Dagger - 28 Using The Again

28 Using The Again


"ROAR...", the dragon suddenly howled in pain as a (Dagger Flash) pierced through it's claws. The (Dagger Flash continued to fly towards the ceiling.


The (Dagger Flash) exploded and the rocks on the ceiling fell, exposing a glowing white rock! It was the same white rock that illuminated the chamber where the Holy Statue was.

The light coming from the white rock spread out in the chamber, reaching the ends of the said location.

Allen saw Drake with the help of the (Erchian Dagger), who was lying down on the ground, blood flowing out of his mouth. The former heaved a sigh of relief as he noticed that the latter was still breathing.

As for Kate, she could be seen knocked out near the end of the chamber.

After which, Allen looked at the dragon, which was really an undead one! Some of it's body parts were missing, and even though it turned into an undead one, it still retained it's intelligence! This alone showed how powerful could dragons be.

"H... how did you even recover from your injuries?!", the dragon asked with a baffled tone as it saw Allen slowly stand up, wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth.

'I only got one minute.', Allen inwardly said. The kid didn't answer and only sent out more (Dagger Flash)es with the (Erchian Dagger).

Due to the amplification boost of the (Erchian Dagger), Allen's (Dagger Flash), which wasn't even suppose to pierce through the dragon's skin, became many times stronger and injured the beast!

The dragon dodged to the side, however, he wasn't that fast enough and some of the (Dagger Flash)es sc.r.a.pped off a few of it's scales and wounded it.

"What a strong dagger flas.h.!.+", the dragon was surprised. Even though it wasn't that strong compared to the other dragons that had existed, it was still a dragon with a very high resistance to physical damage!

"d.a.m.n it! You forced me to do this.", the dragon flew up into the air, but Allen was still sending out (Dagger Flash)es, the beast might already be an undead and perhaps unkillable, however, it would be bad if he was shredded into pieces! Unkillable? If you're shredded into pieces, you can be considered as dead by then!

The flashes were piercing the wings and the body of the dragon, nevertheless, the beast was ignoring it. After which, the dragon suddenly took in a deep breath as light suddenly came out from the pathway to it's neck.

It was going to breathe out fire!

Allen knew what the dragon would do, and he immediately moved away from his original position.

In just an instant, the dragon released green fire towards Allen. The kid immediately executed (Shadow Steps). The movement technique might not get amplified by the (Erchian Dagger), but Allen was using the energy from the weapon to boost the said technique!


Allen's speed became faster than Drake and swiftly dodged the fire. The dragon's fire followed behind every movement of the kid, but the latter was a bit faster and sent out (Dagger Flash)es from time to time.

When the dragon stopped breathing out fire, it started coughing. Dragons had a limit to them when they breathe out fire, or else, if they didn't have one, they might have ruled all the lands in an era!

The location where Allen and the dragon were battling was scorched black. Luckily, both Drake and Kate were far away from their current position or else the kid would have to worry about them too.

The dragon let out an enraged roar and rushed down towards the ground, intending to glide itself towards Allen at a very fast speed.

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Allen, on the other hand, got out of the dragon's way, even though he was already battling with the (Erchian Dagger), if he was even touched once by the claws of the beast at that kind of speed, he would most likely get a severe injury or die instantly.

-bam- -rumble-

The ground rumbled as the dragon landed, disregarding it's own injuries, it kept pouncing on Allen, creating quakes.

As Allen was about to go to the dragon's side, the latter's tail shot out towards the former. The kid was caught of guard and was almost hit by the tail!

Now, even the dragon was using it's tail! If it wasn't trying to hide it's wings from Allen's (Dagger Flash), it would've used it to create strong winds to disrupt the kid's movements.

"Annoying lizard.", Allen commented and charged forward so the dragon can't use it's tail. However, the beast smiled malevolently as it though the kid was sending it self to his own demise.

"Die!!!", dozens of spears appeared beside the dragon and shot out at a very fast rate towards Allen.

'This dragon can use magic?', Allen started to back off and dodged the incoming spears while launching (Dagger Flash)es as a counterattack.

When the fire spears. .h.i.t the ground, the area around where it landed started to be engulfed in fire. Logically, this would be impossible, however, the fire spears were in fact a very powerful magic spell!

'The strength of this dragon's magic is probably half of a new wizard's.', Allen inwardly speculated. He only read on the books on how powerful mages, adepts, and wizards could be. However, he didn't experienced it beforehand so he could only make some estimates for now about it.

New fire spears were made after another one plunged down to the ground. This has been the cycle for five seconds.

The fire spear's range could only cover the place near the dragon and not so far away. Allen inwardly rejoiced as he was about to get out of the fire spears' range, however, he forgot about the tail of the dragon!

The tail of the dragon plunged itself into the ground near Allen, the beast the lifted it's tail up, along the ground where the kid was located and threw from far away!

Allen was also thrown away, in a few seconds, he and the land where he was standing crashed heavily to the ground.

The kid got severe injury and internal bleeding in an instant, and blood flowed from the scalp towards his face. Allen panted heavily, as he struggled to stand up.

"This power is not enough! Not enough! I need more... I need more... I need more...!", Allen crazily muttered, he didn't know that his eyes were slowly turning red. Suddenly, the kid felt more energy flowing through him from the (Erchian Dagger) and his injuries rapidly healed... but at what cost?

"More... more... more...!", Allen shouted repeatedly. He stood up and pointed the weapon towards the dragon, who was approaching.

The dragon heard Allen's shout and it commented, "Getting consumed by the power of your own weapon... your willpower is weak!"

"I'll show you who's weak! Hahahaha...", Allen maniacly laughed.

Meanwhile, in the kid's consciousness, the devil was also laughing in a similar tone, "Kill him, kill him!"

The dragon noticed the formidable aura coming from the weapon, it narrowed it's eyes and stopped approaching. Suddenly, it roared violently as it's body enlarged.

"Well then... I'm going to take it from you!", the dragon roared at a deeper voice. It's tail became longer and could even be mistaken to be made as a giant spear, two extra wings appeared on it's back, it's scales became much more s.h.i.+ny, indicating that they had become tougher, and even it's previous injuries were healed!

"Then come and get it, you big reptile! Hehehe...", Allen chucked.

The dragon's wings started to be engulfed in green fire, his claws suddenly glew green, making it look like much sharper than before! After which, it flew forward, creating gales on it's way.

"Come, come, come, come...!", Allen started to launch out a dozen of (Dagger Flash)es and executed (Shadow Steps).