D.I.O - Chapter 206

Chapter 206

‘The problem is this guy is too strong. To be honest, I don’t even know the true extent of his power.’

The three peak users, often referred to as the Outer Gods or Heaven above the Heavens, were well-known for their strength and power, which was classes above everyone else. In particular, Arthur was seen as the strongest among the three, and he became recognizable worldwide after defeating Sungmuk, the Orc Hero who overpowered Starting by himself. In addition, archmage Merlin was so formidable that he made tens of thousands of users watch helplessly as he took thousands of gem fish with ease at the recent event. By publicly showcasing his magic ability, Merlin displayed a strength that seemed impossible to deal with, even if multiple people attacked him at once.

‘If Arthur or Merlin tried to kill the US President, how many Masters would it take to stop them?’

As she thought this, Ilyia realized the severity of the situation. She realized that if any of the Heaven above the Heavens sought to do something evil, an unspeakable crisis would unfold. Of course, manifestation had a time limit, possibly making them hesitate to take such an action. However, if an organization offered its support and protection, nothing could stop them during the hour they manifested.

“Can I ask you something?”

When she heard Eunhye’s unexpected voice, Sasha turned her head.


“Did you make this offer to Arthur and Cruze?”

Sasha groaned, but she...
