Cyber Ghosts - Chapter 126 Became Master Hongjun

Chapter 126 Became Master Hongjun

Although it was a drop of water, Hao Ning could breathe in the ball, and felt very comfortable, and fell asleep. Not long after, the ball burst like a bubble, and water splashed all over him. His face was wet and smelled something in the water. It carried a fragrance but smelt more like garlic.

He smelt again carefully. Not just garlic….but also saliva?

Hao Ning was murmuring silently and suddenly realized what happened. d.a.m.n, it was somebody's saliva after eating garlic! He opened his eyes, and saw Long Fei's face and huge eyes, not even a fist away from him. He had saliva on his lips. Hao Ning felt his face and it was wet. He was confused, and sat up dizzily.

Seeing him waking up, Long Fei looked at Liu Shuai proudly, “I was right. For a great dragon man like me, even my pee will turn gra.s.s into herbs, and my saliva with Ambergris will certainly be effective!”

“Go on, please.” Said Liu Shuai dismissively, and shoot his head, “I didn't see any herbs in our company's toilet. Are you a real dragon?”

“Of course I am!” said Long Fei, blus.h.i.+ng, “You can't find herbs there because it was flushed away, and not that effective…”

“Of course! Otherwise how disgusting will it be!” Liu Shuai was disgusted, and did not want to continue the topic.

“But my saliva did help Hao Ning wake up!” said Long Fei persistently.

“d.a.m.n you! Long Fei you're so disgusting! It's your SALIVA??” Hao Ning was half-awake and immediately stood up after the conversation. He wiped some liquid off his face and onto Long Fei's clothes. “Ah! There you go. You can have it all! All!”

“Don't, don't do that to me! It's too dirty!” Long Fei yelled while hiding away, “Don't rub it on my clothes!”

“It's your saliva. You shouldn't feel it dirty.” Hao Ning was angry, because Long Fei was so disgusting and got all the saliva onto him and complained about it. And he was still trying to wipe his hands on Long Fei. “Is it mine? It's yours! Look what you did to my face. You dragon know no hygiene. Open your mouth and swallow this!”

Long Fei was running in the living room while Hao Ning was chasing him and cursing. He suddenly stopped after a while. Is it his home? When did he come back?

“You guys, you can make love, but can't you be quieter? Keep it more to yourself?” The door of the bedroom opened, and Zhou Yuan opened the door. His face was red and he was half-awake. “Long Fei, since you've let it out on Hao Ning's face, can you keep it down?”

“What love? Zhou Yuan, what are you talking about?” Hao Ning heard this word from him for the first time and it was something he didn't think Zhou Yuan would say, and he was lost, “What are you talking about? Make love?”

“It's okay. I understand.” Zhou Yuan's face was still scarlet, but he tried to be calm, and held on to the door, “But you were doing it in front of Liu Shuai? With him watching?”

“What the h.e.l.l?” Liu Shuai was confused too, and didn't know what Zhou Yuan was talking about, “You're still asleep? What're you talking about?”

“What?” Zhou Yuan opened the door and went into the living room with his phone. He pointed at Hao Ning and Long Fei, shaking his head, and said, “You just said Long Fei's body fluid got onto Hao Ning's face, right? And Hao Ning wanted to wipe it onto Long Fei, and wanted him to swallow it, and Long Fei refused to say it was dirty…”

“What, what fluid? It's not body fluid.” Hao Ning knew it was a misunderstanding and thought the saliva they were talking about was body fluid. He said, “What are you saying? It's from his mouth.”

“You guys even used his month?” Zhou Yuan's expression changed and smiled strangely, “You did have fun. You guys always had good times together. How did Long Fei do? No wonder you were shouting 'I'll give it all to you, all to you'. You were indeed very excited. Look Long Fei still had some body fluid on his lips. But Hao Ning-” He took a closer look at Long Fei's lips, and covered his own eyes to show that he didn't want to see it, “You played too hard. Your stuff on his lips was transparent.”

It was a normal sentence, but in Zhou Yuan's description, it was indeed very s.e.xy and luring, and if Liu Shuai didn't see the scene, he would have become excited only listening to his description.

