Cultivation Chat Group - Chapter 2784: Once Again, Please Hurt Me Again!

Chapter 2784: Once Again, Please Hurt Me Again!

Chapter 2784: Once Again, Please Hurt Me Again!

Translator:EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor:EndlessFantasy Translation

What the h.e.l.l?

The ancient G.o.d stared blankly at the interface in front of him. Could there really be something related to immortality in this?

He was already in a berserk, delirious state, with his brain feeling like it was infected by a virus, frequently freezing. Now, encountering such a strange situation, his mind couldnt function smoothly for a moment.

As the ancient G.o.d was in a daze, the simple scene before him began to move again.

It was as if someone were controlling it, and the D drive automatically opened.

The ancient G.o.d was speechless.

He had a feeling that whatever was inside this thing labeled D drive wasnt good.

The ancient G.o.d instinctively wanted to look awayhis intuition told him that opening the D drive might be detrimental to him.


He couldnt move his eyes away!

It wasnt that he couldnt close his eyes in this state of consciousness. As long as he wanted to, with a single thought, he could exit this state and divert his gaze.

But he refused to divert his attention at this moment!

Because he smelled the scent of immortality from this thing labeled D drive.

It wasnt just a wisp of undying energy but actual information about immortality!

His instincts were warning him, sending dangerous signals.

But deep down, he knew he couldnt escape.

Danger was everywhere. However, no matter how dangerous it was, he could not abandon the information on immortality.

To him, the information about immortality was too important It was crucial for his next transformation.

If immortality had a fatal attraction for ordinary cultivators, then for the ancient G.o.d, information on immortality was his life.

This was an overt scheme that he couldnt avoid.

The ancient G.o.ds berserk mind began to calm. He concentrated all his current abilitiesspiritual power, willpower, physical strengthfocusing entirely on receiving the information on immortality.

Then a recent piece of memory information was opened.

It was a scene of the universe collapsing, and in the midst of this collapsing universe, there was a figure of a Daoist enveloped in the power of virtue.

Even just viewing this figure stored in the memory information, the ancient G.o.d felt his spirit being attacked. The undying information was like huge waves continuously cras.h.i.+ng into him.

Immortal, this is true immortality. The ancient G.o.ds will endured the ma.s.sive waves of impact but persisted. He focused intently on the Immortal Daoist, trying to read the information about immortality from him.

However, the images in his memory flashed too quickly, like they were in fast forward, disappearing in an instant.

No, not so fast! Stop, let me look a little longer! The ancient G.o.d was anxious.

He could clearly sense the undying information appearing beside the Immortal Daoist, but he couldnt read or understand it.

The memory of the Immortal Daoist only flashed through his mind.

It had just begun, but it had already ended.

Do it again. Let me see it again. The ancient G.o.d felt he could barely suppress his inner agitation. He kept trying to reactivate the interface marked with the symbol of the D drive.

Just as his agitation was reaching its peak the scene changed again.

This time, he realized he had suddenly entered a certain memory.

He seemed to have become an experimental subject, placed in various instruments, cut, dissected, and subjected to all kinds of cruel experiments.

And the one conducting these cruel experiments on him was a liquid metal sphere On its body, there was also undying information.

Another undying?

While he was thinking, the blade of the experiment mercilessly fell on him, cutting him into small pieces. An indescribable pain penetrated his soul.

The ancient G.o.d was in extreme pain but couldnt bear to give up. He greedily fixed his gaze on the liquid metal sphere, as if looking at someone he loved deeply.

No matter how the liquid metal sphere hurt him, he didnt care. He only wanted to look at it a little longer just a little longer.

To be able to look longer, he could endure all kinds of pain. Even if it was the cruelest pain in the world, he was willing to bear it.

It didnt matter if he was cut into pieces or faced a mountain of blades or a sea of flames; as long as he could see the liquid metal sphere a little longer, he would have no regrets!

However, even with such a humble wish, the cruel world was unwilling to satisfy him.

The experiment ended quickly, and the round figure of the liquid metal sphere left the laboratory mercilessly. The ancient G.o.d was left alone in the experiment chamber.

Once again, hurt me again! The ancient G.o.d pleaded in his heart.

Through the undying information on the liquid metal sphere, he vaguely felt he had comprehended something, but it wasnt clear enough.

Just once more, as long as it hurt him once more, cut him once more, he might be able to understand this point!

His understanding of the pseudo-undying information contained in the smoke demons body was at a critical point. If he was given another chance, he could fully grasp the pseudo-undying and use it as a stepping stone to enter the realm of undying information!

Once more, hurt me again, just once! The ancient G.o.d frantically used various methods to stimulate the interface of the D drive, constantly fiddling with it.

As the ancient G.o.d continued to fiddle with it, another memory finally opened.

This time, he seemed to have entered another vision.

In front of him, there was a white-robed figure with his back to him, standing on one foot and hopping around handsomely.

Yes handsomely hopping on one foot.

Even though it was just a back view, missing a leg, and just an ordinary hop, when these three factors combined, they actually gave an indescribable sense of handsomeness.

So handsome. His heart was moved. This feeling it was like love at first sight.

But this wasnt the main point!

The main point was, this white figure was also enveloped in undying information.

This was the third undying.

What exactly was this D drive, and why did it contain information on three undying beings?

Although he was puzzled, the ancient G.o.d didnt have time to think about it.

He had no time to waste!

The previous two memories had shown him that these memories would flash by in an instant. He had to seize every moment.

The ancient G.o.ds spiritual power, willpower, all his strength, condensed into a single point, locking onto the white-robed figure. He had to engrave the other person into his mind and comprehend the undying information from him.

Just as the ancient G.o.ds attention was focused to the extreme

The one-legged white-robed figure suddenly turned around.

His face was covered in holy light, making it impossible to see his features, but this didnt affect his charm.

The white-robed figure suddenly spoke.

He said a very long sentence, but the first part seemed to be silenced.

Only the last sentence exploded in the ancient G.o.ds mind like thunder.

G.o.ds eyes are looking into the future!


The next moment, the ancient G.o.ds spiritual world exploded.

His concentrated spiritual power, willpower, everything, was like explosives, completely detonated by this figures words.

The pseudo-undying and true undying information entangled together, becoming a weight the ancient G.o.d couldnt bear.

Like the Immortal Lord, the ancient G.o.d stopped thinking!