Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy - Volume Ii Part 28

Volume Ii Part 28

22. Give floor plan of an automatic office.



PAGES 271--320

1. What is a private-branch exchange?

2. What does "P. B. X." mean?

3. What is the function of the private-branch exchange operator?

4. Describe the key type of a small private-branch exchange switchboard.

5. Describe the different methods of supervision of private-branch connections.

6. Describe the automatic equipment of the common-battery type in private-branch exchanges.

7. How is secrecy of individual lines obtained in a private-exchange equipment?

8. What is an intercommunicating system?

9. Sketch a magneto intercommunicating system.

10. Sketch and describe a plug type common-battery intercommunicating system.

11. Sketch and describe the action of the push b.u.t.ton in the Monarch system and in the Western Electric system.

12. Sketch and describe the Monarch intercommunicating system.

13. What is the office of the junction box in this system?

14. What is a long-distance message?

15. What is the function of the repeating coil in the long-distance line?

16. Which is the simplest form of long-distance switch?

17. What is a phantom circuit?

18. Under what control is the ringing of the subscriber in long-distance calls?

19. What is meant by ticket pa.s.sing?

20. What particular advantage has a common-battery set on long-distance lines?

21. Give a typical load curve for telephone traffic.

22. Why is traffic a study of importance?

23. State the function of the intermediate distributing frame.

24. State the different methods of traffic study.

25. What is the trunking factor?

26. Define _trunking efficiency_.

27. Enumerate some of the elements upon which the quality of service in a manual system depends.

28. What is team work?

29. How does the cost of telephone service vary?

30. What two general methods of charging for telephone service are in use?

31. Describe a calculagraph and how is it used?

32. How are toll connections timed by the Monarch Telephone Company?

33. Sketch and describe the Western Electric Company line circuit and service meter.



PAGES 321--358

1. Describe a phantom circuit with diagram.

2. Explain how two phantoms may be joined by a physical circuit.

3. Which are the better, phantom or physical circuits, and why?

4. Explain how the simplex circuit differs from the phantom telephone circuit.

5. Why are not telegraph wires as serviceable for telephone work as telephone wires are for telegraph work?