“d.a.m.n you…You want trouble, right?” Long Fei and Hao Ning looked at Zhou Yuan cunningly, looked at each other, and dashed to him together. One was wiping his hand on Zhou Yuan's face, the other was spitting on him. Meanwhile, they were cursing,” You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, thinking of dirty stuff every day. Your brain must be full of adult movies…”

“Not adult movies, but BL ones…” Zhou Yuan struggled while talking back. He was wiping off the “body fluid” rubbed onto his face, smelt it and said, “Wait, why does it smell like garlic? –Oh, it's saliva. It's so disgusting! Get away!”

“Silly you, of course, it is. How dare you talk such rubbish, Pewww-”Hao Ning and Long Fei hated it, and was spitting on him together.

“Let's call it a day.” Liu Shuai saw the drama, and he was not involved or dragged into it, so he was laughing and talking them off. “Anyway, Hao Ning is awake now and we can sleep. We need to work tomorrow.”

“What? What do you mean by I'm awake?” Hao Ning knew Zhou Yuan was joking, and he went on with it. Now he spared Zhou Yuan and was angry about the garlic salvia business. After kicking Long Fei, he washed his face and hands in the bathroom, and asked,” You guys thought I would not wake up again?”

“You didn't know?” Liu Shuai was about to answer, and Long Fei rubbed his b.u.t.t that was kicked, and said leaning on the door of the bathroom, “You did so well killing those guys off, and saved Nezha before you pa.s.sed out. We carried you back and you didn't wake up. Zhou Yuan was. .h.i.tting you on the chest, and the handsome one slapped you dozens of times across the face...And you still didn't…”

“Slapping? Hitting?” Hao Ning touched his face, and it hurt. He tried to rub his chest and it hurt so much that he nearly fell. He shouted angrily, “Zhou Yuan, Liu Shuai!”

“Long Fei, why do you tell him that!” Liu Shuai and Zhou Yuan covered his mouth, and tried to laugh it off, “We were trying to save you. Don't bet angry! Don't get mad! Long Fei, tell us the key point!”

“OK, OK.” Long Fei shrugged and continued, “After all the beating, Aw, Zhou Yuan, don't hit me! It hurts! I won't go on! Zhou Yan tried to wake you up and didn't succeed, so he went to bed. And the handsome guy slapped, err, tried to wake you too, but didn't succeed, so I thought my Ambergris will work, so I tried…”

“h.e.l.l!” Hao Ning was frustrated and washed his face again, and thought he wasn't luckily tonight. When he was unconscious, he was slapped and hit, and spat on. If he didn't know they were trying to wake him, he would think he brave enough to go to the White Mansion and the Dregs Cave to experience torturing techniques from the Republic of China.

“So you did spit on him? No wonder I smelt the garlic!” Zhou Yuan know knew what happened, “You ate all the garlic in the cuc.u.mber dish last night?”

“Why not?” Long Fei said as if he did nothing wrong, “It was such a waste, the garlic worth several cents. You don't know the garlic in your plate…” He was changing a line from a poem and was blowing air on Zhou Yuan.

“And you'll get more next year.” Zhou Yuan said as he smelt the garlic and backed off. Long Fei was not good at poetry, and did not remember the line that followed after hearing Zhou Yuan.

“…” Hao Ning washed several times and finally, he could not smell and anything, and left the bathroom after wiping his hands. Seeing his expression, the three kept a distance from him. Hao Ning looked at his watch, it was 4 a.m. He signed and thought that they must have given up sleep to save him, and forgave them for the beating. And he asked,” And we finally saved Nezha! What happened after that?”

“You don't know?” Long Fei's eyes widened and looked at Hao Ning.

“I…” Hao Ning hesitated. The dream was too wild. In pitch darkness, he was listening to Yan talking to a person, but he was ignored. Now he recalled the dream and realized Yan couldn't hear him and the other person couldn't either. He did not know the situation, and said, “I don't know.”

“Master Hao Ning! You're great!” Long Fei bowed, and said,” You killed five people with one blow and only these left!”

