Cyclopedia of Telephony and Telegraphy - Volume Ii Part 26

Volume Ii Part 26

27. What is the busy signal?

28. What determines the size of a multiple switchboard?

29. What is the use of the intermediate distributing frame?

30. Make diagram of the series magneto multiple switchboard and describe its operation.

31. What are the defects of this system?

32. Give a diagram of the branch terminal magneto multiple switchboard.

33. Give a diagram and a short description of the Monarch magneto multiple switchboard.



PAGES 69--134

1. Sketch and describe the line circuit of the common-battery multiple switchboard of the Bell companies.

2. Make a diagram of the cord circuit of the Western Electric standard multiple common-battery switchboard.

3. Describe the busy test in this system.

4. What is the function of the order-wire circuits?

5. What is jumper wire?

6. Give a short description of the relay mounting in the standard No. 1 relay board of the Western Electric Company.

7. What is the ultimate capacity of the No. 1 Western Electric switchboard?

8. What is the capacity of the No. 10 Western Electric switchboard?

9. How does this switchboard No. 10 differ from No. 1?

10. Give a diagram of the two-wire line circuit of the Kellogg Company.

11. What is the capacity of the condenser of the cord circuit in the foregoing system?

12. Give a complete diagram of the Kellogg two-wire board.

13. Describe the busy test in this system.

14. Give diagram of the Stromberg-Carlson multiple-board circuit.

15. What is the most important piece of apparatus in a multiple switchboard?

16. What is the s.p.a.cing of the multiple jacks in the No. 1 Western Electric switchboard?

17. How do the relays of the Western Electric Company differ from those of other companies?

18. Describe the relay construction of the Monarch Telephone Company.

19. What is meant by inter-office trunking?

20. What is the present practice in America as to the capacity of multiple h.o.a.rds?

21. What is the tendency in Europe regarding the capacity of multiple boards?

22. Discuss the preferences in American practice.

23. State the different methods of trunking between exchanges.

24. When are two-way trunks employed?

25. Make diagram of the Western Electric inter-office connection system.

26. Describe the standard four-party line trunk ringing key of the Western Electric Company.

27. Sketch and describe a keyless trunk.

28. Give diagram of the inter-office connection of the Kellogg system.

29. How does this system differ from the Western Electric in regard to the ringing?

30. Why are the A and B switchboards in large exchanges entirely separated?



PAGES 135--226

1. What is the general object of automatic telephone systems?

2. What are the common arguments against these systems and how are they met?