Dagger - 78 Your Majesty!

78 Your Majesty!

Blood started to flow out like a waterfall from the part of the body where Edwin was wounded.

Both Ariel and Gabriel gasped at the sight, even some of the vindicators hissed in cold breaths when they saw such a scene.

But contrary to everyone's expection, Edwin grinned and slowly disappeared.

'A clone! How didn't I even notice it?!', Rein inwardly exclaimed.

"The clone looked so real.", Gabriel said.

Suddenly, one of the cloaked vindicators swiftly acted knocked out one of its fellows.

The other six elves immediately acted and started attacking the the vindicator that ran amok.

-clang- -clang- -clang-

Series of sound of metal clas.h.i.+ng against metal emerged as the person simultaneously blocked the attacks of the other vindicators.

The person removed his hood and mask, revealing his whole face, which was none other than Edwin!

"Let me return the favor.", Edwin calmly stated, but one could see through his eyes the burning anger he has been holding for days.


He charged to one of the elves separated from the others, continuously harra.s.sing him.

His other fellow elves were about to support him, but it was already too late.

When the elf thought he saw an opening, he struck down with his staff, however, Edwin easily got hold of his weapon, shocking the former.

The boy then stabbed the tip of his double bladed staff lightly at the elf's nape, after which, an electric current came from the weapon and shocked the elf out.

Nevertheless, it wasn't over just yet.

As soon as the body collapsed to the ground, Edwin kicked the unconscious elf's body away.

"Don't worry, I won't make the five of you suffer, I'll just kill all of you very fast so I can slowly peel of the flesh off of that ugly animal.", he turned around away from the remaining elves and pointed at Chizowa. The horned gorilla beat his chest and roared loudly, it was obviously offended by Edwin's statment.

"Kill this arrogant human!", one of the elves shouted and charged towards Edwin, followed by the other ones.

The left palm where he was also holding the double bladed staff faintly glew red, then he used both of his hands and slashed towards the incoming enemies.

The quality of the weapons they were holding were just the same, but Edwin's weapon broke through the other double bladed staffs of all the elves!

Then Edwin moved around the other elves in a fast manner until the knocked all of them out.

"Woah." Gabriel's mouth was wide open when he witnessed everything.

'The Elven Vindicators suck.' Gabriel thought, 'Maybe their training should be intesified.'

The animals on the high podium were startled, but didn't show it on their faces.

'How did this kid's power rival a human adept's in just a few weeks since I met him?!', Rein questioned within his mind.

'Isn't it the first time I saw this kid, he was still much weaker than a mage apprentice of his fellow humans?', Avram was also baffled.

"Aren't you going down from there, b.u.t.t face?", Edwin mocked Chizowa.

"Why you...!", the gorilla's anger reached its peak. He furiously roared much louder than before and jumped down from the high ground and landed in front of Edwin, shaking the surroundings.

Actually, before Chizowa landed, Edwin already jumped back to avoid getting crushed by the animal.

Being near his opponent, Edwin could feel the immense pressure from the large body of the horned gorilla, as if it's also a form of mental attack.

The bear, Sango, was about to help Chizowa when he felt that Nareol was staring at him.

"You don't want me to help him?", Sango asked.

"Let Chizowa vent his anger on that human alone, you might accidentally get harmed by him even if you're trying to help him.", Nareol said.

"HAAA...!", Chizowa punched a fist towards the boy. The latter didn't dodge it this time, instead, he also stabbed forward with his weapon, meeting the attack head-on.


Edwin flew some distance away, when he finished rolling on the ground due to the momentum, he immediately stood up and wiped the blood flowing out of his mouth.

"Do you think somebody two levels weaker than me could take me head-on?!", Chizowa sneered.

"Can somebody as arrogant as you also come out of that attack unscathed?", Edwin retorted.

"Huh?", the gorilla took a look of his hand, and saw that it had a large cut on it and was bleeding profusely!

Now that he noticed it, Chizowa couldn't help but grasp his hand out of pain. The pain was unexplainable, it was as if he was feeling immense suffering and agony from it.

"I'M GOING TO KILL Y..", he grasped his hand even tighter because the pain intensified.

"The pain becomes worse because of fluctuation of emotions? It's rare to see somebody use that kind of method.", Gabriel commented as he a.n.a.lyzed what was happening.

"Have you already seen somebody else do that?", Ariel asked.

"No, I just read about it.", Gabriel shook his head.

Chizowa rushed forward again, and much faster this time. On the way, he formed a fist with his other hand which glowed, after which, he punched out even though he was still far away from Edwin.

A sonic boom sounded out. Edwin hurriedly sidestepped and felt a powerful wind pa.s.sed by him. A few pieces of the ends of his hair fell down to the ground due to touching the said wind.