And he pointed at the table in the living room and Hao Ning found something there. A pair of gloves, a small yellow umbrella, the Hunyuan Vat, a small bottle but without the spirit inside, a ring and a small package. And he remembered they belonged to those men in dark and Dao and Kong.

“Why do we have these things?” Hao Ning asked, and he didn't remember what happened.

“These are harvest from your monster killing!” Long Fei laughed.

“d.a.m.n, don't say such things.” Liu Shuai felt strange about the description, “What monster killing, what monster?”

“What? It's not?” Long Fei wondered, “I watched you play games, and you had this stuff when you killed a monster. Isn't it just like that?”

“That's gaming. It's not possible in real life.” Liu Shuai scratched his head and thought that was not right either. Hao Ning pointed at those people and they immediately died, and they took the stuff. Then he said, “That's possible too, but it's not monster killing…”

“Then what is it?” Long Fei asked. Yu Fei was always studying when he was young and never played games, so Long Fei was poor and would not buy gaming devices. He always watched other people, and didn't know the difference between reality and gaming. “Today, rewards fell from these people too, didn't they?”

“It's a reward from battles.” Liu Shuai stroke his head, and thought of a song and sang, “No food, no clothing, but enemies will give us. No guns, no cannons, but we take from our enemies.”

“Handsome one you do know a lot about battles!” Long Fei heard the song and did not know it was from decades ago. “You got it right. We didn't have these magic weapons until Hao Ning pointed out his finger and we received them from enemies.”

Although it was not the case, Liu Shuai took his compliment.

Listening to the two, Hao Ning understood, and asked in a quivering voice, “You mean, I killed those people?”

“Well, yes.” Liu Shuai thought it should be and said, “Their bodies and spirits disappeared. That's what Nezha said.”

“Nezha? He was saved? Oh yes.” Hao Ning thought, “But if they died, Nezha should be free, but why did he talk to you? Shouldn't he run away? What did he say? Wait, they died? So…I killed them? What do I do? Will the police come to me? Should I run away?” Hao Ning said and stood up, and hurriedly searched for something, “My, where is it?”

“Err, Hao Ning you're so…When you killed Lanruo in the Dragon Palace you were like this...” The three looked at each other and held Hao Ning's hand, and said with a weird expression, “There's a piece of good news, and a piece of super good news, which one do you want to listen first?”

“The bad…huh? You didn't play by the game.” Hao Ning said after his hand being held by them, “It's not a good one and a bad one? Then I'll listen to the good one first and the super good one later.”

“Good news is those people didn't have IDs at all, and they became ashes on spot. n.o.body would come. We confirmed with Nezha several times.” Long Fei said before Liu Shuai.

Seeing Liu Shuai nodding, Long Fei pointed at the small package and said, “Hao Ning, look. Here're the ashes they turned into after they were killed. Wanna take a look?”

“What the h.e.l.l!” Hearing Long Fei, all the three other people yelled and hid away from the table. Liu Shuai looked shocked, “Long Fei! What's wrong with you? Why would you carry something like that? I was thinking that I haven't seen it before. It was that! Throw it away now!”

“Okay.” Long Fei unwillingly pointed at it and it disappeared.

“I don't want to eat at this table from now on. I have trauma.” Hao Ning wiped his sweat away, and asked, “What about the extremely good news?”

“Well…” Liu Shuai laughed and looked at Zhou Yuan, and he laughed too, and looked at Long Fei, and Long Fei stepped forward to shake Hao Ning's hand with a smile when Hao Ning said, “Freeze! Say it right there.”

“Okay.” Long Fei froze, and said with a smile, “The extremely good news is, you're Master Hongjun.”

“What? I'm whom?” Hao Ning couldn't believe his ears and asked again.

“Master Hongjun!” Long Fei finally burst out laughing.

“You're crazy—HAHAHAHAHA…” It was 5 am, and from an apartment in a neighborhood, several men were laughing weirdly, and it lasted for at least five minutes. Quite a few babies were woken up by the laughter and peed in bed. It nearly became a childhood trauma for them.