Dagger - 38 Extermination

38 Extermination

He was now in front of the door of the Private Room. On the way, he encountered many traps but successfully overcame all of them.

The kid backed off from the door, and sent out a (Dagger Flash) towards it.

Rather than piercing through the door, it created a loud noise as dust and pieces of wood flew from it. When it settled down, Allen saw that he only made a slice on the door. He was surprised but later thought it was rational because the organization had a mage.

Nonetheless, it could still be destroyed. Allen repeatedly sent out several dozens (Dagger Flash)es until the door was thoroughly annihilated.


The kid stepped out of the way of the explosion and swallowed another pill. Sending out so many (Dagger Flash)es in a short period of time took a toll in his energy.

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When the dust settled again, he took a peek inside the room, and saw that there was n.o.body inside it.

He didn't dare enter the room yet, as there might be traps waiting for him. Allen picked up a considerably large piece of wood from the destroyed door and threw it inside the room.

The piece of wood reached the end of the room and tumbled back near the door.

"No traps.", Allen stepped inside the room. However, he maintained constant vigilance as there might be really a trap in here.

Finally, after circling around the room, he concluded that there really wasn't any trap.

"Now then, where did their boss gone to?", Allen muttered. There was a sofa, table, bookshelves, pot of plants, and a carpet.

The kid was not in a hurry, as the deal with the devil only needed to help his father, Marco, escape from the trouble. Which he already did so, however, technically, the trouble was still present as he still could feel the karma thread, which meant that the leader was needed to be taken care of.

On the other hand, if the leader already got to run away from the town through a secret pa.s.sageway. The deal could already considered done because the leader would then be gone.

Inspecting the room, Allen then got of an idea to turn the roon upside down, but dismissed it because the search would become much harder.

Fearing that there would be incoming reinforcements, the kid got into action and searched for some kind of secret mechanism of the bookshelves, until all the books were checked.

Suddenly, Allen got an idea and looked at the sofa. The kid pushed the sofa and the table out of the way and lifted up the carpet. After which, he smiled, because there, he saw a hole that would lead underground.

There was a ladder sticked onto the wall of the hole, which he used to climb down. After a few seconds of climbing down, he reached the bottom and saw an underground tunnel lit by magical rocks.

He cautiously walked towards the end of the tunnel and saw an another door, this time, there was an array on the door. It was a protective array that could send a backlash against the attacker. However, the kid was prepared and took out a small piece of metal with some sort of engravings and threw it towards the array.

The array slowly disappeared and the piece of metal fell onto the ground, he picked it up and pocketed it again. Afterwards, he easily opened the door, the array was it's only protection. It would've work on someone else, but it unluckily met Allen with his small piece of Anti-array metal, given by Lord Levine.

There, inside the secret room, Allen saw a bed in the middle of the room, where there was a naked man over a naked woman.

Louis noticed that dim light came from behind him, and saw Allen standing by the door. The former can't see the latter's face because the kid was wearing a mask.

"H... how did you get through the array?!", Louis was surprised. He knew that the array could even withstand the attack of a new adept.

'Those people from the Centerpoint City tricked me!', Louis was also inwardly angry.

Allen's eyes constricted when he saw the scene. However, he couldn't show any weakness in front of the man. The kid also checked the woman, and saw that there was blood flowing out of her neck, indicating that she was murdered.

"P... please don't kill me! I'll give you anything that you want!", Louis shrinked back in fear as he saw Allen slowly approaching him.

As Allen was about to step onto a floor tile, he suddenly stopped his feet and skipped over it.

"So... do you think that I'm too stupid to not know there is still a trap in this room?", Allen said.

Louis was now inwardly panicking, as he was about to say something. Allen suddenly sent out a (Dagger Flash), and ended the man's life.

"People like you, shouldn't keep living any longer.", Allen kept approaching the bed. There, he saw the woman, with her eyes still wide open, it was obvious that she didn't want to die yet.

The kid closed her eyes and let her "sleep" alone on the bed, while he moved the man's corpse out of the bed.

Finally, he felt that the karma thread from the agreement snapped. He has finally fulfilled his part of agreement.

He immediately left the gambling den and secretly sent a letter to the nearest unit of guards.


Near midnight at the Morgan Residence...

Allen immediately went back home after the matter about the gambling den.

As soon as he came back home, he checked if Marco was in the bedroom, but wasn't. The kid then checked the younger Morgan if he was already asleep.

Allen quietly entered William's bedroom, and the former saw that there was a book on the latter's face while sleeping.

He sat beside the bed, removed the book from his little brother's face and placed it on top of the small drawers beside the bed. In addition, Allen also placed a blanket on William.

"Goodnight... William.", Allen smiled.


Meanwhile, at the mayor's manor...

Inside a building near the farmlands...

The people from the secret organization was having a meeting on a round table.

"What's the status about the exploration for the treasure?", the leader asked.

"Sir.", somebidy stood up and reported. "The treasure was nowhere to be found. We think of that the treasure was already taken away." After which, the man sat back down.

The leader held his chin and said, "Already taken? How sure are you that the treasure is already taken away?"

"65% to 80%, sir.", the man answered.

"What about the matter of that criminal organization in the Riverboard City?", the leader asked once again.

Another man stood up and reported, "Sir, we found out that all our men were killed except one, who is now missing. We didn't get any traces of the enemies other than the corpses themselves, I think that they hid their tracks from us." Afterwards, the man sat down.

"You're saying that they are absolutely no tracks seen?", the leader asked.

"Yes sir.", the man who was reporting the issue nodded.

"100% no tracks? I mean like it's blank?", the leader asked again.

"Yes sir."

The leader couldn't help but feel a headache. 'Who is our enemy this time? I must report this back.'

"Sir! Sir!", a man ran inside the room, panting.

"What is it?!", their leader angrily asked.

"We got a news that a local criminal organization in this town was exterminated this night.", the man said.

"Huh? Tell the mayor that we'll personally investigate it.", the leader said.

"Yes sir.", the man left the room at once.

'I have a feeling about this extermination.', the leader inwardly said.


At the same time, outside the gambling den...

Town guards were blocking the street where the establishment was from the people. However, they didn't notice that a man easily pa.s.sed by their blockade.

The man was none other than Mr. Sanchez!

The tavern owner went in front of the establishment and frowned. After which, he immediately left after a moment, without looking at it's interior.