D.I.O - Chapter 216

Chapter 216

[Anyway, I don’t understand. How on earth can that guy be so strong?]

“I don’t know what to say… he developed his abilities…”

[Do you think that really makes sense?]

The man on the other side of the line, Park Hye-Myung, the current Director of the National Intelligence Service, spoke in a condescending tone of voice.

[Why the hell is everyone so stupid? Do you believe he’s powerful just because he was born with such great potential and abilities? Are you telling me that a high school graduate with no work experience is superior to famous scholars and athletes all around the world?]


[Heaven above the Heavens… that’s all nonsense. It’s impossible to be so powerful without having done something shady. Maybe he’s an undercover traitor who works for the alien’s side.]

The NIS Director continued harping his convoluted argument and stoked his own anger in the process. For some time now, he had been trying to subdue Yongno, but everything he tried had failed.

‘I don’t think it’s anything like that at all, sir, but…’

Seung-Cheol didn’t agree with the Director’s assessment, but he couldn’t refute it either. This was because the Heaven above the Heaven members...
