Cultivation Chat Group - Chapter 2869: When I Return, I'll Give Senior Copper Trigram a Beating!

Chapter 2869: When I Return, I'll Give Senior Copper Trigram a Beating!

Chapter 2869: When I Return, Ill Give Senior Copper Trigram a Beating!

Translator:EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor:EndlessFantasy Translation

Song Shuhang felt something was definitely off with his thought process.

After an immortal fairy appeared in his hearts aperture, his first reaction was to think that he was about to have twins. This reaction was utterly bizarre.

However, there was a reason for his mind to suddenly jump to the idea of having twinsit was because this fairy and Song Shuhang shared a bloodline connection.

This sensation was strikingly similar to the connection Song Shuhang had with his current daughter.

So, when his brain received this bloodline connection information, it immediately inferred the possibility of twins. The celestial-level brains every step of reasoning had a basis; it didnt conjure answers out of thin air.

Hi Song Shuhang tried to greet the little fairy in his hearts aperture.

Dont ask. If you ask, Im getting myself a sister, the braided literary girl retorted.

Song Shuhang was confused.

The fairys response also turned into a clue that his brain received, forming data for reasoning.

Judging by the braided literary girls response Could she also be my daughter? And born a long time ago?

No, thats impossible. Im only turning nineteen after the New Year. How could I have a daughter from a long time ago?

But the literary girl fairy in his hearts aperture looked very annoyed, very angry.

Song Shuhang suppressed his doubts and watched her actions silently.

The literary girl fairy took a deep breath, trying to calm her extremely bad mood.

After adjusting her mindset, the literary girl fairy formed a lotus flower seal with her hands, activating the attached secret technique.

A lotus flower phantom bloomed around the fairy. She stood on the lotus platform as if she were born from the lotus. The special effect was at least worth a hundred million yuan.

Eh? Is this Cheng Goudans path of longevity? Song Shuhang asked.

After all, he was very familiar with Fairy Cheng Goudan now. It wasnt the first time he saw her path of longevity. So when he saw the literary girl fairy use this Cheng Lin-style hundred-million-yuan special effect scene. He immediately recognized it.

Thinking about Cheng Lins path of longevity made Song Shuhang frown.

He vaguely recalled something, but it seemed to be blocked.

Heavenly Black Room effect? Secret technique of Fish Gill Layman? Or something else? Song Shuhang thought while directly private-messaging Fairy Cheng Goudan.

Fairy Cheng Lin, are you there? Song Shuhang asked.

Dont ask if Im here. I dont know how to answer you. What if youre here to borrow money? Youre so poor you cant even squeeze out a spirit stone, Fairy Cheng Goudan replied.

You dont have to worry about that. I only borrow money from Senior White. Since I already owe him a lot, I dont know when Ill pay it all back. Owing two isnt as bad as owing one, Song Shuhang replied.

Fairy Cheng Goudan was speechless.

I was just replying casually. Why are you so proud?

Fairy Cheng Lin, besides you, who else can use your path of longevity? Song Shuhang asked.

Gou Dans father? Although Ive never seen him use it, I feel he probably can. After all, he knows a lot of things, Fairy Cheng Lin replied.

Then is Father Goudan a fairy? Song Shuhang probed.

Im sending this message, word for word, to Father Goudan. Prepare to die, Song Goudan, Fairy Cheng Lin said.

Song Shuhang was confused.

His intuition told him that Cheng Goudan was deliberately hiding something. She was trying to divert the topic on purpose!

There must be something fishy here!

Oh, hes mad now. Song Goudan, when you come out of the Nine-grade Heavenly Tribulation, be prepared to face Goudans fathers dragon fist attack, Fairy Cheng Lin added.

Song Shuhang was speechless.

By the way, besides Father Goudan, you might also be able to use my path of longevity, Fairy Cheng Lin suddenly added.

Me? Song Shuhang asked.

Yes, after all, you are Song Gou Dan, Fairy Cheng Lin said, but her tone was very strange, clearly implying something.

Song Shuhang was deep in thought.

Then, he looked at the literary girl fairy in his hearts aperture again.

First, using the process of elimination She definitely wasnt Goudans father!

Nor was she Fairy Cheng Lin!

So, she was most likely me!

Heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang, and humans are divided into male and female.

When this idea popped into Song Shuhangs mind, he suddenly felt the bloodline connection with the literary girl fairy deepen to an inseparable level.

It was a relations.h.i.+p evolution.

