Cultivation Chat Group - Chapter 2833 Body Memory Learning Method

Chapter 2833 Body Memory Learning Method

Chapter 2833 Body Memory Learning Method

Translator:EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor:EndlessFantasy Translation

The three Sovereigns of the Nine wandered through the s.p.a.ce of the Heavenly Prison, studying the structure of the Heavenly Small Black Room.

I may have a slight clue, Father Goudan spoke up.

With a gentle stroke of his dragon beard, a complete ma.n.u.script t.i.tled Forgotten Divine Art appeared, filling in the missing information from Song Shuhangs Opening of the Divine Art projection. However, Father Goudans completed Forgotten Divine Art was written in ancient languagethe original text he obtained.

The Sovereigns of the Nine and the Heavenly Path originate from the same source. In some aspects of thinking, their differences wont be too great. Especially in the way of deducing techniques, there are always clues to be found.

When Father Goudan created the Heavenly Small Black Room, he referred to the Divine Art series of Fish Neck Scholar. Therefore, under the circ.u.mstances where Sovereign of the Nine Father Goudan had techniques, and the Small Black Room template were available, he could deduce things in his own way Soon he found some clues.

Father Goudan glanced triumphantly at the three Sovereignsthe game was his again! He found the information data between the Heavenly Prison World and Divine Art even faster than the three-eyegold Sovereign.

The three-eyed youth looked at Father Goudan, who suddenly had a smug expression and was puzzledwhy did this guy suddenly have a I won expression? As if he had successfully rubbed it against the ground?

Could this guy be planning to use the Heavenly Prison s.p.a.ce to plot against me?

The senior three-eyed youth couldnt help but secretly vigilant.

I have to admit, Father Goudan, you found the information so quickly. Song Shuhang said without changing his color, sending a wave of blow-up.

After blowing, he asked Father Goudan for advice, So what is the connection between this Heavenly Small Black Room world and the Fish Neck Scholars series of techniques?

Haha, let me calculate for you, watch it! Father Goudan said.

In the next moment, he used his dragon beard as a pen and spiritual force as ink to continuously write in the void.

Father Goudan wrote in ancient language that Song Shuhang could not understand at allafter all, the original text of Forgotten Divine Art was written in ancient language.

Song Shuhang felt confused.

But this is just the beginning!

Father Goudans dragon beard was flying like a pen. In addition to ancient language characters, there were also strings of formulas similar to runes, which he wrote and engraved in the void.

Among these formulas, each one contained the principles of Dao. If the cultivators strength was insufficient, just seeing these formulas would cause mental shock, coma, and vomiting.

Song Shuhang felt dazzled, not because of insufficient realmalthough he was currently at the eighth rank, in fact, his 15 + 1 share of the original G.o.ds was far superior to ordinary ninth-ranked fairy. The rune characters and symbols contained in these formulas made him feel dazzling.

Although he couldnt understand it, he still felt very powerful.

[Even if I can understand ancient languages, I may not be able to understand these ormulas? Song Shuhang was self-aware.

Unless he went to the Nine world and, under the blessing of the Nine Sovereign, he might understand one or two.

Father Goudan continued to write.

Soon, the void in front of Song Shuhang and the senior three-eyed boy was filled with runes and formulas written by Father Goudan.

It was a full screen of complex formulas and deductions.

This move, even if released, could be turned into a spiritual attack spell, its namedesperation of the poor students!

In contrast to Song Shuhangs confusion, the three-eyed young senior beside him.

At this point, the three-eyed young seniors three eyes widened, quickly scanning Father Goudans written formulas and deduction processes.

Even Song Shuhang noticed that the three-eyed seniors three eyes could simultaneously view three different perspectives, and a.n.a.lyze Father Goudans deduction process with one mind.

Song Shuhang, who also had three eyes, couldnt do this. He could gather his eyes into a chicken fight, but he couldnt distribute his eyeb.a.l.l.s like left, right, and top.

This skill is really enviable.

Of course, what he envied more was the ability of the three-eyed young senior to easily understand Father Goudans formula deduction.

This ability cannot be learned in a short time.

This is a communication between top students, and people who are not strong enough have no qualifications to partic.i.p.ate in this knowledge battle.

Song Shuhang secretly used the original text, language rules in his body, and then vaguely understood the meaning of ancient charactersbut he still couldnt understand what the characters were supposed to express.

I think I need thousands of years to partic.i.p.ate in this battle of top students, Song Shuhang calmly said.

His mentality is very calm, after all youth is capital.

He still has plenty of time to learn.

When he proves eternal life in the future, he will have countless time to swim in the endless ocean of knowledge. He can even swim in various postures, b.r.e.a.s.t.stroke, b.u.t.terfly, backstroke, freestyle, and dog-paddling, whatever he wants!


Father Goudan finally stopped writing deductions after covering an area the size of a runway playground.

How about it, do you surrender? Father Goudan turned around and looked at the three-eyed Sovereign.

Very good. The three-eyed young senior gave Father Goudan a thumbs-up. After I figure out the principles

After figuring out the principles, you cant create the Heavenly Prison s.p.a.ce like I can. There are the permissions of Heavenly Path and Daoist instruments involved You cant gain the freedom to enter and exit the Heavenly Prison s.p.a.ce because you are a Heavenly Prison s.p.a.ce black household. At most, you can study the skills to erase your own existence imprint. Father Goudan laughed.

Do you have to be so childish? The three-eyed young senior said with a headache. There is a head to be wronged and a master to be owed. You want to fight the Heavenly Path, and what does it have to do with our Nine Three Eyes? Why do you always fight me?

Upon hearing this, Father Goudan fell into thought and nodded in agreement after a moment: You say that, there is some truth.

The two Sovereigns of the Nine looked at each other, seemingly about to shake hands and make peace.

But if I encounter bad luck, would you be happy? Father Goudan suddenly asked.

How could it be? I am not that kind of person who takes pleasure in other peoples misfortunes! The three-eyed young senior saidbut behind him, an illusionary meteorological map appeared at some point.

The weather in the image was as sunny and beautiful as the mood of the three-eyed young senior.

Father Goudan chuckled, So am I.

You see, when I encounter bad luck, you will be happy so will I.

Although Im going to fight the Heavenly Path, but when I see Nine Three Eyes unlucky, I will be very happy.

The reason is so simple and pure.

Father Goudan, if I master the deduction formulas you wrote + the core world in my hands, can I evolve the core world to create the effect of Heavenly Prison? Song Shuhang suddenly had a bright idea and asked.

Can! Father Goudan affirmed.

Can I still learn now? If so, it would be better to help me simplify these theories. Song Shuhang said, remembering Senior Bais Bais Simplified Learning Method for Rune.

No need to simplify, I have a better learning plan. Father Goudan said, showing a kind smile.

A dragons face showed a kind fathers smile, which was very difficult and required cooperation from the love that surged from within.

Song Shuhang was confused.

We can use the body learning method use the body to remember these contents. Father Goudan said, Now, your true body should be practicing that Divine Art. We will try to make your true body cultivate that technique to the eighth or ninth grade! Let the Heavenly Tribulation ignore your insignificance.