The wall far behind him shook and a deep fist mark appeared on it.

But Edwin didn't get to look at it because Chizowa was already upon him.

The boy continuously backed off as the horned gorilla repeatedly sent out punches with both of his hands. The attacks weren't as powerful as the one that created the soundwave earlier, but it still could injure Edwin if he was. .h.i.t once.

Edwin suddenly showed his left arm out which faintly glowed red. After that, Chizowa felt he was being suppressed and his movements instantly slowed down.

So he took this chance and upwardly slashed the animal's humongous body with his double bladed staff.


Now, a large wound appeared on Chizowa's chest, making him collapse in one leg due to the pain.

"I'M COMING FOR YOU!!", Chizowa lifted up his arms and bashed it to the floor, send everything on the platform up into the air.

Next, he formed another glowing fist and punched out towards Edwin.

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The shockwave attack travelled towards the boy.

However, Edwin disappeared from where he was! The attack only hit the ceiling, a few large rocks fall down.

Chizowa's eyes widened in surprise, and also a bit in horror. He looked above him and saw Edwin on the air falling towards him with his weapon aimed at his head.

The gorilla immediately moved, but his back was still hit by the attack, creating a deep wound across it, then he fell flat on the ground.

The boy stepped on Chizowa's back, as the former was about to kill the latter, he heard Sango's voice.

"Human, don't you dare do it!", Sango warned.

Edwin turned around at the direction of the high podium and taunted, "Come, if you want to stop me."

"Hmph!", Sango snorted and charged forward. To his surprise, Nareol and Kirk also joined him, leaving Avram and Rein behind.

"You can't stop the three of us, submit or die.", Nareol said.

"You already sentenced me to death, do you think I'm stupid enough to submit?", he angrily berated.

"You animals and elves are untrustworthy!", the red glow on Edwin's left hand intesified as he added.

The Council of High Elders, Ariel, Gabriel, every elf and creatures inside the city felt a power of suppression falling on them.

The three beasts that were advancing towards Edwin stopped as they felt extreme pressure was upon them.

"Stop it, kid!", Rein shouted as he tried to resist the invisible force, but Edwin only ignored him.

Gabriel fell to his knees and grasped his neck for air.

"Gabriel!", Ariel tried to help Gabriel, but she too started to choke because of the invisible force.

Then the boy started chanting out "I-I curse, your kinds, to forever... to forever, be in p...", Edwin's countenance changed and he stopped at the last word he was speaking, because he felt a piercing chill on his back.

In a blink of an eye, he was suddenly thrown away to the wall with a shocking speed.


Dust and rocks flew to the location where Edwin was thrown. When it settled down, the boy could be seen with his stomach flat on the ground. He rose to his knees, held the back of his head and coughed out blood.

The supression disappeared and everyone started to madly breathe in air.

Afterwards, Edwin looked towards an elf with blonde and white hair and whose face was like of a middle-aged man. However, the most striking thing one could see on the newcomer was his green eyes.

When Gabriel and Ariel finally stabilized their breathing, they saw the newcomer, "Father?!"

Rein, Avram, Kirk, Sango, and Nareol bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, Azriel!"

Azriel gazed at the five animals and nodded, he also checked Chizowa's condition, who was still alive, albeit just unconscious.

The king's sight also pierced through a certain part of the chamber, where he saw Ariel and Gabriel who were looking at him, though their faces were a bit pale.

Finally, he coldly looked at Edwin, who was angrily looking back at him, as if ignoring the fact that Azriel was several levels more powerful than he was.

Suddenly, Azriel appeared in front of the boy in a flash. He grasped Edwin's head and bashed it to the wall.


Blood flowed out of the boy's head, mouth, and nose.

Edwin tightly held on Azriel's arm and tried to take the his grip off from him, but it was just a futile move. The king changed the part of the boy that he was holding from his head to his neck.

A sword materialized on Azriel's other arm and pointed its tip at the boy's b.l.o.o.d.y forehead.

"You dare curse my people, human?", Azriel coldly looked at Edwin.

He further tightened the grip on Edwin's neck. The latter endured the former's grip, however, it was too tight to the point that Edwin shook his legs and even attacked Azriel's arm with his own arms.

In the end, Edwin slowly became unconscious and his arms and legs fell down.


Azriel powerfully stabbed the sword, but it only hit the wall beside Edwin instead of his head!

He let go of the boy's neck and let his body fall on the ground, then Azriel looked at Nareol, "Imprison him inside the tightest cell and don't let him use internal energy and mana."

"Yes, Your Majesty!", Nareol bowed down. Not daring to meet the eyes of the king of the elves.