place and see that your plant will be in good hands!"

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"Oh I love you my dear apprentice!"


In a certain location at Monarch Stone Patch. Avram and Edwin were digging a hole; on the other hand, while Anna was sitting beside James' body while cautiously looking at the former.

The winter wolf felt sort of uncomfortable by the adept's gaze, as if she could see all its secrets.

Edwin discerned what was happening. The corners of his mouth twitched at the scene and thought, 'Is she always like this?'

"This should be deep enough.", Avram said.

Hearing the friendly beast's statement, Edwin planted the shovel to the ground. The shovel was one of the tools that Allen gave him for exploring Monarch Forest.

Afterwards, Edwin meticulously carried James' body towards the newly dug hole.

"May I take a closer look?", Avram requested.

"Uhh... okay.", Edwin crouched down so that the friendly beast may see James.

Avram sniffed James and showed a tinge of surprise, "This scent is a bit familiar. Is he..."

"No, no he wasn't. He didn't want it in the first place.", Edwin immediately rejected Avram's unfinished question.

Next, James' body was carefully put in the hole and began filling it up with the dirt that was dug out.

Avram turned his head towards Allen, who just recently arrived without anybody else noticing; the latter then beckoned the former to come with him.

While both of them were strolling around, Allen explained to him about Ivan possibly visiting James' grave.

"Don't worry, I'll guide that human if he visits his friend's grave. Even if it's not winter.", Avram said.

"Mhm. By the way, do you know how Edwin became more powerful in just a few months?", Allen asked.

"I don't know. When I first saw him, he's even weaker than a mage!", Avram exclaimed.

"Also, I sense a thick smell of blood coming from him. Avram, I know that the Monarch Forest is still under your supervision as one of its high elders, did something happen to him while he's in the forest?", Allen stopped walking and glanced at Avram at the corner of his eyes.

Suddenly, Allen added, "You know what, nevermind. He became more powerful, and that's that. Come on, let's go back."

"Alright.", Avram nodded. Inwardly, he heaved a sigh of relief, 'It's best that you won't know what happened to your pupil.'

When they returned, Edwin already finished returning the dirt that was dug out back to the hole.

"Anna, here's the pill that you ordered.", Allen took out a blue pill that emitted a bit of coldness from his satchel.

"Oh? Thank you.", Anna gladly accepted it and placed it inside her gem spatial storage.

"I will leave the three of you. I still have some things to manage like the wolf cubs accidentally strolling around and might find the main road.", Avram then jumped on a boulder.

The alpha wolf added, "They might accidentally kill the travellers due to their cuteness." Then he sprinted off to an even deeper part of the stone patch.

"Anna, where are you going now that your pill is done?", Allen asked.

"I'll go back to the central region, my master must be worried of me by now!", Anna replied back.

She added, "Sir Alchemist Morgan, thank you again for the pill. Edwin, take care. I'm going to leave now while snow is still intact, some places might get flooded after they will melt. I am going to help the populace at the flooding areas if needed."

"Take care to you too.", Edwin bid farewell, while Allen nooded in response. Following which, she left the area, going towards the direction of west.

"How about you Edwin?", Allen asked. "With your current level of power, you can already take care of yourself."

"I don't know where to go.", Edwin responded. "Maybe I should follow you first, I find this strength still lacking."

"Then we'll go to the East Gate City, the regional capital. I want to get hold of an object there.", Allen said.

"Okay.", Edwin nodded and thought, 'Did I really misjudge that he was trying to kill me off?'

'Maybe I was?'

[End of Volume 5: The Wraith, the Celestial, and the Three Planes]