Eh? The literary girl fairy, who was casting a spell, looked up at Song Shuhang in confusion.

She could feel Song Shuhang forcibly breaking through the cut-off root Heavenly Black Room effect, deepening their connection.

If one day, Song Shuhang completely broke the cut-off root effect, there would be no separation between them.

Did you remember something? The literary girl fairy probed.

Yes, I remembered something. There is no separation between you and me, Song Shuhang replied enigmatically.

The literary girl fairy was speechless.

When I get back, Im dragging Senior Copper Trigram out to give him a beatingthis kind of profound and mysterious way of speaking is definitely influenced by fortune-tellers. Its a common problem among them.

Fairy, are you trying to use Cheng Lins path of rebirth to help me reincarnate my daughter? Song Shuhang asked.

This time, the literary girl fairy didnt reply. She just opened the lotus flower seal in her hands and said, Bind!

With a soft shout, another lotus flower bloomed in Song Shuhangs life-dantian.

The lotus leaves closed, enveloping Song Shuhang, the literary girl fairy, and the mechanical core reactor.

It was indeed Cheng Lins path of longevity, nurturing new life.

The immense vitality enveloped Song Shuhang, with a strong life-extending effect. The three years of life span he lost from the Temporal Heavenly Tribulation Weapon were replenished, and he even gained extra.

Inside the lotus.

Cheng Lins path of longevity focused on the mechanical core reactor.

Song Shuhang and the literary girl fairys souls emerged. They pressed their palms together in a transmission posture, forming a platform to support the mechanical core reactor.

Cheng Lins path of longevitys vitality continuously infused the body of the daughter in the mechanical core reactor, reconstructing her body.

During this process, residual power from the Fat Balls final moves was drawn out, merging into the immortal light group imprinted by the Dragon Talisman Rebirth.

If the residual power of the Fat Balls final moves wasnt dealt with, letting Song Shuhang directly deliver the blonde girl through a cesarean section would expose her to the world, risking her dispersal again and even potential heavenly punishment in extreme cases.

The duration of Cheng Lins path of longevity wasnt long.

After a dozen breaths, the billion-yuan special effect lotus opened again.

Song Shuhang stood on the lotus platform with his hands behind his back.

In his hearts aperture, a window of the mind openeda literal mental window, with the gla.s.s heart opened.

Then, a pair of slender hands stretched out from the window of the mind.

The hands held a mechanical ball, with strong life force swirling inside.

This mechanical ball was the reincarnated form of the blonde mechanical girl.

Song Shuhang took the mechanical ball and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, I dont have to deliver a child like humans do, either naturally or through a C-section. Otherwise, as a man, I couldnt accept it.

The entire process was like him using the spiritual lake to nurture a magic weapon, then taking it out when it was ready.

In this way, he could accept it psychologically.

Bye bye The literary girl fairy in his hearts aperture closed the window of the mind, locking it from the inside.

This showed she had a very strong territorial awareness.

Wait, fairy, tell me how to open this ball. I cant just use a sword to cut it open, right? Song Shuhang called out.

But the fairy in his hearts aperture was already gone.

Song Shuhang was speechless.

He looked down at the metal ball in his hand.

Although the process was b.u.mpy, from a certain perspective, youre still my daughter, Song Shuhang said. How are you going to come out?

As soon as Song Shuhang finished speaking, the mechanical ball in his hand received the command and began transforming coollylike a Transformer, continuously a.s.sembling and switching.

My daughter is a Transformer!

At the same time.

As the mechanical ball transformed, the Dragon Talisman Rebirth rune in Song Shuhangs body seemed to resonate with it and also began changing!

The power of the immortal bone and the immortal information material highly compressed, turning into a small bone shaped object.

Was it about to condense an immortal bone?

Could I have an immortal bone like Fairy Cloud Sparrow?

Calm down, dont get too excited Condensing an immortal bone isnt that easy! Song Shuhang kept his expectations in check. The Fat Ball overlord went to great lengths to create a pseudo-immortal bone. What Im about to condense mightnot be the same.

But even so, Song Shuhang was still excited.

At the very least, he was about to have his first immortal bone after becoming a Profound Sage.

Finally, after a long transformation, the mechanical ball in Song Shuhangs hand turned into a cat-shaped mechanical life form with its own unique characteristics.

It wasnt as cute as a Transformer.

The cat-shaped mechanical life form looked up at Song Shuhang and softly cried, Meow~.

Song Shuhang was at a loss.

So, was this a Cat Transformer?