Dagger - 24 The Mission

24 The Mission

He saw that he was inside of a room, where there were many plants, and liquids with different colors on top of a table. Allen also saw an old man on a chair beside the table, mixing another liquid.

The old man noticed Allen's gaze and he looked over the kid, "You're already awake."

"What happened?", Allen asked, suddenly he held his abdominal area and head in pain.

"I healed your injuries, they're just bruises, nothing serious. You should lay down and rest so you'll recover faster.", the old man said.

Allen did what the old man said, afterwards, he remembered everything why he got these injuries.

He s.h.i.+vered as he inwardly said, 'Lolitas are terrifying.'

The kid lied down on the bed for a long time and almost slept, until somebody knocked on the door.

"Hold on.", the old man stood up and opened the door, Allen sat up and saw that it was Kate and Drake.

"Have you finally recovered? If not, then I'm going to support you while you walk again?", Drake jokingly asked.

"It's just some bruises, I could probably walk again by tomorrow.", Allen answered.

"Hey... Allen, so... are you alright now?", Kate asked.

However, it was as if Allen didn't hear anything, he asked to Drake, "Where are we now?"

"Inside a village built by the remnants of barbarians, who didn't get to escape when the mountain was cursed.", Drake answered.

"Really? Is there something we can eat here? I'm getting hungry.", Allen asked. Continuing to ignore Kate.

"I think so, we'll just carry you some food here later.", Drake said.

"Oh... then... what kind of things did you see in this place?", Allen kept asking questions.

Suddenly, Kate pulled the pillow on the bed over; then forced Allen to lay down on the bed while covering his face with the pillow.

"You annoying bookworm, don't blame me for beating you up earlier, you were the one who made the girl cry, and if you dare ignore me any longer, I'm going to make you suffocate over and over again!", Kate angrily said as he pushed down the pillow on Allen's face with more force. If the latter wasn't injured, he still might probably have resisted the former's strength... only probably.

Meanwhile, Drake silently watched what was happening and didn't interfere, he inwardly said, 'Good thing she didn't beat me up like this when I did that 'thing' to her.'

On the other hand, the old man just sighed and thought, 'Kids.'


Few minutes later, Allen was lying down on the bed, unconscious again. Kate looked at him with a satisfied expression.

"We'll come back for him tomorrow. Thank you for healing him.", Kate said to the old man.

"Hey, aren't we going to give Allen some...", before Drake finished his sentence, Kate glared at him which stopped him from talking.

"Alright.", the old man escorted the two outside the house. After which, he continued mixing the liquids.


Next morning...

The light from the white stones on the ceiling of the chamber gave the area had a 24-hour day and night cycle.

Drake fetched Allen from the healer's house early in the morning and went to the house where they were staying.

On the way, the attracted some curious gazes of the children, but were immediately called back by their parents. These actions alone could already show that most people here in the village doesn't always see, or perhaps had never seen any outsiders for their whole lives.

When they finally reached the house, the both of them saw Kate outside the door, looking at them. Drake ignored the girl's gaze while Allen bowed his head down.

As soon as they entered the house, they closed the door, Allen then muttered, "I didn't even do anything wrong."

"The world's unjust, so expect this.", Drake consulted Allen, as if the former experienced these kind of things for a lot of times already.

Allen ate his breakfast in the small dining room while Drake was explaning what would happen later on.

"Me and Kate already visited the elders yesterday, but those old fogeys wanted the three of us to present ourselves.", Drake said.

After a pause, Drake added, "I feel like that those old fogeys want something to be done."

"Probably, probably not.", Allen said.

"But we came for the...", before Drake finished his sentence, Allen suddenly covered his mouth.

"Shh, there might be others listening.", Allen whispered.


"Don't worry, if those elders want us to do something for them, I'm sure it won't take that too long.", Allen said.

Drake just agreed and didn't anything else.


After Allen finished eating his breakfast, he was toured around the village by Drake. They visited the farmlands, which was full of growing wheat, making the former remember the Crescent City.

'Is William doing okay? Does father need more money?', Allen wondered. It's almost been a month and he's been worrying about his family back at the town.

"Hey Allen, let's check the apothecary's store next.", Drake broke Allen's line of thought.

"Alright.", Allen nodded in agreement.

They visited the apothecary's store and saw different varieties of herbs that could be picked up in the seperate chambers, there were even plants in the store that was on Lord Levine's list.

"Oh? You're the newcomers I heard?", an old woman looked over at Drake and Allen. "So do you want to buy something?"

"We're not buying anything, we're just checking the store.", Allen politely answered.

"Oh, well then, if you have any questions, you can ask them to me.", the old woman said.

"Then, can I ask what do you need to pay to buy herbs in here?", Allen asked. He's sure that coins and other kinds of currencies would be useless in this place.

"You can trade with food, or some herbs that I need.", the old woman answered.

"Thank you.", Allen said.

"You're welcome."


Time pa.s.sed...

The trio regrouped and traveled towards the place where all the elders were residing. It was a large traditional barbarian tent, different from the other buildings around it which were normal houses built from stone while roofs created from wood.

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If this tent was seen on the outside world, it would be tightly guarded by many barbarian guards, because this kind of tent would be where the family of a barbarian chieftain would live.

The said structure was originally colorful and came from the time of the war, however, due to the pa.s.sage of time, the colors slowly faded away.

When they entered the tent, they saw the eleven elders sitting in a row behind a long desk, making the aura of the interior of tent look like a scene from a verdict court. The old timers all had big yet healthy bodies, indicating that they were once fighters. An old man with long white beard in the middle of the elders was sitting on an elevated chair, who was obviously the leader.

"So, that's the other child that came with you?", the old man in the middle asked.

"Yes.", Kate casually answered.

"I'm going to be straight with you three. You said that you three want to leave this place right?", the old man asked.


"Mhm.", the old man nodded in satisfaction. "We just want you to deliver a letter to a tribe in the nomadic region. However, it is your choice if you want to send it or not, we won't force you, even if you refused, we will still show you the way out."

The trio was surprised by what the old man just said. As Kate was about to disagree on delivering the letter, Allen suddenly said, "Alright, we'll deliver the letter."

"Huh?", Kate was caught off guard and blurted out. "Wait! We have to discuss first."

"Take your time."

The trio huddled up, Kate angrily looked at Allen, "What are you doing? They already said that we don't even have to do it!"

"Well, it would be much better if we repay them for letting us stay here.", Allen said.

"Don't be so righteous, it's not helpful.", Kate said.

Allen just shrugged and asked to the elders, "Is there a time limit?"

"None, we've already lived for a long time, we can be patient.", the old man said.

Allen then looked back and said, "There's no time limit."

"When will you do the mission then? You said that you're working so that your family will get a better life, but then you'll send a letter in the nomadic region!", Kate retorted.

"I'll do it... when I grow up?", Allen answered.

Kate just sighed and looked over at Drake, however, the latter stayed out of the arguement.

"You can take it, but you're the only one who will take that letter to where it will be sent, alright?", Kate said.

"Okay.", after which, the trio looked over at the elders.

"We accept the mission.", Allen said.

"Good, there's a map that's sticked to this envelope that would lead you to the location of the tribe.", the old man handed over the envelope which Allen immediately took hold of.

After a pause, the old man added, "And please, don't spread to the outside world that we're inside the mountain."

"Mhm.", Allen nodded.