Cultivation Chat Group - Chapter 2786: Officially Recognized Legitimate Authority

Chapter 2786: Officially Recognized Legitimate Authority

Chapter 2786: Officially Recognized Legitimate Authority

Translator:EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor:EndlessFantasy Translation

To be honest, before this Seal of the Sector Lord dropped, Song Shuhang never imagined that the Artificial Giant Small World was actually a legitimately recognized multiverse by the real world!

Legitimacy is proof of ident.i.ty!

When Song Shuhang first took over the Giant Small World, it was reduced to a pitiful single planet. Its original plane no longer existed.

What a pity, Song Shuhang said as he gently stroked the Seal of the Overlord World.

Without its own plane, it was merely a world without a Sector Lord, which was incomplete. Given time, it might lose its legitimate plane status in the multiverse.

Losing legitimacy would be a shameeven if it was the ruler of a deserted island, at least it was officially recognized.

What are you lamenting? Zither Master Fengyis claws asked in confusion.

In a process of slaying monsters and collecting treasures, gaining a seal of a planes Sector Lord was a dual joy. Why did the masked Daoist seem regretful?

Additionally, the t.i.tle of Sector Lord of the Overlord World strangely tugged at her heart, as if a long needle was p.r.i.c.king her internally.

This world is incomplete, Song Shuhang said slowly.

Even if the Giant World merged with his Core Small World, it wouldnt complete the plane.

So, to maintain the official legitimate status in the multiverse, the Giant Worlds plane had to be completed.


At this thought, Song Shuhangs eyes lit up.

Completing it

Song Shuhang stretched out his hands, looking at his left hand, then his right hand, and then brought his hands together, smiling. Wonderful!

Zither Master Fengyis claws were confused.

Having two masks, making it impossible to read his face, made communication with Song Shuhang challenging for others.

Song Shuhangs lips curled into a handsome smilehis current face was a blend of several das.h.i.+ng seniors. Simply looking at his jawline, he was very attractive.

Ive thought of a good idea, Song Shuhang replied with a smile.

He had a Giant World that lost its plane and was just a planet and an Emperor World that lost its planet and was just an empty sh.e.l.l of a plane.

Hmm~ Giant Emperor World!

Perhaps he could try combining the Giant World with the collapsed Emperor World Of course, he would first purify the Emperor World.

That wasnt an issue; he now wielded the strongest Domination G.o.d PillarEmperor Extermination Pillar. The Emperor Extermination Pillar could gather all the stellar viruses in the Emperor World and then store or seal them.

Although I dont know what you have thought of, congratulations on becoming a Sector Lord, Zither Master Fengyis claws said.

Thank you, Song Shuhang smiled.

He reached out and absorbed the Seal of the Overlord World into his body.

Compared to winning a game against Senior Three-Eyed, the Sector Lords seal is my biggest gain this time.

Being a Sector Lord, especially an officially recognized Sector Lord in the multiverse, comes with privileges!

These privileges arent limited to the realm ruled by the Sector Lord. They also include other aspects, such as transcending tribulations!

This privilege is officially recognized, even though Sector Lords might never use it.

There are generally two types of Sector Lords.

One type is like the Dream Realm Rule Collective, a simple manifestation of rules without the concept of tribulation transcendence.

The other type is like the Shadow Overlord, a powerful eternal being using divine methods to merge with a realm, becoming a Sector Lord.

Eternal beings have already transcended all tribulations They dont need this privilege.

However, Song Shuhang and Senior White could use this privilege!

This Sector Lord authority was likely the means mentioned by the unknown White 1-33 to influence the Ninth Stage Heavenly Tribulation!

Originally, the thousand-day tribulation of the Tribulation Transcender, with the Heavenly Thunder Graduation Certificate + the research of Fat Ball Senior + the days my clone has already transcended, could be compressed into a one year and two months tribulation. Now, with the addition of the Sector Lord authority, the time is estimated to be halved again, making the remaining tribulation into a six-month tribulation! Song Shuhang calculated in his mind.

A six-month tribulation wasnt too long.

Moreover, Senior White had completed the G.o.d Creation Plan, and it was likely he could also invoke the Dream Realm World Trees Sector Lord authority.

Song Shuhang could share Fat Ball Seniors research with Senior White.

At that time, Senior White and he could simultaneously complete the Ninth Stage Heavenly Tribulation, proving their tribulation transcenders.

This means that within six months at most, I can bet the last game against Senior Three-Eyed again. How delightful. Song Shuhang thought to himself.

It would be best if he and Senior White could finish the Ninth Stage Heavenly Tribulation with a slight time gap.

This way, once he ascended as a Tribulation Transcender, he could immediately seek out Senior Three-Eyed to complete the final bet. Once the bet was done, he could transfer the qualification for the Scatter Wealth Throne to Senior White.

After Senior White ascended as a Tribulation Transcender, he could complete the final bet with Senior Three-Eyed.

With Senior Whites unbeatable luck, draining Senior Three-Eyeds private savings wouldnt be a dream.


Really nice. Song Shuhangs smile widened.

Now, within his body, seven Saint Seals were scattered, each suppressing a small dantian.

Ba Song, Ba Confucian, Ba Demon, Ba Dragon, Ba Exterminate, Ba Shadow, Ba Bladeeach small dantian had a seal.

The Seal of the Overlord World was placed in the life dantian, floating beside the primordial infant riding the life whale pill.

Seven seals + one in perfect order.

The eight seals resonated slightly, and with the feedback from the Sector Lords seal, Song Shuhangs primordial spirit strength significantly increasedonce back in the real world, the eight seals entering the body would further enhance the bodys strength, pus.h.i.+ng Song Shuhangs cultivation to a new level!

Moreover, the Seal of the Sector Lord was still in the incomplete mode corresponding to the Giant World. Once Song Shuhang successfully combined it with the Emperor World the feedback would be even greater.

Even eternal beings cultivation and battle strength could improve after becoming Sector Lords, so Song Shuhangs enhancement as an Eighth Stage Profound Sage would be even stronger.

Lastly, before leaving Song Shuhang reached out and detached Senior Whites arm.

Zither Master Fengyi was confused.

I entered Heavens Will Prison this time to find something as part of a bet with a senior. Song Shuhang smiled, tossing up Senior Whites armit was this arm that led him into the Heavens Will small black room. Besides the ancient G.o.d, the treasure Senior Three-Eyed sought was likely in this s.p.a.ce.

Spin, white arm pointer!

Bring me luck